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Everything posted by ForceX

  1. ...Mom just sounds so....I dunno....sluty....when used inconnection with MILF.... Mother on the other hand sounds more classy
  2. You're pretty good in german, ForceX. Wie gehts? Agozer sind Sie mein Freund ein König amoung Männer. Ich versuche mein bestes, aber ich denke, daß mein Deutsch ein wenig rostiges ist.
  3. What means MILF ? Never heard Milf = mom i'd like to f***. Dood u never watched American Pie? My sister actually knows that guy who used the word in the movie. Its actually Mother I'd Like To F@#!....
  4. Me & my mates love just chillin out, playing videogames etc while listening to Nirvana....They were true genius's....
  5. BOOTAY Inc just sounded more professional Anyways, we should have a series of books:- * How To Get Game While Playing Your GCube. * The Art Of Bloom Hair. * How To Avoid Hoes * How To Increase Your Chances Of Getting BOOTAY.
  6. You can grab the trailer from here
  7. That was because the site that was hosting my sig and avatar are down at the moment..but I have moved to a new server and its all fine now...but I got rid of the transformers pics....
  8. WTF...Clay Fighter rocks ....it was awesome fun to play back in the day...it might suck compared to today's standards but it was an overall great games..
  9. Rammstein saugen Hauptesel. Nicht Sie Leuteentdeckung ein besseres Band, können zu warum hören. Alles Rammstein ist singen Abfall.
  10. Can you see my avatar now....I thought it was time for a change so I have choosen Brad from VF4 Evo to replace Goh... Goh's image doesn't quite look like a president of BOOTAY Inc ...
  11. It's not. Just another way of killing time and getting to know a bit about the people here, since the posts in "Hi! I'm new here!" are kinda short on info. Ah...Killing Time...The Timeless persuit of making time your biatch...
  12. Nirvana rock...I own all of their CD's......
  13. Nookie - Limp Bizkit
  14. If Random is the Chairman of BOOTAY...I will be the President
  15. ....I don't get whats so important about know how tall and how much someone weighs....
  16. I heard awhile ago that Billy Boy earns roughly $1 Million when he wipes his own ass....
  17. Oh ok........damn its a slow emulation year....
  18. Maybe its for a different George W Bush....Anyways, whats his real DOB???
  19. Geocities sucks ..I have my own web domain and server so its all cool
  20. LOL Random....hahahahah I'd love to join BOOTAY...
  21. I thought this was about Fatal wanting to bang a MILF....not what I did today thread....
  22. The site that hosts my avatar is down ...I would upload it to 1emu but its too big and I don't wanna shrink it because the pic because grainy etc...Once the site comes back and I get the pic I will upload it to my new site ...
  23. That sucks....I love going to my local arcades and verusing people... Looks like the dream of SF4 has finally died
  24. He based those books on his own experiences...thats why they are so detailed.. His books and games rock
  25. ill play with ya online sometime pm when ya wanna play When I go home tonight we'll play.... Also K'Dash...I have never heard anyone call the Namco Arcade Stick unresponsive...I actually find the complete opposite..
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