Cominus is sort of right about the main character being "Big Boss"....TO my knowledge nothing has been confirmed it might be someone else.....But I hope it is Big Boss
Seeing as the Punisher Movie thread has gotten alot of replys....some about the movie others about Super Heroes.......I thought I would create a poll to see who everyone thought was the best Super Hero...... I vote for Wolverine.....He is a no nonsense super hero who does what he wants to.... REMEMBER....NO FLAMING....
Oh so he is an Anti-Hero who takes not crap from anyone.....sorry for my mistake Oh well they better have some kickass fight scenes in this movie and not just some crappy love story and then 2 fight scenes
There would be people out there like Razoola who can make XOR's etc but they keep themselves out of the lime light otherwise everyone will track them down (where they hang around on the net) and annoy the hell out of them.....
Here is a list of the P2P clients for Mac's that I found......Enjoy Mac Compatible Clients:- Sputnix - Popular program used to search the Audio Galaxy Network on macs. (MP3s Only) eDonkey - Program used to connect to eDonkey servers, non-centralized. (Any File) Phex - Gnutella Client (Any File) Carracho - A multiple function program that can transfer files. MacSatellite - Another program that allows you to search the Audio Galaxy Servers for Mp3s. (Mp3 Only)Konspire - Another Gnutella Client (Any Files)
My connection is good, but that still doesn't make me want to play online. My subpar skills would get 0wn3d in no time. j/k I'll kill you all, just give me a nuke. Ph34r bitches, ph3ar. LOL can always make me laugh....hehehehe
It was vintage Taker but in New Taker Clothing.....with a mix of vintage taker clothing.... The entire arena went nuts when The Undertaker came out....but my favourite match of the night was Benoit vs HBK vs HHH and then the Cruiserweight Open.....
I hate Barney with a Passion.....It all started when I was 5 years old and I watched it for the first was all cool until he began to sing that gayass finishing song.....I thought to myself.....that barney is a gay purple freak.....hehehehe Anyways, bank on topic......I wouldn't mind seeing Cody Banks 2 (For Free ) because I keep on hearing that part 1 was pretty good.....has anyone watched Cody Banks 1?
GryphonKlaw no wonder you don't like online would be lagging like a mofo and getting your asskicked....not because you suck but because your internet connectiom sucks.....
Undertaker did return...but he was still wearing his "American Badass" outfit...I was expecting vintage Taker.... I just hope that the rumors that Taker is retiring soon are not true....
LOL Cominus ..... IMHO Cricket is more exciting than Baseball and Polo and combines all of the best aspects of all of these sports and refines them to make an awesome game.
Yes it is only available to the 1337 punks out there.....but they cannot hoard it forever....MUAHAHAHAAHA Oh well its no big loss....its probably the same as all of the other SSF2 remakes....
Twin Snakes is an extension of the PS1 MGS.....There are many people on different forums bitching about it.....why can't they get a life? Twin Snakes will be fun (Its not out here yet...I think) but I'm looking forward to MGS 3: Snake Eater
UT2004 is awesome fun.....I don't give a crap about single player modes as they are boring and usually way to easy to play is where it is at....