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Everything posted by cba.gy

  1. You need to ask at the place where it is hosted, also the official release location by the way. Im sure you know this Darknoir Its the usual spot (not to be confused with the "usual place") it's where emulator Xtras are made.
  2. Well +T+, i looked at those composite pictures you linked. Im afraid i have to disagree with you, composite looked the worst and the most washed out of the 2 samples, in my eyes. I also looked at the waterfall in the Sonic pic and have to disagree again, you forgot to mention the horrible rainbow type interference in the waterfall in the composite picture. I guess what im saying is, it doesn't really matter does it, whatever floats your boat. We are all different and want something different as far as our old games go. I personally think scanlines are an awful distraction and let's be honest, damned ugly and unnecessary nowadays. I prefere upscsaling my roms to to a 720p screen and having nice crisp graphics. Those old school sprites look like they've just been made, bright and vibrant. The filters on these emu's are brilliant. As far as "pixel perfect" goes ( i still say it doesn't exist) i scale my roms to suit my HDTV (minus overscan) perfectly. I have never suffered this horizontal line flickering / bleeding etc that everyone seems to suffer with. All i can say is that your not setting your screen sizes exactly right, perhaps you've wandered so far down a path full of different ideas that it's now hard for you to see what's really a simple thing to do. At the end of the day it doesn't matter, there is no right or wrong. Set your screens how you wish to view the roms.
  3. Im confused, i always thought people knew that composite is rubbish (not to be confused with component, surely). Also confused about the 1080p from an original xbox, mentioned in the title of the topic.
  4. @+T+, mouse code for analogue input (Guns etc ) @Sparda, congratulations, the next 12 months will be sweet, enjoy it, it kinda looses its shine after that, lol. Only kidding
  5. Just a quick reminder about the mouse input code from FBA. Keeps it fresh in your mind.
  6. They don't exist mate.
  7. But isn't it the same person with 2 different names starting all the lame Coin*** threads. Log on start a thread, log out, change name, log back in, answer own thread, pointless and only merely serves to push real topics further down the page. Which is obviously the intention. If it does indeed have it's own forum elsewhere, then i say everyone is already happy surely ? Off you pop there then. Why not post those topics on the said emulators forum, surely that's where all xbox emulation fans go apparently . I'm sure all answers and support can be found there. As you can already see with your dozen or so topics with only 2 replies each (mostly your other profile reply's) nobody is interested. I'll repeat that "nobody is interested". We've been down this road and we all saw what happened and what destruction and disruption it caused. As you can see this forum is building up it's own head of steam once more, the last thing it needs is another thorn in it's side. AGAIN. Though im sure the new users who have been coming here for 12 months or slighly more will have a much more balanced idea of past unecessary drama and the trouble and damage it caused. Leave real emulation and emulators to emulation fans, if you wish to stick with your "Toy's 'R' Us" style emu then so be it, that's your choice. As has been said, it has it's own support forum which im sure is creaking under the weight of it's traffic. On saying this, im sure lot's of this forums users also have an opinion on this.
  8. lol, why ? are you stuck or something ? edit* Ah, the Sega theme, i get it. Never mind, though that theme belongs to a different brand of emulator !
  9. Ah bless, now the original thread is hanging on the coat tails of FBL, lol.
  10. Just wondering, any more news on this one.
  11. New updated Option screen, full 1280x720. Old options screen still included for those who view super large images from the emulators GUI image viewer option. I is a 640x480 option.png which is called "image viewer option.png". This would need renaming to "option.png" and the HD "option.png" would need deleting or renaming. The link to this skin can be found where all Xtras for emulators can be found. No links on these pages unfortunately so try Googling "emulator Xtras".
  12. New updated Option screen, full 1280x720. Old options screen still included for those who view super large images from the emulators GUI image viewer option. In my test this new larger "option.png" only blanks to a black screen while using image viewer and the txt is still viewable and so were my images, so it was very easy to navigate. However, for purists, i have included the 640x480 option.png which is called "image viewer option.png". This would need renaming to "option.png" and the HD "option.png" would need deleting or renaming. The link to this skin can be found where all Xtras for emulators can be found. No links on these pages unfortunately so try Googling "emulator Xtras".
  13. I order my roms exactly like you do Cos. i Like things neat and just one zip per game. Unlucky on the favourites thing. A lock for certain settings is worth looking into +T+.
  14. Hmmm sounds very interesting (Chris rubs his bristly chin).
  15. Oh +T+, thanks for the alpha/transparency fix for artwork previews in FBC 1.2. Could you please add the same for FBL 1.6 please.
  16. Well sorry to go off topic TristanX You know where im coming from +T+ 2 versions of FinalBurn FinalBurn Consoles and a FinalBurn Arcades
  17. A great effort, love the Jap/Asian theme, brilliant. @ +T+, another skin with no Genesis undertones, strip the Genesis core out already and get NeoGeoCD in. Please. You know it's what the kids want !
  18. Thanks +T+, well done mate. Yes Phil Dats are included.
  19. Yes, a filter aswell, this is what i meant by "absoloutely" in my other post. I wasnt very clear i know, lol. Sorry !
  20. Absoloutely, i also agree on only supporting neogeo cd rom conversions, makes sense. How many neogeo cd's have actually been converted to roms ? It must be a good few isn't it. Or is it just 10 ?
  21. Brilliant on all counts mate. Look forward to next revision of FinalBurn Consoles. Though i've just added more work for myself, lol. It's worth the effort on my part though.
  22. @ +T+ Do you have any future plans to migrate NeoGeo CD roms to FinalBurn Consoles ? I ask as i believe its the thing to do plus i am nearly half way through making the 3d Boxart for the Cart roms and i have one eye on the CD boxes.
  23. Best bet is to use Mameox128 plus
  24. all i did was remove the aes and cps changer roms from fbl that are supported in fbc. That way i have my roms in the correct emu's, as it should be. No wasted HDD space. Obviously i used the dats for each emu to get the rom sets correct.
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