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Everything posted by L.S.D

  1. Yakuza 3. Finally, the wait is over, the cure for Shenmue 3 is here.
  2. This guy is going to be my new main http://www.eventhubs.com/news/2010/mar/09/...meplay-footage/
  3. I don't think trophies will be affected if your HDD crashed. but those extra features, yeah, that would be a tough one.
  4. now i understand after the clear explanation I am slow nowadays.....
  5. So, you like linear dungeons, never ending battles after battles then cutscenes then battles some more, irritating characters and limitation of controls over your party during battles??
  6. yeh, i recognised most of it. But still don't understand what Will means here :/
  7. I don't understand this thread.
  8. My man cave is my living room (well, the part with my LCD TV and PS3 anyway ) . Problems with my vacation time is my wife will take the same vacation time as mine too. SO normally, we will take the customary trip to visit in-laws, or just go relaxing somewhere. now I dont mind doing all these. i just wish i have more time to clear all the games backlog that i have I am still pending ACII's 2nd run to get all trophies, Fallout 3 still stuck at Operation Achorage, Far Cry 2 3/4 qtr, Oblivion just started on PS3, KOFXII working on trophies, Yakuza Kenzan barely started, Heavy Rain 19 playthroughs to go through......yep, i have my plate full
  9. I think that was the same reasoning they used in SO3. I still think of that as a dick move though. Well, they really want to ensure you did buy the game and play through it. This is the only way to ensure. Of cos, they can't detect whether we buy new or used
  10. Are those healthy food?!? but i envy you. I normally can't do anything i want on my OWN vacation due to family commitment
  11. I only drink for fun or to socialise. nothing beyond that. You can do it, Paul!!!!
  12. Sleepy Hollow, Deep impact and Transformer 2 on bluray. Movie marathon with wife
  13. Fallout 3 is buggy, even on X360 version. Freeze will happens now and then. i have the GOTY version and the freezing is worse in one of the DLC, Operation Achorage. it is a chore to get through that DLC.
  14. There is a reason for SFIV. They are going to incorporate something in SSFIV that detect our SFIV saves and give you bonuses. If you get to copy the savefile around, that would be cheating as you won't really own the game.
  15. Somehow, i traded Siren for KOFXII again
  16. Quit torturing your self. If I play a game and it gets crappy I preserve for a little while longer - but with a game like FF its gonna be the same all the way till the end. So if you're not really into this stuff... well ya know, NEXT WEEK! Metro 2033! finally a game where its just about kicking ass! agreed, I'm just killing time, I got tired of Bioshock2 and ME2 so I'm just messing with this until something else comes along. I'm really just waiting on Red Dead Redemption. I have decided to pass on FFXIII too. No exploration = not FF.
  17. I'll wait for him to tell more.
  18. Wow, that is something new. I hope other games do not follow suit ......
  19. Unless you are into moe games or stuffs that are bordering to hentai, i think you are better off with a US or an EU account. Or unless you are planning to invest in Japanese games.
  20. Welcome back, someboddy. Did you manage to learn the Gatling Punch?
  21. Just move on. There is no need for you to saddle yourself with such burden.
  22. Lol, how many X360 have you gone through becos of ban?
  23. Heavy Rain is no.1 in UK chart. Wow, you all just beat Just Dance Wii game to a pulp!
  24. Yes, you have to hold some of the buttons and press some quickly or move the controller in the same direction. It's a bit tough compared to others.
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