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Everything posted by cba.gy

  1. Mouse appears to work nicely. Tested Centipede, Millipede and Marble Madness.
  2. No. Producing the font.xpr files for xbox apps means installing other software that i dont have installed/use anymore. Im not actively working with anyone on any projects so have no need or inclination to install new software. The font was borrowed from another emulator and is only size 18. The largest i could find off hand. The 1080i skin needs probably size 22 at least. I did briefly browse a "XBMC" page relating to .xpr tools for XBMC. If you wish to persue it yourself (which you should) im sure they have a tool and links to the stuff required. They will, no doubt, have a tutorial too. Dont be daunted. Its not hard. Its a case of how bad do you want to fix it !
  3. Yes quite true, its not a big job BUT. Try just using XBMC in 1080i. Things tend to start getting sluggish. I only built those 1080 skins cause of 1stmoon's inabillity to display 720p. I think we ought to make do with 720p and be happy at that.
  4. 1080i skins for FBAXXX Pro. Fonts are a bit small (size 18). The best i could find and im not making any. CBAGY_CAB_1080 CBAGY_NXE_1080
  5. I know it can be called anything. Just thought i would keep with the format of just the first letter as in the other pages. It used to use the others page which i copied from the default skin.xml. However with users needing to use the all roms page i thought it was worth 10 mins work. Nice to see some familiar users returning anyway.
  6. will build one over next few days. * Edit * just finishing it today will post later. For other users i have updated the CAB and NXE skins. Added seperate page for listing all roms, moves list and other tidying bits. Ignore the poor photography. CBAGY_CAB CBAGY_NXE And also the Standard Definition skins. These havent been updated but maybe soon. CBAGY_CAB_SD CBAGY_NXE_SD
  7. Seems a lot of users are slow to return after such a long lay off. Wonder if Kenshiro has any updates for us ?
  8. which in turn i suppose means building a skin with a backgrounda.png ?
  9. I have some updates for the CAB and NXE skins. Will post pics n links later this afternoon.
  10. It really does make a difference which TV is used i totally agree. One set of settings that work on a particular TV set don't necessarily work on all. Its a case of the end users own trial and error to find the settings that look comfortable to them. Of course the settings need to also take into account the TV's capabilities. Damn it just noticed im not dead anymore ! Who gave me the kiss of life ? Hope you don't have a beard !
  11. My main TV is a 37" HD LCD (1080p 1080i 720p 576i 480p 480i). All games look very good without lots of filtering. Obviously i set the aspect ratio of a particular rom with the emulator screen adjust. Otherwise the games look very stretched n nasty. I am going to play with the filters tonight though. I tried the scanlines filter to test for neoryu and that looked awfull. However each to their own i suppose and thats how it should be.
  12. @cba.gy: I use these settings below: Video settings: 720P Hardware filter: Anisotropic (sometimes Linear) Software filter: Scanlines 75% Flicker Filter: off Audio settings: PCM interpolation: ON FM interpolation: ON Sample Rate: 44100khz (will try 48000khz) All CPS1/CPS2 games run perfect (after the initial black screen). All the NeoGeo games that works run perfect. Try these settings out with Guwange and see if things are OK for you. Play a few medium or large-sized NeoGeo games and then run Guwange with those settings. Right i tried those settings playing a few large NEOGEO roms first then launched Guwange. I still had the game work except some graphics missing. The intro had lots of graphics missing. The hero couldnt be seen onscreen just his bullets. Returned to my settings and then re-launched rom with no problems. I dont tend to mess with filters, the audio filters make lots of games crackle like hell. I use standard audio with nothing swithched on @ 22050. Video @ 720p Hardware filter = Linear. No software filter and Flicker Filter = 1. Thats totally it. Adding too many filters needs resources no matter how quick or small the filter, it still has to be maintained ! Thats the way i see it anyway. Im sure someone else with have a differing opinion !
  13. Still works, i dont have any filters or gagets turned on though. However i seem to have lost the ability to insert coins, no matter which button i map it to. Will delete ini's and try again. Edit: Never mind worked it out, hadn't allocated controller.
  14. new version of FBAXXX Pro has the ability to hide clones i think But i agree with The_Ice_Man. Just delete the clones. I only use Euro parent roms, cause thats all i need unless a rom doesnt work or other reasons.
  15. last time i played guwange.zip it was ok, thats was last version.
  16. i had that issue with cps2 before the fix, it was almost as if all vm or available memory was used but stored and not flushed/dumped after exiting the rom. Only a reboot would sort it out. If you know what i mean !
  17. "Hurrah" the Banna Hammock rides again !
  18. And to go with Kenshiro's last build those skins in Black Editions. The CBAGY CAB HD and SD Black And the CBAGY NXE HD Black Links to the White versions are in the post above. Links to these Black version below. CBAGY CAB SD Black CBAGY CAB SD Black CBAGY CAB HD Black CBAGY CAB HD Black CBAGY NXE HD Black CBAGY NXE HD Black
  19. excellent news Kenshiro, well done mate.
  20. As promised i have reworked some of my skins. Ive re-built them from scratch as i deleted all of the graphics i made by accident in a hdd swap. The skins have been reworked to allow for more rom space and truncated names. The CAB skin comes in two flavours - HD and SD (Standard Definition). I built another i called NXE. Its for HD only and although its nothing like MS NXE i couldnt think of anything shorter to call it so there you go. A few pics of the HD versions below. Blurry i know. This is the CAB version in HD. SD looks just the same. And this is the NXE version. HD only. Links to those files.. CBAGY_CAB_SD CBAGY_CAB_SD CBAGY_CAB_HD CBAGY_CAB_HD CBAGY_NXE_HD CBAGY_NXE_HD Below is a rework of the original skin but in HD CBAGY_default_HD CBAGY_default_HD
  21. For me it has to be continue evolving CoinOps. Updating drivers, adding roms, and putting some make-up on that dowdy face. I like the way CoinOps handles 720p.
  22. Well i have to agree with all the points in BP's first post, down to the letter. I also agree with The_Ice_Man's first post. I still have both emulator's on my xboxes. CoinOps plays more of the old school games which i love the most if im honest but FBA plays fighting games great. CoinOps for me suffers with options which i just dont use, like The_Ice_Man said, coloured rom status, sort by and other options. I just disable these optons. I have my roms in CoinOps sorted by name. The favourites colour status i use to highlight my LightGun games only. This serves to highlight them for the kids and the wife. In a way its not a case of CoinOps vs FBA as i use them both for different reasons as i suppose most users do.
  23. I use XBMC as my dash but i also agree with you that a rom is a rom once launched. HA HA just noticed a liitle RIP under my avatar, hmm wonder which geek did that ?
  24. i used to use it quite a long time ago. Now ive got back into it, development stops ! Just my luck.
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