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Everything posted by cba.gy

  1. same shit, different day, lol
  2. Background info, despite what people tell you this skin is over a year old. It was new, now its only new to new people or the ignorant. Finally got round to this one again. Made it reasonably generic with other config's based on boxart sizes etc. There are some support files included, a feature im currently building on. The Sega stuff is included (splash screens and video etc) and the skin is defaulted for Sega stuff. HD only for now but i will endeavour to finish the SD configs. http://www.mediafire.com/?naqttwn0njm
  3. lol, im guessing BP is bored. Ah well, here we go again. The reason no work is being posted here anymore is because of a certain individual who you all know. He has stopped any alternative work appearing here and not just from me. Nah only kidding, shit !, what kind of knob would do the above ? Not me thats for sure. Check back later for the HD version.
  4. Hmmm, sounds interesting doesn't it !
  5. If you have no joy at all PM me and ill either help you or do it for you. I would prefere it if you made an effort to find some info and do it yourself though. Its better for you in the long run if you can work it out.
  6. Seems your medication is wearing off again as your starting to drift off into your own little dreamworld again.
  7. At a quick glance, all of that is possible. Its been quite a few years since i modded the Evox ini. There is some documention somewhere.
  8. Not caring and not being capable are two different things. When or if you decide to get your gun/s drop me a PM and ill give you every working game with HQ video and configs, all set and ready to go. PS. If the newer CoinOps doesn't support LightGuns anymore, never fear, Mameox128 plays them perfectly and also plays Mame 0.84 roms too.
  9. I haven't a clue how you have set your file system up but i hope to help you a little here. The media (videos, boxart, titles, action shots etc) go in the media folder itself, now whether you choose to use the emulators internal media folders or external directories is up to you. I put 3d Boxart in media\Artwork\Box Front, Titles in media\Artwork\Titles, xmv in media\Movies, etc etc etc. If you have chosen a different directory or partition for your Media folder then the emulator will need configuring through the options to this directory. Now a strange thing used to happen with these emulators and i don't know if it still does, so be aware that if you point the emulator to the media folder itself for artwork then it will know already to search for artwork/movie folders within the media directory. So when you set it all up don't be literal when setting up the directory options. example - Don't set your screenshots directory to media\Artwork\Action, just point to the media folder and the emulator knows the rest. I think anyway, lol, its all a bit hazy now. Hope this helps.
  10. F****** Bullshit. I never caused him to do anything people. Simple answer, he doesn't know how to get it to work properly and never has. This info came to me by PM from one of his insiders last year or the year before. It used to be ok and every time he attempted to fix it it got worse till he broke it in R1 or R2. That's the truth of the matter. That's why it's not in anymore. PS. Less than half the rom's on that list work. There are video's and config's for all working roms somewhere i believe.
  11. lol, be patient "oh great one"
  12. cba.gy


    Im not arguing, nor do i give a shit what you do with CoinOps. Who's outta touch with the average person ? "We" are the average person. That includes you. Bet it's hard to see from that lofty position you've placed yourself on. Carefull someone doesn't come along a knock you off your perch.
  13. It used to be ok with LCD TopGun's however i havent used CoinOps since R2 so i can't comment what newer versions support. Try it and see !
  14. Yeah, bad timing due to last minute changes. In most cases it could be described as bad planning, however, i can vouch for the team here and say the changes were literally last minute and couldn't be avoided. The changes add features never seen before in an xbox emulator and add a whole new dimension to the emulators. You have to remember these changes aren't being implimented in one emulator but across a whole spectrum of emulators. So the workload is quite a lot for Madmab. Then these things have to be tested. It all takes time. Rest assured, you won't wait long. It gives you time to collect all the necessary media to make it a richer experience.
  15. In which respect ? Do you mean for console roms ? Do you mean presentation ? I will be honest here, ive been waiting nearly a year now for you to impliment this "xbmc" style GUI. If find this exciting as it opens opportunities for some neat ideas especially the way we view our roms and media. I also like the way you have hidden important settings from non experienced users, this makes a lot of sense and avoids kids or inexperienced users borking things up. If i could make a suggestion it would be to "password protect" settings or impliment "profiles". Profiles could include "kids", "my profile" or "Admin" etc and have to be logged on to with a password. With each profile allowing a limited or full access to options. I know you have "Advanced" settings but this can be accessed by anyone if they venture into the options/settings menu. Discuss !
  16. seems fair enough, i will wait for "X" i think.
  17. "R8" is out today, "X" is out next week. So "R9" in a few days then ??? Riddle me this. Why should anyone bother with "R8" or "R9" (few days) when "X" is only a week away ? The topic for "R5" was only mid March, not even 4 weeks ago, "X" next week, that's 5 revisions in 5 weeks. Is everything 100% compatible ? If history is anything to go by then i guess no ! I understand it's all about numbers for you but do you realize that when you take your finger off the pulse with this emu its gonna be lost from the internet to a lot of users. With very, very, very few people with the latest and greatest version featuring proper rom sets. It's gonna end up drowning itself in "numbers" if your not carefull. I stopped bothering at "R2". Im guessing besides the addition of console roms (now to be removed i understand ?) not much has changed since "R2". I now know your gonna squeak about changes but lets be honest "sort methods" etc aren't real changes are they. I may download "X" next week just to be up to date, i may even launch it (first time in months) but in all honesty im not expecting anything new.
  18. cba.gy


    I have to agree, the xport emulators have to be the easiest to use and configure. I also don't understand the issue of switching between SD and HD, options/switch to HD/choose skin. How is that difficult ? Do these people have problems switching channels on their TV's ? On reflection, these so called "people" who can't switch from SD to HD have bought a HD ready TV set, modded their xbox, bought and installed the correct HD AV leads, configured their xbox correctly for HD output then can't configure an emulator from SD to HD. I think not. I think the "number" of people who struggle, is pure fabrication.
  19. How are people gettinig on with these packs ??
  20. I would like to see a UI that combines the Xport/Madmab stuff properly. A totally radical and different approach to what all emu's seem to follow.
  21. You never know, there could be improved packs appearing way before that time frame.
  22. No worries, i put them on the FTP first before anywhere else anyway.
  23. Will work on a SD version of this skin as the emu's will start appearing soon. I think this skin is generic for all Xport emulators as far as im aware.
  24. 3D Boxart And video in ".wmv" format. http://www.mediafire.com/?zymejnvzyjm
  25. Good to see the releases starting.
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