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Everything posted by cba.gy

  1. I've already made a sort of a start !
  2. Exactly why i built a keyboard and mouse for the xbox, i had some broken controllers. Seemed i may as well make them anyway just in case. In case of what i still dont know. lol. What emulators support these things, i dunno. Very handy for xdsl or xbmc is all i can comment on.
  3. That looks like a proper one for xbox, although im presuming you've already tried it with no luck. Wiring usb devices is quite easy, colours usually match (lol usually). The xbox wire has a yellow wire which you can snip close to the outer sheath as it serves no purpose for the mouse n keyboard stuff. Then theres 4 left to join and they are colour coded. Cant remember off hand. Dont snip the xbox wire short, use an old pad that knackered and snip real close to the pad making sure you still have the little barrell shaped in line filter still intact. You will notice the xbox wire has a 2 barrell shaped filters, one before the breaker and the other near the pad. You need these intact. Ive tried with third party pad wires and had no luck at all. Official xbox pad wires work a treat. There will be a proper guide somewhere out there if youre willing to have a google. All i can tell you is whats worked for me (4 - 5 times). Good luck. I have to be honest, unless you use xdsl (linux) a lot, besides 3 or 4 roms, it aint worth making a mouse. Mine has been in the cupboard since i tested Centipede. Hasnt been out since. A novelty item im afraid.
  4. Yes it works but not with that converter. You have to get usb mouse and wire it to xbox controller lead.
  5. You have been a busy bee. Good link. Thanks NES6502.
  6. Go with FBL 1.1, for some real old titles that FBL misses you could use any of the old mame variants although i would have to reccommend CoinOps for this job. FBL 1.1 uses new mame rom sets. CoinOps uses 0.84 rom sets. The only difference really between the FBA emulators is FBL 1.1 incorporates all of the previous fixes and drivers and so should be regarded as the latest in a way.
  7. Has anyone managed to get a "proper" "full" set of screenshots for FBL compatible roms yet ?
  8. Prican25 is correct. CoinOps uses old roms. Mame 0.84 should be the set you look for. Good luck with that ! Or wait for ShowCase 2 to appear sometime, somewhere. Grab it quick as these torrents don't live long.
  9. You've been the hub of a lot of emulation resources, for a lot of users, for a long time. Hope that continues. Has been nice to read your take on the situation. Rather than one voice speaking for all. Its also pleasing to read your release intentions. 100% respect. @ Nes6502 Just noticed the extra option added to the end of the GUI options to Enable/Disable video changing on the MainMenu. Top marks and thanks for listening. Will allow for different skinning options.
  10. Asura Blade Video for FBL The one supplied with ShowCase 2 HQ (ConOps, QueerOps) is actually Asura Buster. http://www.mediafire.com/?rmkxjjaftji While im at it here's a new Asura Buster anyway. http://www.mediafire.com/?ymlym1yydny
  11. The easiest thing is to ignore from now on. Without attention you "will" f*** off.
  12. The thing is, you won't leave. We've been asking for ages and you won't. With no-one to talk to BP is a lonely boy. Did you not get enough attention as a toddler or was it a case of too much of the wrong kind of attention ? Were you abused ? If i thought voting would get rid of you, i would. If you remember i spotted you as a bad egg a long time ago and wasn't afraid to say so even though you threatened the community with leaving. I was willing to put that on the line to voice my opinion and expose you for what you are. As i always say "you know im right" Wouldn't taking a new product like Windows 7, bolting on a new front end, then calling it Windows 8 cbagy version, cause a lot of people to download it ? Yes it would. Then i could claim how popular my app was. That's all you've been doing the last 2 years. As i've said before your a fraud. The "cut 'n' paste king".
  13. Hey, lets hope this stigma doesnt follow you to other emulation forums. ie Snesorama, Emu Paradise etc
  14. I will take requests for missing videos or bad encodings. Not full shopping lists please, there are a lot out there already. This is a hobby after all.
  15. Was with you on the first sentence then i got lost. So i'll be a mind reader and say you don't know any new details. Though 2 posts back you said you did, lol.
  16. @ BP Then enlighten us ! Do you know anything that can be repeated in public ? Im geniuenly interested
  17. Agreed +T+ , probably a lot of dismay floating around out there. A good workable version will probably take more than one dev's input ! Will recent events put a stop to collaberations ? I was hoping the thread would pull the community together and also gauge some opinions. Its obvious that some users feel strongly about whats happening and other users don't give a shit. That's fine. In a way a result either way. Whether users were aware of it or not they were voicing a positive "yes" to a modern version. Emotional heat is sometimes the way to get a persons true opinion/feelings on a matter.
  18. @searius You can say anything you like matey, it's up to you. Im certainly not frowning on your opinions and i see your point and its a valid one. When i said youve answered yourself what i meant was your statement was more of an oxymoron. However, not to worry. And for the record i too use CoinOps for my old school games that FBL doesn't "yet" support. I will continue to do so until such time they are added to FBL. I prefere the FBL route as it is built on a newer core and seems more future proof. 0.135+ roms will always be available but the same can't be said for 0.84 roms ! Plus the Dynamic skin engine rocks. Its the way forward. On a side note, i don't believe we've seen the last version of FBL ! Now this is just my opinion, and not based on any conversations with anyone. @BP lol. I'd rather chew off my own testicles. And no im not trying to confuse you, you do that enough for everybody. lol. I dont hate you, never have. I love the emulator, always have.
  19. I don't hate CoinOps and have no i'll feeling toward you BP, never have. The emulator is good, you are a good coder. Your just a piss poor human being.
  20. You've kind of answered yourself there. As without the proper protocol there wouldn't have been any Mame on Xbox therefore no-one would have been having fun and playing games. That includes you and i. So we must be thankfull that protocol was followed and hope that it continues in that vein. By your own admission you don't care who does what as long as you get the end product right ? So in retrospect your statements weren't what other developers were wishing to hear really. By the way, we are debating here and not starting a flaming war. lol.
  21. I whole heartedly agree with the sharing ethos of the developing community. It is to be applauded, however i could easily turn a blind eye and keep my mouth shut if a Dev decided to release a cracking Mame version but with no sources. Im presuming a lot would understand.
  22. Shut up you Fucking Muppett. This is for adults only.
  23. Got Ya ! Now this is really the start of a petition to NES6502 and those others Dev's, that prefere to remain in the shadows, to at least give the xbox community a chance to "Ask" you for a proper version of "Mame" for the "Xbox" before you move on to other projects. Now i know we have "ConOps" which is in fact MameoX/MamedoX re-named. But it's old and badly assembled and has more patches than a MicroSoft OS. Now due to recent events, ConOps will always leave a bitter taste in user's mouth's. If one wanted to strike a blow for justice and one for the community then this would certainly answer that call ! Let's be honest, who wouldn't prefere something shiny and new ? That could possibly be open ended for further expansion. I know there is a lot of involvement for the developer but im sure for the right reason more help would come to the ralling call. "If you build it, they will come" so to speak.
  24. Don't know how i came into this but seeing as though you seem to need me in the conversation all i will add is - without NES6502's source code there wouldn't be a R4 patch, period ! PS. Where are the R4 sources ? PSS. I never pointed the finger at Fu, others did. Just strange how he's slithered into your little reptillian gang. Go figure !
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