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Everything posted by cba.gy

  1. xbmc folder\userdata\advanced.settings.template.xml Get a new build with untouched files and transfer new advanced.settings.xml to your userdata folder. This will in effect reset your settings after a reboot.
  2. This to me seems a good idea, if users wish to add more roms, lets be honest, they are not hard to find. The pack, it appears, will already be distributed with a set. What more do people want ? Maybe some sort of up to date compatability list is in order.
  3. CBAGY is "correct" as usual. The topic was @ 7000 views, i went to bed and woke to find it had 100,000 views. I wasn't the only one who noticed. Explain that away ! Plus your threads are editied to death, not worth reading. Its been mentioned, behind closed doors, by many people. The threads a laughing stock. PS. The old posts were removed and only the post count's were retained over to the thread. Your really no where near as clever as "you" think you are.
  4. It will be its 10 versions, spread over 18 months, merged into one post. What i actually meant was the waffle above.
  5. lol, i got a few lines into BP's post and stopped reading it. This keeps happenening to me. From what i can gather its the same usual rant, word for word. How original.
  6. lol, too true +T+. Hey a little sillyness doesn't hurt anyone.
  7. I have to dis-agree Bigby. I think BP is a very experienced "tweaker". But not much more than that unfortunately !
  8. lol, good job you asked for no help otherwise you would have had hundreds scrambling to help you. I think not. Oh good luck with editing the existing xtras wmv's.
  9. I couldn't be arsed to read the above waffle, i don't want to bring up the past for requested CoinOps vids i made for BP. What i will say is though, you'll be suprised how many Xtra's feature in CoinOps, no need to say anymore.
  10. I applaud your 70+ videos in 3 days, for SNES, only another 1000+ to go. Then there are the loads of other systems to do. Im sure you can knock these out in a week. Really BP, come on, you've finally worked out how to do them which is great but lets be honest its gonna take you a lot longer than you think to do these isn't it. Lets see how many you yourself can do in a month, im guessing without help, not very many. In fact a drop in the ocean. I believe, as MegaMan said, the Xtra's lads were looking at building as complete a set as possible, then, the intention is to go back over them and replace bad ones. I agree 100% with you that they need to be as good as possible, ive always said that myself, but your comments again have turned people off helping you, which in turn damages the whole community xbox and PC users alike.
  11. I prefer this graphical style, its something ive been toying with for quite some time but cant seem to nail it. This pretty much achieves the feel i was looking for, now my current default skin. Well done mate.
  12. A quick method i found was to use Zsnes and a screen capture program. The results are better than you would think they would be.
  13. I couldn't be bothered to even read all that rubbish. Can someone break it into highlights for me ?
  14. Answer the Gentleman and don't use me as an excuse to bypass the question as usual. Don't say "not in my vision" etc. If you can't do something then say so, you won't loose kudos for not know something. It's normal to not know everything. PS. I own you bitch, remember ?
  15. As i'm sure you can read, you will notice which member started an argument in the thread. This member regularly does this when he's bored, calling people out from behind a keyboard. That's rather childish in my book. As far as topic goes, is this even a relevant topic ? Is it going anywhere ? Is anyone really that interested ?
  16. So did i, about 2 yrs ago or is this supposed to be a new build ?
  17. That confirms it, hearing voices in your head. Always knew there was something not stable about you. Something you should have kept to yourself really, there are special hospitals for people like you. Hey, at least you have one friend, albeit in your head. Even then i bet you argue with your imaginary friend.
  18. Again, this is becoming monotonous, your wrong. Get hold of a copy and see for yourself doughnut.
  19. True to form your wrong again.
  20. If the roms are included then it's only a matter of time before things get removed. It seems that a few people did some reporting a few weeks back, regarding the Xtra's project, out of spite. A couple of silly boy's have not only spoilt it for themselves but everyone else also. Now the repercussions will be felt by all and for a long time. Perhaps there's a lesson to be learn't somewhere in this ! Back on topic, nice to hear CoinOps is moving forward, with "X" marking the end of this chapter. I for one have been looking forward to the overhaul for quite sometime now.
  21. been a long time since i used Evox but the TSR option seems to play a role at times in rebooting certain games. I think Normal or OFF are best. Can't even remeber the options it gives fully.
  22. Donate (pay them money) or don't. Doesn't really matter does it. If your having to pay for your emulation needs then your not looking around the forums enough. Most of the stuff forum members are describing as "for sale" is actually freely available. Getting all upset about it is a waste of energy. Leave them to it, everyone gets what they deserve in the end.
  23. Had to read that twice then ! "FUNDING you" phew. Although with a forum name like you have i wouldn't be supprised if it was "F............
  24. lol, that confirms it, you really don't know what your talking about do ya ! Yes it was bad if you had one in 1995 but if you had one in 84-85 it was the mutts nuts.
  25. How about taking a look at the old MAME Acorn Electron driver ?
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