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Everything posted by cba.gy

  1. It is such a large task, yet very satisfying too i presume. The end pay off has got to be user grattitude surely. I wasnt convinced of the ResXtras at first as i thought about space needed and serious performance issues. Yet im now a convert. There are no performance issues. The extra artwork seems to compliment the whole package. Gilou/Gilles skin (very polished) seems to be the glue between MadMab's changes to the Xport emulator's and the ResXtras packs. I have read some of your stuff and see you intend on upgrading some of the packs after xmas / new year to HQ stuff. Isnt this a drag as youve been down that road once before (collecting initially).
  2. Now thats just slander, im shocked. Thought you were such a pretty girl too.
  3. You could be you own censor and read a different thread, nobody can make you read anything. Or is it human morbid fascination, the same thing when people gather round to watch fist fights yet claim its all wrong.
  4. Did you think it would be such a large task when you started out, or did it progressively grow from emulator to emulator.
  5. right on lol. lol
  6. Im sure thats exactly how it happened BP. Tell you what, compare a 640x480 vid of mine to anything you have. Firstly youll notice how blurred yours are, secondly youll notice they have a bad aspect ratio. Thirdly youll notice mine are smaller than yours yet have the same or higher bitrates. Thats the truth my friend, suck it up.
  7. How sad am i, on tea break at work on laptop. Checking for a release. Ha
  8. Im sure lots of users are more than capable of producing their own videos from scratch anyway. If not PM here or elsewhere and i'll help if i can. You won't be spoken to like a dog and if i dont know the answer i'll point you to someone who does. Although i believe most of the videos people have access to should be in .WMV format already, just be aware. Your output encoding will depend greatly on the quality of your input source video. Bad in = Really bad out. From a captured .avi to native xbox format is 3 encodings. avi-wmv-xmv is the usual route. Now every stage take its toll on the quality of your output.
  9. What you laughing at This "WAS" a very serious debate. As far as taking your time with videos, as advised by others. Its a load of rubbish, no need to take any extra time on any video. What counts is encoder settings, get your settings correct and thats it.
  10. Didnt really understand where your coming from there.
  11. Fair comment. Have a nice day mate. PS. Im a critical i know but i geniunely felt sorry for you as i hope you didnt pay too much. I have half of the Genesis stuff still to finish (been slow as 2 family members have died in 10 days) I am however keen to make vids for the NES FBA Legends emulator when i get time. Now surely a lot of these, if better, could slide staight into a users CoinOps set-up ??? With your endorsement obviously !
  12. 7 mins while cookin toast mate. I build all mine by hand myself, all on my own. Didnt you buys yours ? You were ripped off as they are shit. All you had to do was ask for user help.
  13. I woke this morning, had my cofee and read this forum before work. You will no doubt have seen the Video topic by BP. No doubt some will have bothered to download the video. You will notice immediately that is is a bad aspect ratio. Circles are ovals etc. Plus very soft/blurred to boot. I have made an equivalent for download whilst eating my toast. http://www.mediafire.com/?yxnnkmmdlzy As im still half asleep and groggy i'll just leave it at that. ------------------------------------------------- BP Clip = Sonic 2 on Mame with Filters no doubt 640X480 @ 30 seconds (Mame Clip) Audio BitRate = 2196 kbps @ 44100 Video BitRate = 2048 kbps WMV - XMV = 9.19mb ----------------------------------------------- CBAGY Equivalent Clip on Fusion Emulator No Filters at all= 640x480 @ 30 seconds (Genesis Clip) Audio BitRate = 2115 kbps @ 44100 Video BitRate = 2048 kbps WMV - XMV = 8.75mb ----------------------------------------------- Released soon for NeoGenesis. Check out Xbox-Scene forums. Software\Emulators\ResXtras and Compatability. CBAGY (ResXtras) Clips = 640x480 Audio BitRate = 1759 kbps @ 44100 Video BitRate = 1200 - 1700 kbps VBR (Peak) WMV - XMV = 5.98mb I would offer a voting poll but i know i dont need to. As ive said before. "Eat my shorts young man"
  14. I presumed as much anyway. Its to be expected.
  15. What f******* bow lol.
  16. whoah hang on there, its not my work. Its the work of "Teancum" over @ GameToast.
