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Everything posted by cba.gy

  1. Any changes since public beta final
  2. Excellent suggestions, i would like to see a newer version of DaphneX.
  3. An emulator for Acorn Electron / BBC. Do believe there was once a driver for mame but cant find it. Oh and a real web browser for xbmc or a standalone would be more than usefull.
  4. My eldest lad is only 12 and he says its easy to use. Once ive set up the more advanced options obviously. As far as coinage goes, on his xbox i just set the roms to free play and let em get on with it. Keeps em quiet for hours.
  5. Agreed, the closer it is to the real arcade experience the better, ie resolution, coinage etc
  6. MSX now that takes me back "Hello Tosh got a Toshiba" anywho Still playing my Electon emulator on PC till i make a port. Gotta love Chuckie Egg. Repton's still fun too. Sometimes even get the original machine out and load games either through stereo system or mp3 player as i have the roms recorded to newer devices also.
  7. Hi, I decided not to give up after all. I definately had removed these folders. its as if the files I deleted were showing as deleted but were still there somehow. Have been using xbmc as a file manager Does anyone else have these problems or am i noobly bumbling around here? Did you use XBMC "GameSaves" Filemanager in the programs tab or just the general filemanager ? I found using the "GameSave" manager sometimes won't remove certain game files and coinops / ignite appears to be one of those awkward saves. Remove them using FTP. Turn off xbox ( not reboot ) after clearing any files. Re install / FTP a totally clean package, not one youve made ajustments to or attempted to install, then copied elswhere on xbox or pc, as it may have changed settings logs somehow. Remember to power down xbox between phases then you know at which point things went "Pete Tong". My roms are from pre-Gold days ( i think ) and i havent had to re-do any of them. The roms Ignite claims are missing may be from certain manufacturers bios files. I myself have the manufacturer roms in the roms folder too, bad habit from earlier software from earlier times. Now when you build your roms you can build them with dependacies for other roms. I think i build my roms with all of its roms in each set therefore deleting a game will not break another. Open Romcenter and look in the options, see how your building your roms, try auditing your roms again with romcenter if youve made any option changes. If all fails, take 5. Usually helps to see things clearer.
  8. Same here, thought it was the way my tv was set up.
  9. FTP'd Ignite Beta Final to xbox with no roms or screen shots. Launched in order to setup 720p skin and set the available options etc. However once i finished the options and return to rom list it freezes / crashes. So next i copied my roms and screenshots to the appropriate folders and relaunched, still the same. I had to delete the saves from the e: babeface and start fresh for it to work and find the roms. Just a little quirk i thought i would post in case anyone does the same. PS. F.A.O. BP Which version of Visual Studio do you build your projects with ?
  10. What does this have to do with anything? No emulator I use on Xbox stretches widescreen unless you set it to do so. So if "you set it to do so" it does stretch it then ! Lots of emulators are capable of this ! And my point was ... theres no need for this option in any emulator ! Its a modern obsession with squashed video, whether it be games or TV broadcasts. Seems like people believe their getting more cause its full screen. Although the topic was about native resoloutions or lack of it, i thought widescreen resoloutions were indeed display resoloutions. Therefore they have something to do with the topic. One only has to read back to see what you think of other peoples opinions. We had a word at school for people like that. My father always used to say " if you havent anything nice to say then perhaps you shouldnt say anything at all"
  11. I also dont like games being stretched into widescreen. looks nasty.
  12. Sorry for the late reply, been busy. For a 56" screen i would advise using the better LED stands. Remember when you use 2 guns from EMS only one pair of LED's is needed for both guns. If i remember correctly, when you buy the guns they come with the standard LED's anyway, you may be able to get different packages, i dont know. They come with full manual anyway. Whether they are any good or not is neither here nor there (there good anyway) cause its all thats available for modern TV's at the moment. Older type's of gun's used a flash to map the screen on CRT TV's. Modern screen's cant use this system so the LED stands map the co-ordinates to the xbox for you. The LED's plug into a port on the xbox just like the gun or a pad would. The gun comes with a laser sight if you like to use it (good cause you dont have to squint down the sights) also it features a re-coil feature which is necessary for calibration but highly annoying while playing, as it is plastic-y, clunky and loud. However buy them you wont regret it.
  13. just download to pc, extract to their own folder (leave the folder naming convention). Copy to the avp folder on xbox. I only checked multiplayer and they appeared, so i believe they are multiplayer maps.
  14. Entering gun calibration on Namco games and a few others requires pressing Sevice/Test + Service 1 together. Advancing each calibration stage with service 1 button till finished.
  15. One can download and add extra maps too ! "free" and they work.
  16. Havent seen / compiled any of your sources, so couldnt possibly comment on CoinOps. Was trawling through mameox 1.1s and mame 129s. Didnt vote earlier but for what its worth, this is the best "out of the box" mame emulator on xbox. Its understandable that advanced users feel its been dumbed down. For my own personal use i feel it has quite a few powerfull options in there and as the builds progress more have been added, honest !
  17. - SF added - 720p fully usable - Removed unused players 5-8 configs= more ram ingame - 90° rotated vertical schmups with rotated key for playing horizontally Coinops Ignite is my choice. Removing the unneccessary 5-8 player config is a step forward. There are / is a lot more that needs removing to produce a slick emulator. Even though it works nicely now theres still hang over code from the original mame port. Something im working on myself. Unless one was to use the emulator for deveopment aswell, a lot more functions are defunct. Gaining back this cpu time, hung code and ram could unlock the possibillity of other certain roms !
  18. yeah ive tested all the mame roms so the list is accurate, others could be added as they use the hardware n software of existing roms. I "may" be looking at building a similar emulator myself just for lightgun stuff. Got all the tools n hardware with basic c++ skills but no time to dedicate. But i will have to see so "really" dont hold your breath. Plus i wouldnt even consider building it on an old version of mame.
  19. Great Stuff ! Well Done.
  20. was only on there (x-scene) and xbins half hour ago aswell.
  21. No immediate or apparent changes in Ignite B6.
  22. F.A.O. stf Did those 720p Ignite skins ever see the light of day ? Cause when exiting a game back to the rom selection screen after playing in 720p the screen is top left quadrant (as your probably aware).
  23. A data disc is a type of iso image. You could produce the image first and then burn it which would be needed if your dvd burner or pc was crap and inaccurate at doing images. No need for an xbox image or any fancy imaging types just a basic rom is what you want for this type of operation. Just open your burning software and set a new project based on a dvd-rom image with normal basic options. I always use verbetamin printable discs they work in Samsung, Phillips and of course the Thompson drives, theyre cheap n work a charm. For best compatability, dvd-r + or - makes no odds besides what others say, buy the fastest burnable discs you can find 16x arent bad, then burn the discs as slow as your writer will allow. This produces high quality images on rated discs which read easier and last longer with surface scratches n stuff. So iv'e heard anyway !
  24. Agreed. Most roms for older machines tend to be small-ish files anyway (there are exceptions as always). A bit of research and reading and you will probably find between your HDD and a DVD of roms you will have all the games you will probably need. Unless you are the kind of person who collects say 4000 roms for a certain emulator when you will probably only play 200 or so. Collecting for collectings sake is well quite literally a waste of space, space is what you will need to be wise with on a stock HDD.
  25. now yopur thinking outside the box, well done. Also if you structure your disk with folders for each emulator you could put all you favourite roms on one disk that would load for multiple different emulators / systems.
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