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Everything posted by cba.gy

  1. lol. Why you cheeky monkey you ! Yes its my wife. I Used that pic cause her hair looked dodgy on it so she hates it, all the more reason to keep the pic alive in my book. lol. Its her birthday today (35, oohhh) so rest assured she will be getting what your probably thinking.
  2. i had exactly the same thing happen to me with the screenshots. ????
  3. Well i ran over 600 roms from my FBA Pro install through romcenter and they are all ok. I couldnt tell you just how many it does support (2700) i think.
  4. Can you explain what your struggling with ? Never know i / we might be able to point you in the right direction saving you hours of BS.
  5. I think the green screen is normal anyway, its just on slow loading roms you get chance to see it otherwise its too fast normally.
  6. Again dont quote me as i dont use it but games have to be ripped to an image i think.
  7. Agree with the usb drive capitalisation, but not internal copying. Never happened to me before !
  8. Use the romcenterfba.dat supplied. copy it to a pc install of romcenter probably C:\Program Files\Romcenter\datas Plonk your roms in a folder on your desktop (anywhere will do as long as its easy to find) and launch romcenter. Choose the dat file from a dropdown box at the top. To the left will be a directory structure, right click that and add a new source for roms. The rest is straight forward- ish.
  9. The sources were released aswell Neil222 so perhaps your post should be ammended to "Not Yet"
  10. There is a preview movie over @ Gametoast but i havent any experience at embedding these things into posts. http://www.gametoast.com/forums/viewtopic....=25&t=17651
  11. The info is in the first post. Alternatively find a copy and test yourself !
  12. Brilliant news NES6502, glad to hear you got the problems resolved. Will keep a lot of users happy for quite a while. Myself included. Well done.
  13. Nothing has appeared yet Darknoir. Its been in the pipeline for months and months. The first release will feature everything ive pasted in the first post. It will be quickly followed by another release with more content added. I believe the aim is to release a stable version first. On line content can also be added to the install
  14. So to sum things up then, you want the smallest file size but the highest quality ? Sort of have your cake and eat it ! That'll be my encodings then !
  15. Well i would have thought the Playstation one is a more likely candidate, there will be users with experience with this emulator. Some stuff can be a bit tricky with it, more importantly the image you aquire must a good one as there are loads of bum ones floating around. Hang in there cause someone will know, theres loads of top users come here too. Im afraid i dont even use that emulator so i cant help ! Sorry. A quick afterthought, you may need to find a compatability chart somewhere cause "if" i remember correctly some just won't run properly. Don't quote me on that but just be aware.
  16. @Californiadad. Did you decide which emulator to use ?
  17. im guessing cha is me !
  18. lol. Just warming the old brain up then.
  19. Sega Cd on NeoGenesis, lol i know this cause i completed the video encoding only a few hours ago.
  20. lol, yeah i suppose it is a slang phrase. erm. Useless childish bickering kinda stuff, a bit of hair pulling. Another one is "handbags at 50 paces"
  21. Have a good hair pull now then theres no need later ! lol
  22. Your points are valid and werent ignored earlier, did you see the amount of users queued up this morning. Never mind the guests. Im gonna be honest, i registered here over a year ago now, used to come here for about a year before i registered just to read. I can tell you for sure ive never seen so many registered users online in this forum picking through the bones. Now did they smell blood or were they lured here by other users gossiping ? They didnt all turn up at once by coincidence. You yourself made comments twice within 6 minutes, this being the third. We could go on but its all pointless, just like it was earlier.
  23. lol. Your a very funny man. Still giggle to myself regarding the "vagina wiping" the other week. I know it was aimed at me also, but funny is funny which ever way you look at it.
  24. Well, can't say fairer than that.
  25. Well, ive provided evidence as asked. Yet no response to tell me im wrong again ???? I see the evidence has been viewed. Still no response, i see a lot of sour grapes in other threads. And still no response. Surely there's no way on the lords green earth, i could be right ? :)
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