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Everything posted by sangahlolo

  1. i found this funny thread the Pregnant man (Thomas Beatie) new photos how come ?!?!?!
  2. FAIL !! © AP
  3. Good job man. keep it up
  4. Take My Ghost Marshall Law Divine Fist very hard ! PERSON01.zip
  5. dial up ? ..... not good u know .. downloading torrent file like 500 MB or higher with DSL will take time .. so how it will be with DialUp ? u should get DSL line >>> or try Bitcomet, maybe it will work with dial up
  6. is there any news if kofxi roms availabe ? i want it on kawaks or nebula.... . . . . .
  7. I tried bittorrent, dc++ & sharaza.. but nothing.. help me please to find it.
  8. I want to record my combos in (King Of Fighters) and many other games, I heared about (combo recorder), but i didn't find it. I have so much combos in KOF2000, KOF2001, KOF2002, KOF2003, SVC and I want to publish all ! I can record combos in KAWAKS and NEBULA, but I my combos to be as (mpg, avi or rm). CAN anyone give me combo recorder ! or tell me
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