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Everything posted by cba.gy

  1. all my existing lightgun games ( listed in another post on these boards ) worked, dont know if its my eyes but they appeared to run smoother and calibrate easier, armed with this new finding i just downloaded a couple of new lightgun roms ie jpark golly ghost op wolf 3 and a few more, these games used to have serious calibration issues to the point of sometimes only using half the screen, now however the seem to map the whole screen yet im still about an inch or so out in accuracy, will post more details after ive tested all of the games in the catver.ini ( supported list)
  2. Whether Chipped or Softmodded most methods use a unofficial bios which searches your your boot drive C for a file called evoxdash.xbe, this seems to have been the standard adopted by all bios programmers whether BFM,Evox, M8, X2 as Evox was the granddaddy of dashboards n bioses. Therfore for you to boot XBMC as your usual dash you may have used 2 basic methods ie firstly you could have your xbmc directory extracted directly to your c: drive with the default xbe renamed to evoxdash.xbe or alternatively you could be using the shortcut method whereby one places a shortcut named evoxdash.xbe in the root of your c: drive, this shortcut will have been made on a pc and its job is to point to a real directory ie e:/xbmc/default.xbe or f:/xbmc/default.xbe. The second method is my prefered method because everything is stored in its correct directory and only the shortcut needs modifying to change your xbox's function. Having said that i can probably help you if you gave more information.
  3. Hmmm No spreadsheet ! A spreadsheet with non working roms would be huge and a waste of time. A spreadsheet with supported games would not only be smaller but easier to read, then if its not on the list then there will be a reason .. ie .. its a clone, bad graphics/sound, doesnt work etc. Anyone have any idea which roms have been added for this build ? if i remember correcly it is 200 or so ? Is there a changelog listing working or added roms ? I have always read these forums for an awfull long time but never bothered to join in cause all i seem to read is a lot of belly aching and bitching and not a lot of constructive comments.
  4. all of my arcade roms seem to be fine, ignite full screen @ 720p is very good, i have no issues with the interface and believe the background work that has been implimented to drivers, filters etc has made a real performance difference, Anyway the reason im posting is to say that the lightgun games still work and dare i say seem more accurate due to the decent scaling filtering. I only have a few gun roms from back before CoinOps as the rest were dire or didnt work / calibrate. The roms i have worked worked before CoinOps so any other code added doesnt seem to have done anything really unless anyone can tell me which gun roms have been improved in this build. When i have my PC back online i will check those roms that didnt work. Working (worth playing) LightGun Roms Alien 3 The Gun, Bang, Beast Busters, EggVenture DX, Gun Buster, Lethal Justice, One Shot Kill, Operation Thunderbolt, Operation Wolf (cross hair fixed extreme left or right), Police Trainer, Sharp Shooter, Space Gun, Terminator 2, Tickee Tackats, Under Fire, Zero Point, Zero Point 2, Zombie Raid. If anyone knows of any other roms i should check out feel free to enlighten me.
  5. Will we need to update dats or will this just drop over say a copy of Gold
  6. thanks i heard as much about an hour ago from a member in a pm, i live in england so im gmt +-0 hours the new topic will it be up later tonight ( saturday )
  7. none yet waiting to recieve ignite
  8. Need a good citizen to offer me a link or pm to the newest release of ignite so ican play with my lightgun
  9. pc cpu died few months back so im limited to using xdsl with mouse n virtual keyboard. however newer cpu should arrive next week and will get latest ignite to play test lightgun games with this build @ 720 for ya. will post working games that use the gun and not the pad. will also test the ones that havent worked / calibrated in past builds to see if anything has changed. nice work bp.
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