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Everything posted by ForceX

  1. Trust me...you will not regret it....VF4 Evo is much better than VF4 (I own both and I have compared them together)....
  2. VF4 Evo is more refined than VF4 and has many improvements...the graphics being one of the major ones and the addition of two new characters...and a new Quest mode...where you go around arcades in Japan and verus the best VF4 players in the world (Sega recorded them fighting and placed their information into VF4 Evo so you are verusing the best in the world not just some crappy AI....)
  3. Errr...VF4 Evo is considered my many the best fighting game ever.... And name a new awesome 2D fighting game that Capcom has made.....
  4. Tekken 1 and Tekken Tag Tournament were the only ones I liked in the entire series....
  5. I wonder if its named Warez so the RIAA will think that its nothing been used to share illegal files
  6. Errr....your kidding right.... Tekken 4 was the worst one in the entire series......
  7. Reread my post on the 2nd page....I said Sony doesn't make MANY games.....
  8. Errr Capcom used to be the kings of 2D but their last good fighting game was SF3 3rd Strike.... And yes Namco is good but their games are no way near VF4 Evo.....
  9. VF4 Evo...The one and only fighting game you will ever need
  10. I fear this is gonna become a flaming war... Anyways, Sega > Your Company
  11. The worst prank I did was giving the teacher an apple that had a dead worm in it....she never realized and eat it....hahahahaha
  12. I tried this but it wasn't that good...I found another P2P app named WAREZ....Its laid out like Kazaa but its a new network....
  13. Nice work Gouken....
  14. Sega all the way...They made the best fighting game ever - Virtua Fighter 4 EVO..... Capcom used to be good but lately their games have been lackluster....
  15. Oh hahahahah When I used the upgrade patch I didn't have to crack it again....
  16. I'm a student but help my parents run their new 5 star hotel... All I do is sit at the front desk and get paid If I have nothing to do I post here or play games....During my free time I go out with friends and my GF
  17. err..in Australia we pay $100 for GC games....Only the real crappy games are cheap.... Anyways, check out www.lik-sang.com...thats where I order my imports from...
  18. You just did Ass is just a better way of saying "Bootay". but Bootay...sounds sooo cool Bootay > Ass > Flat Ass
  19. Thanks ForceX, you are a life-shaver. (Yes, there is nothing wrong with your vision.) hahahaha...err is a life-shaver a good thing
  20. Well its rumored that Xbox games etc will not be compatiable with Xbox2.....If that is the case then MS are gonna lose then next gen console wars by a very large margin... Nope. PS3 is going to have compatibility issues as well. The processors are going to change, thus the games prior are going to be impossible to play. Both Sony and MS are in a pickle over this. If one is able to pull it off, it is the other's demise. Anon. Sony has hired the best emulation authors to make ps3 be able emulate ps1 and ps2... You mean they've hired Frost's friend?! Awesome! Where did you hear this news? Sony was advertising all over the net and in the newspaper for experienced emulation personnel.... Also Sony will make the PS3 backwards compatible with the PS2 and PS1 because thats what gave the PS2 its edge.... I bet its a sting operation. They lure all the best emulators and then arrest them. It'll keep them away from emulating all the other consoles. Or Sony could steal specs from the new XBOX and have them work on that emulator so it would devalue the console when it comes out. Emulators are not illegal (well Nintendo Handheld emulators are)...only the Roms are..... just loading the rom on an emulator is illegal Having the rom image and not owning the original cartridge/CD/DVD is illegal. You have a privilege of keeping backups of your software. isn't it legal if you only use it for private use w/out distribution? It's legal as long as you own the original medium. Whats up with all of the quoting.... Anyways, I cannot wait until the specs of the Xbox 2, GC2, PS3 get publically released.... I have heard that the PS3 will use the Blue Ray Disc technology (1 disc holds 50gb)...lets hope this is true...
  21. Thats what I used to do but the formatting is usually screwed up....
  22. Well last I wrote Sh!t I got PMed by one of the mod's saying not to swear.... Thats why I am not writing Ass....
  23. Yes I did Agozer... For anyone you can download Trillian 2.012 Pro from here If you already have Trillian 2.011 Pro you can download the upgrade patch from here
  24. Anyway, whats the name of this documentary and what channel is it on....Then I will see if its on in Australia...
  25. Whats sooo funny Agozer????
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