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Everything posted by cba.gy

  1. As Fu says back up essential system files "NOW". Im gonna guess "Heat". With this repetative behaviour its gonna get hotter and hotter untill it dies. It is on its way out. In fact to double check, copy everything to PC. Take to pieces and clean thoroughly, if you feel comfortable enough remove GPU and CPU heatsinks. Clean of bubble gum thats used to dissipate heat, and re-apply some new "proper" stuff. Pop HDD back in and re-assemble. Format the HDD, re-install softmod and try to ftp everything back. If it still persists then its f*****. With Softmod's this preceedure is much more long winded and difficult. Probably best to get new HDD and prepare for softmod, the re-place. Although the internal maintenance wouldn't hurt. Option 3. Sing "Take That" songs to it untill it submitts.
  2. Just had a look through the numbers for stuff im working on now and in the past. Im totally stunned that 1080 skins are as popular as all other resoloutions. Do xbox users really use 1080 ? Or is it PC users that are using them ? Im really interested to know. Please feel free to comment whether positive or negative, i won't cry. Honest !
  3. Well really your talking about a stripped xbmc style frontend. That way any emulator thats added would be detected by the frontend. Using this method wouldnt require any emulator xbe editing which gives flexibility to the end user as to which installs they choose.
  4. could you elaborate on the skin animation please.
  5. Dont quote me but i think Gilou did the artwork. A friend sent me a mockup of their version this morning. Its lovely, looks smooth and very in keeping with the original. Keep an eye out for this new skin. It may and i say "it may" appear sometime today or tomorrow. I'll say no more. Wait for the author to give details. PS. I appologise NES6502 de-railing the topic.
  6. lol. I bet you have. I'll be honest, as always. I'm not having you telling me what i should or shouldn't do. What goes in and what doesn't. I'm 40 yrs old, them days are gone. It's pretty obvious that we all have different ideas (visions) of how things should be. Thats what makes human nature what it is. So it should be. I dont think working with/for you would be any fun whatsover. About as much fun as a burning orphanage. Another confession. I had/have no intentions whatsoever of doing anything for CoinOps. I was using it as a rouse to confirm who your little messengers were. That boat sailed a long time ago. On a positive note. CoinOps is really coming of age now and still growing. Stirling work. Had many old school memories fullfilled. I still make sure every xbox mod leaves with CoinOps installed. Always will. Just a thought, if you intend on merging some emulator cores perhaps you should consider the stripped down XBMC engine again. It looked very pretty and functional. As far as use-ability is concerned, most xbox users know there way round XBMC. I'll leave it at that as it gives you chance to showcase your social skills (which are getting better). PS. Love the wind up's, always have. Think you take it more seriously than i do though.
  7. You dont let the grass grow, do you !
  8. Ahhh bless. The online host probably doesnt have a codec to play .xmv, do you on your PC. On top of all that i think its a bit of a, lets say a grey area legally. .Mp4 is compact modern and most generic .mp4 codecs will playback. So i think everything is as it should be.
  9. Now that's how it's done. Say no more.
  10. Nope that seems normal. You will also have a X,Y and Z drives too. These are cache drives. You could have had a G:\ drive aswell. Anything over 120gb (i think, cant remember) can be allocated to G:\. Depends on bios/chip etc.
  11. lol ! EDIT* The penny has finally dropped, the mood swings, irrational thought process. Are you actually a woman. It would explain so many things.
  12. I understand the frustration of users posting random favourite games for fixing. Even with a little research, not all of the info is clear, so unreasonable demands will be made. It does however stand testament to the level of skill you bring to this emulator iq_132. A lot of advances have been made so user expectancy has raised the bar a little higher. The challenge of being a "goto guy" may be harder and more demanding than the coding itself. I, myself, made some requests last week, you answered with no uncertain terms with colourful language which i found hillarious. I read it in the vein it was written. My kind of direct, toungue in cheek, humour. Anyway (bad grammar i know) thanks guys, BP, IQ_132 and others. Love the previews in GUI. Loads of games to play. Very modern, unlike the skin. .
  13. vm issues with new lightgun games. cant seem to work out the values. unexpected roms in one rom. no dat support for some new roms either. Otherwise looks good with video previews.
  14. is it msg time ?
  15. lol. does anyone have it yet ?
  16. ok thanks, looking forward to it.
  17. How do we deal with new rom sets ? Mine are currently built using dats from R2 ----------------------- R3 Build ----------------------- Avengers In Galactic Storm (Now Playable) Boogie Wings (***Now Fixed***) iq_132 you are the man Bonk's Adventure (***Now Playable ***) iq_132 you are the man B Rap Boys (***Now Playable with some Graphic Glitches***) iq_132 you are the man B Rap Boys Special (***Now Playable with some Graphic Glitches***) iq_132 you are the man Blood Warrior (Now Playable) Bakuretsu Breaker (Now Playable) Bubble 2000 Cosmic Alien (Now with Sound) Deer Hunting (Now Playable) Double Dragon 3 (Japanese and Clones Now Playable) Dunk Dream 95 (Now Playable) Explosive Breaker (Now Playable) Fighters History (Now Playable) Fire Hawk Fujiyama Buster (Now Playable) Guardian Storm", 0 ) Hacha Mecha Fighter (Now Playable) Hoops 96 (Now Playable) Hot Bubble Pop's Pop's Mang-Chi Night Slashers (***Now Playable ***) iq_132 you are the man Night Slashers (Japan version with blood and gore) (***Now Playable***) iq_132 you are the man Red Hawk (US) Red Hawk (Italy) Red Hawk (Excellent Co., Ltd) Red Hawk (bootleg) [this one is horizontal ^^] Shogun Warriors (Now Playable) Spectrum 2000 (Euro) Stagger I (Japan) Sen Jin - Guardian Storm (Korea) [this one is horizontal ^^] Skull Fang (Now Playable) Trophy Hunting - Bear & Moose (Now Playable) Thunder Heroes (Now Playable) Turkey Hunting (Now Playable) Twin Action US Mustang (Now Fixed) Wing Shooting Championship (Now Playable) World Cup Volley 95 (Now Playable)
  18. Does the R3 release require some roms to be put through romcenter ? Will it come supplied with up to date dats ?
  19. Well well, quick work. Very Good. Has R3. Arrived anywhere yet ? ie- torrent. Is there a standalone anywhere "Fu" ?
  20. Did iq_132 get to look at Lethal Enforcers etc.
  21. Currently @ 95% and im uploading @ 50 - 60 kB/s , have been since the start. Will continue to seed indefinately till its replaced with r3 showcase. PS. Wasnt having a pop at you Waal in particular. It just seemed an apt time to make the comment. The comment was for all hit n run users.
  22. @ 85% in over 36 hrs. The reason its this bad im guessing is cause users are downloading but not sharing back. Thats not the way torrents work.
  23. Isnt there already a thread for this ?
  24. Finally got access to a SD 16:9 Wide TV (yes the skins were built without a SD TV). I immediately noticed a lot of overscan on the TV i was using. Will fix for WIP 3. Perhaps a few days, who knows, not i.
  25. Bit too much information. Stay on topic. How's the games. lmao i dont think he meant it that way. Childish i know, but i couldn't stop laughing, i just had to. Sorry !
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