If you mean the latest VBA-M, it by default checks from subfolders inside its folder (for saves, snapshot and batteries), so you can move those files to their respective subfolders, or point to the ones you actually use (only one location for each, so it makes sense to have those in a single subfolder directly. A gui option for switching between this approach and the old way might be considered for later revisions, or a combination of the 2, with subsequent storage of those performed in the same location as they were read from). And if you mean by "doesnt load" that you get an error message about Directx, you should either update your DirectX (either with the webupdater or installing the full updated runtimes). http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en Its less troublesome to just paste the latest directx dll into the same folder as the executable, though you might benefit from a generally updated DirectX install.