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Everything posted by sharim1111

  1. well everything is running find on kawaks loader 1.46 i will set a ftp up so you all can download it if you don't have it already Billy.Jr the king of rom
  2. members like you will cause us who work hard to dump these roms to start asking for donation weather the rom was dump bad or not give thanks to billy jr because if you have to wait to get it you will pay alot of money for it!)
  3. well neogeorage xp run these well so stop waste'in your time on the other emulator
  4. ok like i promise because am the admin at suprnova i will share it will you folks but don't sell my crap here you go injoy this game it's sweet you can always check my board out for tomorrow release for metal slug 5 and kof 2003 yep i said kof 2003 but keep this inside 1emulation http://suprnova.dataracks.net/torrents/808.../samsho5_nebula[1].by.svc.dump.team-rar.torrent My Board Torrent City http://LINK REMOVED
  5. The much awaited, ever expected next version of PCSX2 has been released. Yes folks, it plays commercial games:). You can find the official PCSX2 compatibility list here. Here's what's new: General A release that make you look things more promising. Several games can boot now and plenty of them can reach even ingame. There are still big issues with graphics but many improvements have done from 0.41. Some games that now can reach ingame are: wild wild racing PAL (with patches) Street fighter ex3 PAL (with patches) Le Mans 24 Hours (24 Heures Du Mans) PAL (with patches) V-rally 3 pal (with patches) and probably a lot more CPUs Fixes to VUs Handle for the EDI flag at ERET(cop0) New improved cpu detection routine Commented D/T flags for VUmicro fixed some FPU bugs in recompiler fixed PCPYLD in interpreter Add compiler blocks for vu0, vu1 and few instructions Several other fixes in cpu cores Reg caching recompiler (not enable in 0.5 ) Debugger Fixed Debugger/rdebugger (there are still some issues) Memory Added TLB exceptions Fixed IOP mem accesses from EE Memory New memory routines VIF Fixed VIF Transfers to include MARK reg in VIF0 aswell. FIFO for VIF0/1 now works More improvements to VifDma Improved VIF for transfers in parts FiFo VIF1 can read data now IPU Fixed IDEC bitstream decoding. Now, all *.ipu files should work fine bug fixes to IPU Hardware Fixed clock in bios Fixed MFIFO for GS dma CDVDgetTD function need a 2nd parametre (new cdvd plugins needed!!) cdgetTOC + cdReadSubq HSync stuff, and better CSR/IMR handling Implemented mskpath3 / m3r flags Fixed VU memory64 writes masks Implemented INTC_STAT/MASK and DMAC_STAT for 64bits Added/fixed SCMDs (2,3,1A) in cdvd Vif0/1 regs are now mapped to hardware Fixes in sio, sio2 Destination Chain for SPR0 dma and added Vif masking Now pad2 works in lle mode [tested with bios browser] New SCMDs and MC commands Fixed dmaIrq's for Source Chain mode Fixed ret DMA op Added a base interrupt delay for the dma7 (spu2) Fixed pads. Now it should work okay most of the times Changed the way we handle SPR TTE transfers MISC Added the possibility to load the System.map from ps2linux Added patching system. *pnach files are used now Added dev9 plugins Savestates
  6. well guys i must say what we thought was going to be a year or 2 happen real fast gamecube emulator is out ad working now please keep this crap on this board only am still waiting on ym freind to release a few games to me so i can run it but he did send me some webcam shot and it is real don't go and bu game and try to burn them it won't work only few games thats on the internet is working so get a big hardrive because thats what u going to need and lets please well cause am a senior co founder of nova am pround and my staff to release the first ever working gamecube emulator injoy folks and nova ill never die Gamecube emulator! if you want games for it pm me and not going to give any site out or ftp nor torrent i don't want nintendo on my ass keep your mouth shut. gamecop please have your members respect that they don't run there mouth off last thing we need is nintendo on our ass
  7. ok folks now that we apart of suprnova now we will be having ever rom release well you can still check here at gamecop forum as well i like what he's doing here but if you looking for news games,roms,movies and such are new and improve board will be dealing with this i hope theres alot of rom fans out there because we can use them to keep the emulation world flowing anyway check the forum out register and become active http://suprnovateam.servegame.com/forum/index.php EDIT: GameCop REASON: Sorry man, but the only place for advertising your site is here and make your topic title a little more specific.
  8. hey man come visit my game forum just made it have lot of download from diffrent games hope you like it and if you go make sure after you register that you introduce yourself please thanks sharim http://sharim.no-ip.org/forum/index.php
  9. hey the hub does look great but i lost access to it because of the reinstallment i had to do someone give a link to the hub again thanks
  10. thanks alot buddy
  11. hey guys do anyone know any direct hub link to finding animes thanks alot guys and whoever respond
  12. hi to all could any post up links to japanese wrestling game for the n64 please thanks alot of your help
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