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Everything posted by L.S.D

  1. Fatal Frame 1 & 2 Tokyo Highway Battle series Final Fantasy Series Devil May Cry Series WWE Wrestling Series (except Just Bring it)
  2. Yes, he is But Brock lesnar is really impressive in the game! It's a pity he left the wrestling world. Hope he will be back.
  3. I always like THQ's wrestling game. HCTP is a little letdown due to the small roster and the inclusion of legends (which will not be legend without Hogan, Andre, Warrior)
  4. At last, we get some news on the next installment of THQ wrestling game for PS2. Title : WWE Smackdown! Vs Raw Go to this site for more details. WWE Smackdown! Vs Raw
  5. What??!?!? JC own so much money already and he still let his parents work???? What a filial son!
  6. I agree. I used to be his fan, but I do not like him as much as before now. His action is toned down a lot since he moves to Hollywood.
  7. When I watch TDAT, I slept thru the 1st 15 min. But thankfully, things start to pick up after that. Not a bad movie, but not a very good one either. Storywise, I think Deep impact is better. And Vin Diesel really know how to act. Go watch A Man Apart.
  8. He didn't turn into Ryu. In fact, there is no RYu in the movie. It is the opponent who turn into Ken.
  9. I watch the old movie before. The Chun Lis are actually CHun Li and her mother!!! Vega has a Wolverine's Drill Claw- like move. DHalsim is...well, Dhalsim. It is really a crap movie. But I watch it anyway As for the Jackie's movie, it is actually to be based on a Japanese Manga, City Hunter. But it has a segment where he turn into E. Honda and Chun Li But it is a funny movie I always enjoy Jackie's movie
  10. haha, u r right But whether they take the time to put it online is another matter
  11. Any idea how to put it on the Web? It need quite a huge space if to put all the volume inside.
  12. Agozer, do you mind if it is in Chinese?
  13. I have the whole collection of Ranma 1/2, Kenshin, DBZ, Slamdunk etc in my PC, fully scanned. Unfortunately, it is in CHinese. If anyone interested, I can mail it to them or share it out. Contact me if u want
  14. Well, we are more fortunate here as we can get mangas easily. Currently have Puppet Circus, Hunter X Hunter, Yuyu Hakusho and Eyeshield 21. One Piece is also gread reading.
  15. hehehehe, and to think that this topic has reached 11 pages and going..
  16. But they do look better than the average prostitutes, isn't it?
  17. I am now working as a Sony production planner. No complain here
  18. heh, I can't wait Who said the emulation scene is dying?
  19. Well, it's Euro fever in our country also, although we are not even in Europe Let just say our country's football leave a lot to be desired And yeah, I do enjoy NBA and NFL and Rugby too. The only sport that is the most boring Americans can think of is baseball
  20. No wonder. I been trying for 3 days to look for 1emulation server. Let us hope Diso didn't get screwed
  21. IC. I will try it tonite. But I still cannot find the 1Emulation server. IP?
  22. I'm using broadband and there are still a noticeable lag. Why?
  23. Ermmm......there are a few. Which one is it?
  24. Ok, I am now trying to use the Kaillera coming eith Nebula. Do I need an Ip to login or something? Disoblige, bring it on! Muahahahaha......
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