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Everything posted by cba.gy

  1. It takes a little fine tuning to get them as close to what you want them. Im far from experienced with filters so im guessing you have more of a clue than i do. Others may have nice set-ups already. Just wait for any tips from people really and obviously some tinkering by your good self. Would be interested to read reports of your findings.
  2. Did those cables arrive FU ?
  3. Well as promised the WIP 1 of the NeoGenesis Dynamic Skin. Read me included. This is a Multi-Themed (unique) skin for the Madmab Dual Preview Editions. This version is for HD and SDTV Widescreen users. The standard Xport version uses this skin also but not as good in my opinion. Try it and see. Feedback more than welcome both positive and negative. In fact open opinions are encouraged. http://www.mediafire.com/?3j4yyxodecj
  4. lol. Class. lol.
  5. I found all the new generation of skins have their own seperate quirks, i personally dont think they are that hard to set-up. Then again we all have different habits and likes n dislikes and differing levels of experience with these tools. I personally prefere the horizontal menu as i have a HD Tv so menus to the left from top to bottom looks odd. In transparency when you enter the settings (from the home menu) some extra tabs and menus are hidden, ie transparency settings, filemanager, sort by etc etc. To access these its just a press of the D-Pad to the left and they slide open. Everything thing else is built around the standards that all skins have. Try it out (2.1 is available somewhere) if you get stuck let me know and i'll see if i can help you.
  6. Cant think off hand, i have tried quite a few though. Its down to personal taste really. Sometimes your mind is made up by the ease of navigation through the menus. You have a lot of choice. Install loads and try them out for a day each and see how you get on.
  7. Glad you got there in the end, its mostly a hands on learning experience. Its the only way to learn really. As i said before, it gives a better understanding of the file and modification structure which makes maintaining and upgrading software a more successfull task. PS. Transparency skin for XBMC. Say no more. To boot XBMC quicker browse to its media folder and delete the splash pics. And you can also slim the install by removing unused languages.
  8. kind of, you may wish to save your sources file, rss feeds (if customised).
  9. Maybe it's a knee jerk reaction to the kind words spoken about Kenshiro. A lot of attention and thanks came from the announcement that Kenshiro no longer wants or enjoys the coding. People had kind words to say because of the man was willing to go out of his way for people. Always had time and tollerance for others requests. Now whats happening is people are pandering to a call for attention. This will obviously have an effect as there will be 2 sides now, those that wish to stroke his forehead and tell him its all going to be ok and those who say "who gives a f***". I very much doubt one person is to blame, do you ? Also consider this, in reallity CoinOps (aka Mameox) had gone as far as it was going to hadn't it. The core is old. It was scraping the bottom of the barrel for more playable roms as it was. Later editions added rom's that didn't even work properly. However in truth the sources are out there (although not the latest). Get the feeling the latest sources won't be appearing anywhere soon, which isn't in keeping with the whole Mame ethos. Perhaps a "new user" will come on the scene who happens to have the sources. lol. I wasn't even gonna give this thread the effort of my time typing. Just make sure your all not being manoevered into position mentally. On the upside, the work that has been done by BP, IQ_132 and others is a real treat for the Xbox console and the showcase put the lid on it (like ya didn't see it coming).
  10. I know where your coming from. lol.
  11. Im guessing the errors are prelated to changes your trying to make to the C:\ partition. Remember modern softmods create a safe shadow partition. That needs unlocking before you can make changes.
  12. Good morning gent's. @Californiadad, if you have a working iso that boots your HDD's sucessfully you dont need to build another one to clone with. Cloning is only really for full set-ups. ie - with xbmc, emulators etc. Use the disc you have on your large HDD. Pop that in the xbox when built and upgrade the bejesus out of that.
  13. Bloody hippies, get a wash !
  14. Cant remember where i got mine from (ebay shop i think) i ordered 5 sets for myself and other people, the price seems about right though. Even though they were cheap both myself and the other people have had no problems.
  15. Just been thinking. Youve had it modded once (with old hdd). The mod you did updated the dash and kernel. This then updates the info on the machine as well i think. Then you went to mod a large HDD without complete success (hdd wouldnt lock). Now youve formatted the old HDD and trying to rebuild using your installer with your eeprom. The way i see it that eeprom is no longer valid for that motherboard as the onboard file has been changed from the original. I may be wrong but its an idea.
  16. Ive never actually used the lock/unlock as ive never had it work for me. I used Kinroaches installer with no eeprom using the hotswap method, being sure to include the correct dash and kernel for your unmodded box when building your iso. Then as soon as i power down the xbox it locks the hdd anyway. From there you can update the dash n kernel once it successfully boots.
  17. Im gonna throw this one in here but here goes, did you include the unlock/lock code (or at least write it down) in your iso ?
  18. Ah well, it was fun while it lasted. A lot of things were said, no harm done my end and i hope the same for everyone else.
  19. @ BP. While i know your busy, why not offer some skin pointers to people who seem to be missing elements of skill.
  20. Im guessing its all good now MM. I suppose we should really keep this here, agreed ?
  21. Anyway, what about the tribute skin ? lol. Admit it, you did smile i bet !! It was so important i seem to have posted it twice.
  22. Anyway, what about the tribute skin ? lol. Admit it, you did smile i bet !!
  23. Now that i liked. lol
  24. In fact a person of your standing in the xbox community should be encouraging peoples work, helping them overcome newb mistakes. Offereing a little advice in your free time. I know at heart your a decent bloke. I understand your frustrations, but damn man. Why the friction. People are so keen but they, just like you, need a little support every now and then.
  25. Yeah its easy with a plug-in template isnt it ! Used to have that one about 8 -9 yrs ago. As i said it wears very thin. In fact a person of your standing in the xbox community should be encouraging peoples work, helping them overcome newb mistakes. Offereing a little advice in your free time. I know at heart your a decent bloke. I understand your frustrations, but damn man. Why the friction. People are so keen but they, just like you, need a little support every now and then.
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