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Everything posted by cba.gy

  1. If you have FBL 1.1 then you have this already.
  2. GUI's will always be in debate. It's a trade off between functionality and visual appeal. This is a fine line and we all define where that line is differently. With the xbox having limited resources, performance must be paramount. XBMC is a very handy tool and has grown to be a very functional dashboard. I use mine daily for many different types of media as do many others. How we choose to get from "A" to "B" is really down to user choice/preference. There are many options for navigating our xbox's and no one particular method is better than another in most cases. Its down to whatever feels comfortable to the end user really. I think Ellipsis is a smashing piece of work and if there was less choice, would be top of the tree or there about's. As thing's stand, there is lot's of choice for the XBMC dashboard skin, so, for me, Ellipsis misses the boat for a top contender slot. I would recommend people check it out though as it may be exactly right for other users.
  3. Xperience isnt optimised for xbox yet ! It has been designed for a higher spec PC. You say Xperience isnt any fun. I say there are no fun visuals in Ellipsis at all. The best part of Ellipsis is the carousel navigation on the home menu and even then that was a mod for the "xTv" skin from quite a while back. Many people will have different taste's. Users can try it for themselves. Time will tell how many users change to this skin as their default. I do see a lot of mod's to this skin, colour theme's especially. The views needed so much more attention too.
  4. No-One else has bothered so i've made a quick video for IronClad for FBL or CoinOps. It was from a screen capture so the source isnt the best to start with. Its re-sized and cropped (correctly) to 640x480. A 30 second clip with not the best quality or compression. Its aimed at xbox users hence the 30fps for TV's. http://www.mediafire.com/?wd2jgjzkqwz PS. Its in .wmv format so will need converting, by you, the end user, to .xmv format for playback on the old xbox.
  5. Getting closer
  6. Maybe tomorrow sometime !
  7. Will download and setup a new mame later tonight after work and will try to get a nice clean screen capture.
  8. Well was going to use FBA-RR for quickness but it doesnt seem to support the rom yet so sorry cant help.
  9. How many seconds would you like it to run ?
  10. Well done NES6502. Loads of improvements, very quick too.
  11. Shall i make a ResXtras video for it RX ?
  12. That would make a lot more sense really. While its great to have this sort of flexibility it does seem to make things a little unsettled in a display sense.
  13. The real problem with these extras will be the varying screen sizes. Some sort of standard will have to be reached for displaying horizontal and vertical games. Even though FBL has a very dynamic skin, when browsing roms the skin jumps back and forth between different views. While not a major issue i found it quite annoying after a while. Gonna start work on a basic dynamic skin later this week with the focus on video previews with artwork only being a secondary consideration.
  14. Kinda like changing themes ? Like the Madmab Xport emulators do. Good idea, opens up other ideas.
  15. Quite honestly, your not missing much. Smashing idea, lovely artwork (albeit black n white themed), 2 yrs too late.
  16. Yes thanks. I was aware of this feature. Usually someone who has a deeper knowledge of these roms can come up with an uncatagorised rom or two. Always seems to happen.
  17. I know there are some real heavy Mame users out there with lots of knowledge. So im asking you guys which manufacturers are supported in FBL. I could sift through waves of roms writing manufacturers down but i thought i would be lazy and see if anyone already knows. Please no guesses. Thanks in advance.
  18. you only want it for its videos, lol.
  19. Thanks for the no character bkg. One for 720p users perhaps ?
  20. I think thats the correct version Cospefogo. Although im sure a little birdie will be along shortly to tell us all what we're missing. lol.
  21. I really like the logo. Is it a special font plug-in pack for PShop or is there a tutorial somewhere ? Very colourfull, look forward to the HD version.
  22. Yeah i dont use wide icons, seems a waste of space to me. A wide icon occupy's an area that could be used for 3 or 4 other icons. Meaning one has to scroll further down or across lists. Sometimes less is more !
  23. I also feel that end users can mod this easily with its open nature. A dynamic skin that supports screenshots and video previews. Video playback added to the skin engine and all those roms playable. Now this, from a first release of an emulator is good. I hope this goes much further.
  24. I have tried most of them and end up going back to Transparency.
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