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Everything posted by ForceX

  1. Texas the program uses the extra cycles of your CPU, which are redundant anyway and uses them to solve complex algorithms...which will then help them create a cure for deadly dieases.
  2. HAHAAHA That was off the shizzle for hizzle Cominus WORDLIFE
  3. I can say with great pide in my voice that I've played every single LucasArts/LucasFilm Games adventures. The Dig was the best! WTF is a DIG????
  4. You firewall is quite good but Norton Antivirus sucks....I use NOD32, which is the antivirus MS use to scan windows before shipping it out.... PM a place to download the full version from
  5. Crickey....The croc would absolutely kill the shark...
  6. Linken Park The Rat Pack (They are classics) Elvis Axle 10 Rage against the machine Dean Jones
  7. Why is it weird Agozer?? Folding@Home helps the cancer researchers with vital research, which might one day help you or someone you know..
  8. -VIOLENCE- do you ever think about anything about from S.E.X??
  9. There is inactivity because there is nothing that sets this thread apart from the hundreds of the other threads.... Just have a look how I defined the Cosplay Thread....
  10. A game that has alot of unlockables is VF4 and VF4 Evo....I know you only unlock clothing but its awesome to be able to give your favourite character some personality...
  11. I cannot wait for Hyper Neogeo 64 to get emulated.....that is gonna rock the house...
  12. Good stuff K.
  13. This thread has gone way off topic
  14. This thread reminds be alot of the Cosplay thread.....
  15. I vote for the Lion....because it is the king of the jungle and the tiger is its biatch
  16. Texas as long as you have a good firewall he cannot touch you...also does you ip change when you reset your modem or does it stay the same...
  17. Adware is better than SpyBot.....and its 100% spyware....Are you using IE6???
  18. When is KOF2003 for the DC supposed to get released??
  19. Well I was told that MS and the Flash Drive manufacturer are trying to create a very large flash drive...If its 8gig's I'll be a happy camper ... Lightsier, you make a very good point about the system memory...Thats a huge issue....Hopefulyl the next gen consoles have a decent about of memory...
  20. I know that James...but chicks who aren't normally slutty suddenly loosen up and put out to everyone
  21. Thats only because of the cosplay thread...I don't stay home all day, I go out with my GF and friends etc.
  22. For info on Protowall go to:- http://www.bluetack.co.uk/pwhelp/ http://www.slyck.com/news.php?story=432
  23. Well DOOM III and Half Life 2 might not get released this year....
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