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Everything posted by ForceX

  1. Muscles sag after laying off steroids and lack of workout. But anyway, now that he's in that shape and Rikishi is no longer with the company, perhaps we will now see him do the stinkface. I thought HHH still look good for a guy like him. I mean heel yeah, I would like to have his body But I prefer body like orton HHH is in great shape but that is because he is a hardcore weightlifter
  2. N64:- Golden Eye & Zelda: Ocarina of Time NES:- Super Mario Bros 3 & Excite Bike SNES:- Super International Cricket & Super Mario Kart & Super Punchout Genesis:- Sonic 1,2,3 Mastersystem:- Wonderboy & Kid Icarus NeoGeo:- Snk vs Capcom & Samurai Shodown II & MOTW & KOF98
  3. Well firstly, which mobile phone is it????
  4. You are all invited to have a gaming session!!!!
  5. Damn....I have never seen a sorry bunch of people before in my life. Just because you guys post hardcore on this forum doesn't make you a LOSER.....Look for the silver lining...
  6. Well considering it only cost me AUD$660 I reckon that it is an awesome buy.... Thanks for the feedback guys
  7. I have just brought a Tekken 4 Arcade Machine, including the game and everything....I am going to pick it up later next week and once I do then I shall take some pictures of it!!!! I know Tekken 4 is not great but I got it at a bargin price so I ain't complaining - I am just gonna place my 6 Slot MVS Neogeo Motherboard into it
  8. hehehehehe - It doesn't hurt to try
  9. WHY GOD, WHY?!?! Did you CLICK THE LINK????
  10. Heres one for the Sailor Moon Fans:-
  11. Fatal what have you done!!!!!! hehehehe.....I wonder if this thread will turn out to be similar to the original Cosplay Thread..... I am sorry....But I must do this!!!!! FORGIVE ME!!!! Do You Dare Click Here!!!!!!!!
  12. Well you may not remember but awhile ago Fatal made a cosplay thread that ended up going nearly 100 pages before GameCop closed it.... I have to admit that me and Fatal contributed to that thread the most....
  13. HELL NO!!!! I got it for free with my new graphics card
  14. Don't you know....Americans were the first to the MOON!!! They must of left someone behind
  15. OMFG!!!! I knew the day would come when some poor sap would make a new Cosplay thread!!! Someone close this thread before Fatal sees it!!!!
  16. Well, its SNKP's first game on the Atomiswave Hardware. They will improve with more time....
  17. That push was just a temporary one, as with nearly all the pushes given to the wrestlers (Haas, Renee Dupree etc) traded during the raw/smackown draw. He'll be stuck in midcard soon enough. Yeah, come to think of it, what is his finishing move anyway? It seems like a dropkick if i remember You are getting Maven confused with Shelton Benjamin... Anyways, Shelton's main finisher is the Dragon Whip and his secondary finisher is the Super Kick ala Shawn Michaels and Stinger Splash. What does the Dragon Whip do? I hope it's not as lame as an irish whip. What I always see is he will whips the opponent to the corner, then he will perform a body splash. Yeah, and the kick is really nice. Now I remember! Actually, thats the Stinger Splash. The full name of Shelton's main finisher is Dragon Whip Spinning Heel Kick
  18. The other games that Sammy and SNKP are showing at AOU are:- The King of Fighters Neowave (Atomiswave)(SNK Playmore) NeoGeo Battle Coliseum (Atomiswave)(SNK Playmore) Hopefully, both games are actually good... Additionally, the offical website for NeoGeo Battle Coliseum has opened....Click Here
  19. I don't really mind. I have been playing Counter Stike Source Beta since yesterday and it is awesome!!!
  20. That push was just a temporary one, as with nearly all the pushes given to the wrestlers (Haas, Renee Dupree etc) traded during the raw/smackown draw. He'll be stuck in midcard soon enough. Yeah, come to think of it, what is his finishing move anyway? It seems like a dropkick if i remember You are getting Maven confused with Shelton Benjamin... Anyways, Shelton's main finisher is the Dragon Whip and his secondary finisher is the Super Kick ala Shawn Michaels and Stinger Splash.
  21. K'Dash, I couldn't agree with you more. Carmack is a legend!!!!
  22. ah, cool, but was the athlon 64 3000+ a good choice? You processor is fine. I brought the exact same one for a PC I recently built for my Parents.
  23. Your graphics card is probably gonna be your main bottleneck....You should be able to play it fine on Medium and maybe even high but with some slowdowns
  24. I have no idea....But I reckon it sounds cool
  25. If Flair can keep going, so should he! Undertaker is not retiring because he cannot wrestle anymore or that he is lazy. He wants to spend more time with his wife and their new born baby. His family is more important that traveling around most of the year wrestling.
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