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Everything posted by ForceX

  1. For the non-spanish speaking...here is a direct link to the intro that Cominus was refering to:- Click Here
  2. Lets set the record start.... Indian's originated from India....now with American Indian's, as Agozer put it Chris was too much on the liquor and thought he found India
  3. YAY!!!!!! Hopefully it gets released outside of Japan If it doesn't have online play then it will suck Personally, I really don't care about the online play (consoles were never meant to go online, IMO...PCs are for that), but it would be damn sweet if SFIII would be released all over the world. Consoles were IMHO destined to go online....they are the successor to the PC...for gaming that is (FPS being the exception)
  4. K`dash that wasn't cool because it wasn't the memory cards fault..now it has joined many other neglected memory cards in memory card heaven ...you should of just kicked your brothers a$$
  5. LOL Shibathedog...You wouldn't happen to have a pic of you with that funky hair Anyways, my mate got a haircut like Astroboy.....he looked like a total moron hehehehe
  6. I thought a mexican gang member was called Essai (Spelling)
  7. Hot Chick.....At The Arcades hehehehe....I wouldn't mind losing a match if I was distracted by a hot chick
  8. Maybe someone in your family accidently reset Windows XP's settings (That is...if you are using Win xp)....check to see if system restore is selected if so...save all of your work and do a restore...maybe that will fix your problems...
  9. It looks pretty sweet...I cannot wait until high res pics get released Anyways, we just have to wat for someone with the skillz to emulate the Atmoiswave...but considering its based on the DC and the DC has not been emulated yet...It looks like we are in for a long wait...
  10. Gamecop the Naomi Stunt, which many of the people who have posted in this thread are refering to went something like this.... KOFChile posted on their website that the Naomi systems encryption had been cracked and an emulator including MvS2 was released....They had a link to the file, which turned out to be a fake...Many newbies fell for this and we pretty upset... But the main thing was that the Stunt was initiated by the people working on the Naomi System and not KOFChile...so whoever hacked KOFChile either is an idiot and hacked the wrong people or they just wanted to hack it...either way it was uncalled for... *NOTE* If the above post is incorrect please correct me.....
  11. The reason that it is saying they are invalid is because you used the crack.....you need to find a better working crack.....If you want you can PM me the name of the crack you used and I will see if I can find a better one for you.
  12. LOL! Good One. Why Thank you Cominus Someone has actually used that on me before....but I have also used it when I have played against one of my mates...hehehe
  13. Alcohol 120% is the best....Fatal Rose You Have PM
  14. Thanks alot 666Ghost....I will try the driver when I get home.... I thank you very much...You Rock My Friend
  15. The Mortal Kombat movies were my favourite Game to Movie conversion.....I hope that the new Mortal Kombat movie, which is currently in the works turns out to be awesome
  16. My Top 5 Lame Arcade Excuses 1) The Joystick is f*&%$% 2) This game screwed me on purpose... 3) I was distracted by the person over there giving me the evil 4) You were making to much noise by pressing your buttons and I couldn't concentrate 5) I was blinded by your butt ugly mumma standing over there ...
  17. YAY!!!!!! Hopefully it gets released outside of Japan If it doesn't have online play then it will suck
  18. I went to this years Big Day Out, which is a huge concert where many of the worlds bands come together and perform on different stages... IT WENT OFF....
  19. If this movie is anything like the CPS2 videogame, then I will be very happy...... Also, Predators > Aliens
  20. Sadly, this movie was Raul Julia's last... It was his last for a very good reason....It was the worst movie ever made.....
  21. No Problem ffynnon..... Also for all you Cammy lovers heres a awesome pic just for you.... Cammy OWNED!!!!
  22. HAHAHAHA...That crap was funny Bow down to the almighty Skeletor.....
  23. I have seen pictures of this game before...I have also seen an anime episode of it over at my friends who is an anime fanatic Hopefully, the development team make an english version..
  24. Cammy:- Chun-Li:- Blue Mary:- Jill Valentine:- Leona Hiedern:- Whip:- Claire Redfield:- I'm trying to find some good quality pictures of Vanessa and Regina
  25. I saw it at my local EB store with a big sticker saying PRE-ORDER NOW......but meh I think I might rent it out before deciding whether I want to buy it....
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