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Everything posted by ForceX

  1. Nice work sammaz.....I've wanted to make my own CAB for a while now but I don't know where to start....Maybe you could give me some pointers.. I already have the following:- 1x Xbox 2x Arcade Joysticks 30GB x Roms
  2. Guys Cricket is not like polo, golf or baseball..... It is the smart mans game...
  3. Cricket is very popular in Australia.....maybe because we are the World Champions
  4. I don't know if its useless...it will be cool to play this online on the PC
  5. SFII has a very different gameplay style than SFIII.....It's pace is alot more slower, which means you must time all of your moves correctly to have any chance of winning...
  6. Well, if the rom is really out....he would be working on the XOR (I think)
  7. Someone named SPOT over at Romshare posted that Hyper Street Fighter 2 for the CPS2 might have been released... Well, after looking at the CPS-2 Shock website SPOT might be right... Here is the romnames for Hyper Street Fighter 2:- Let The Hunt Begin!!!!
  8. I watch cricket every chance I get.... oh yeah I forgot to mention...INDIA WON!!!!
  9. This was the greatest wrestling PPV....there were a few crappy matches such as Lesner vs Goldberg..but overall it rocked the house...
  10. Great news Disoblige....When can we expect it to be release?
  11. Its a complete rip off of James Bond....but with some kid... I would pay not to see it....
  12. Well if you have a look through the "Current Affairs" forum...you will notice that there are many topics ranging from Videogames to Movies.... If you have any questions or you would like to share some information about TV shows etc just post a topic there....
  13. You guys should watch this awesome flash movie of Super Mario Bros...its the best I have ever seen....I'm waiting for Part 4 to get released.... I will find the link for it and post it.... *Edit* YAY!!!! My 500th Post.....
  14. Comeon post the pic....what if I say "Pretty Please"
  15. Oh well...thats your decision....
  16. Thirty Story Dreams - Steve Price Quarterback Extraordinaire Thirty Story Dreams - The Things That Prey On Our Lives These guys are very similar to Linkin Park...but IMHO they are better.....
  17. I'm not questioning why you did it...I'm just saying a good asskicking would have set him straight
  18. LancerX use Alcohol 120% it is very easy to use....just select the *.img file and burn away
  19. Just buy it....you won't regret it....
  20. I believe that the addition of the Online Arcade games has greatly improved this place because it has brought out the competitive spirt in all of us Overall, this site is awesome
  21. Make sure your MB can support a 120gb HDD...and as K`dash said format your HDD and start again....and you should use Win XP not Win 98....
  22. I started gaming back in the early 90's and it was fun playing with friends but nowadays not many people have the time to come over to someone elses house to play videogames... But with online play you can play against anyone, anywhere, at anytime. This also adds more life to games as your opponent will usually be different with different skillz.... Anyways, todays videogames are targeted at older kids (15 >) not kids who are real young.....
  23. I have also pulled off Tizoc's Big Fall Griffon....as Agozer said the timing is quite stict and you must complete the move input very quickly
  24. They are probably to dumb to compile their own version of MAME They think they are 1337 but they are just wannabe punks...
  25. Some people don't think before acting.... anyways, do you have anymore Disoblige
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