  17. The Star Wars BattleFront II Mod is nearing release. What is it? This is a full-out mod that expands SWBF2 for the Xbox, giving you new gameplay, maps and characters. Game Modes * New/Updated Hero Assaults - Coruscant, Jabba's Palace, Utapau, and more! * New Hunt modes - Gammoreans at Jabba's Palace, Gungans on Naboo Plains, Naboo (humans) on Theed, Nelvaanians on Nelvann, Bothans on Bothawui * Classic Conquest - All ground maps * Order 66 - Clones vs Jedi. Appears on any existing map where Order 66 was known to happen * Jedi CTF - Jedi VS Sith 1-Flag CTF * Hero Conquest - Conquest with Heroes VS Villains. Any type of character - jedi, jet trooper, soldier, etc. * JubJub - A kids mode. Everyone is the size of an Ewok, when characters die they kneel, and there are no pain/death sounds. It's simple, but fun. I built it for my nephews mostly. New/Converted SWBF1 Maps -- DONE, IN-GAME (being worked on) * Bespin Platforms * Geonosis Spire * Kashyyyk Islands * Kashyyyk Docks * Naboo Plains * Tatooine Dune Sea * Kamino Tipoca City * Naboo Theed (SWBF1 version) --(select SWBF2 Naboo in Classic Conquest) * Hoth (SWBF1 version) --(select SWBF2 Hoth in Classic Conquest) * Ord Ibanna --known as Bounty Hunters: Tibanna Gas Mines (SWBF1) here at GT * Ryloth * Thule * Nelvaan Village * Bothawui --Known as Tynna: Valley here at GT * DLC maps -- Cloud City, Rhen Var Citadel, Rhen Var Harbor, Yavin Arena -(requires you to import your DLC) * Coruscant: Streets New Heroes -- DONE, IN-GAME (being worked on) * REP - Luminara Unduli * REP - Plo Koon * REP - Kit Fisto (requires you to import your DLC) * CIS - Asajj Ventress (requires you to import your DLC) * CIS - Durge * CIS - Cad Bane * ALL - Mara Jade * ALL - Lando Calrissian * ALL - Kyle Katarn * IMP - Grand Admiral Thrawn * IMP - Bossk * IMP - Desann Vehicles * Jedi Starfighter (SWBF1 version) * MAF for the CIS
  18. @BP. You are so out of the loop . Those ResXtras videos, like you, are so last year. And they display in the correct ratio due to the skill of a good skinner ! Tomorrow is D-Day folks. Legends all the way. @(XBOX) Not that i feel i need to explain myself, you must read the whole thread. It seems the thread has attempted to be de-railed by someone else. Its not uncommon, just read it.
  19. I honestly can't see that happening, i believe it uses roms that are compatable with FBA. There are exact details somewhere in this forum i think. Ill have a look for you and see what i can did up. Mame 0.134 or Final Burn Alpha 029706 roms, but dont quote me on that.
  20. oh yes im aware of that torrent, the videos were poor. I have a full up to date rom set. I was wondering if there were any changes thats all
  21. What a good egg ! Thanks. Any rom updates to our current sets (FBA, FBA Pro) we should be aware of ?
  22. Are you filling it with emulators n stuff ? If so you may wish to look at the Xport emulators that have been modified by Madmab to include video previews amongst other things. Most systems are covered. An excellent Dynamic skin by Giles9999/Gilou9999 that takes advantage of whats called "ResXtras". These are packs of video's and High Quality artwork for displaying in the skin. It gives a very informative but polished appearance to the experience. Still its nice to know you got through what is usually a very tricky modification proceedure. NES6502 is releasing his emulator FBA Legends sometime tomorrow. This will definately be worth the download.
  23. Right youve had time to fiddle with it, how you getting on Californiadad.
  24. Sleep kills, just like onions give you cancer.
  25. Im guessing you havent seen them running in HD. They are stretched across the rom list dialogue so therefore distorted. However i may have the SD versions of the videos that came with a showcase pack weeks back.
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