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Everything posted by jbenner

  1. http://myhome.hanafos.com/~naoq/kof_neowav...oma/nbc0027.jpg If this is real it will be awesome.
  2. I have the demo and I personally loathe it. If that is any indication of the quality of the final product it is definately terrible.
  3. Capcom Vs. SNK 2 and SF3: 3rd Strike Garou, SFA3, and UMK3 are runners up.
  4. Queen of Heart: http://www.the-underdogs.org/game.php?id=1989 edit: My mistake, it just gives a link to buy, no download link.
  5. Dan actually isn't that bad. Just stay away from his hard kicks and use mediums. His standing fierce punch is pretty good as well. Of course the best tactic for him is to quickly move in and poke with a forward kick then get out. Dan's advantages are that he is quick and with many of his super and special moves he will turn around to face his opponent if crossed over. And while everyone is on the subject of Hibiki, I've got to say that one of the coolest combos in the game is her counter into the no fear feint or heavenly spirit of victory.
  6. My main team would be C Groove - Yuri (R2), Ken, Rock Other characters in rotation: Hibiki, M. Bison, Ryu, Terry, Ryu, Ryo, Chun Li, Yun. Anyone want to game on Xbox Live? My gamertag is jbenner if so.
  7. IMHO the enforcer was a much more efficient weapon than the machine gun. I absolutely loathe the machine gun in UT2k4.
  8. K'Dash, there's a mutator to use the enforcers? Thanks for the information thats great. Is that the original UT mod everyone is talking about? I think it's time for me to boot up UT2k4 to find out.
  9. I'll be Halo's singular proponent on this issue. I own both UT2k4 and Halo and I have to say I favor Halo. I appreciate Halo's pacing, while it is deliberately slower and it does grant the game a more tactical feel. I enjoy the dynamic afforded to the game by needing to reload your weapon and finding cover while your shields recharge. UT is awesome but I still wish they would bring back the enforcers from the original UT. Although I must admit that the double jump and wall jump abilities imbue UT with more of an adrenaline rush feeling.
  10. I run Mozilla and love it. Of course Mozilla and Firefox aren't perfect (memory leaks and NAT issues), but the UI and security are exceptional. That isn't to say that IE is an incompetent browser either, a knowledgeable user can adjust security settings so that it is rather secure and it is a bit more stable. But without tabbed browsing and an integral download manager it's just lacking a bit in regards to usability. Opera has a very low memory footprint and good security but imperfect CSS support. It all boils down to a matter of personal preference.
  11. ign.com gave it a pretty good review... http://filmforce.ign.com/articles/522/522627p1.html I plan on seeing it later on.
  12. LordKanti, you can get DosBox here http://dosbox.sourceforge.net
  13. btw, SegaCD doesn't need to be modded to play CD-R games. And there are plenty of SegaCD ISO sites on the net.
  14. This is more of a dark comedy/horror movie. But Ginger Snaps is the best recent horror flick to come out in lately, and the sequal pretty good too.
  15. I use C groove for the 3 tier super bar, delayed get up and the roll. Heck C groove gives me one of my favorite combos Chun Li's Slap into level 2 kick super into level 1 fireball super. K groove can be fun because of the run and just defend though.
  16. The adapters are 20 dollars a piece and they say that adapters for the playstation 3 and XBox 2 are already in development on the X Arcade website. The PC adapter is 30 but you choose one free adapter during your order so I just choose that one and ordered the rest seperately to save money.
  17. Thanks for the input everyone. The multi console adapters are what really make the sale for me. I guess I'll go buy mine right now.
  18. Does anyone here have one. I'm about to buy one but I would like to hear some imput from anyone that has one since they are kinda pricey. I mainly want it for emulation on my PC, Capcom vs SNK 2 on my XBox and Street Fighter III on my Dreamcast. Of course if there are any cheaper or better alternatives I would love to look into those as well.
  19. I'd have to say Street Fighter 1 even though it's the predecesor to the best fighting series of all time IHMO the first was crap though. And call me crazy if you will but I actually enjoyed Way of the Warrior on 3DO at the time, I think I'm the only person that did though.
  20. I've got to say Capcom vs. SNK 2. You get a huge roster of all the favorites from Capcom and SNK games, Multiple groove systems including two customizable grooves, and online play make it great. Plus it's got Hibiki and Rock in it which are two of my favs.
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