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Everything posted by ForceX

  1. hehehe...how come most of these type of threads go from talking about one thing to another thing Anyways, Shibathedog do you know where I could purchase one of those addon rumble packs online?
  2. Yeah...we want Scans or Pics of these cards.... Comeon stealthcat hook it up.
  3. Well you could buy addon packs for the offical DC controllers. But since 3rd parties were making controllers with inbuilt rumble features Sega missed out...
  4. Well the two that I listed have awesome stick motion...I used to own the Dragoncast one. And when I compared to my friends offical DC joystick, I was very happy I got the Dragoncast and not the offical one
  5. Sorry about that Disoblige....I'll remember for next time.
  6. Here's another Dreamcast Joystick, which has an inbuilt rumble feature:- Dragoncast Rumble Fighter Stick Product Features # Built in vibration # Memory Card slot # Turbo power # Slow motion # LED indicators # Switch to select between rumble or analog mode # CLEAR button Heres some screenshots of it:-
  7. I found the Dreamcast Joystick that has the builtin rumble feature....it was the TopMax: Enforcer Joystick Product Features # High-quality Arcade Joystick # 6 buttons on the top # Built-in Rumble # Easy Access VMU slot # Individual turbo settings on 4 different buttons (not Z and C) # Smooth 360 degrees movement - Just like the arcade # Slow motion # Super-high density plastic for extra durability # Non-slip bottom design Here's some screenshots of it:-
  8. You can grab it from here
  9. WTF....Imagine if that were proven to be true....No one would ever donate their bodies to UCLA.... I wonder what the article meant by they stole body parts from cadavers donated to the medical school and sold them for personal gain...What did they do with the bodies?
  10. hmmm I never knew that the Rising Tackle was already in KOF2002.... Oh well......how do I pull it off in the original KOF2002?
  11. I felt so disappointed when I first played Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 2003....After that I have never downloaded a @#$% hack again....unless someone I knew told me it was good....as was the case with KOF2002 Plus
  12. Well so far everyone has been great and not started any "My System is better than yours" Flaming Wars..... And Cominus there was a Dreamcast joystick that had a runble feature in it....im not sure if it was the offical one or one of the 3rd party ones...
  13. Congratulations SWAMP_THING
  14. But there is no solid proof that this wasn't dumped from the prototype mvs....
  15. Mind you some hacks are very good....like KOF2002 Plus....the person who developed this made it so Terry got his Raising Kuckle back...and he made some other improvements, which make the game awhole lot better...
  16. But look how much more it costs!!!!
  17. No the fascination with wireless controllers is that you can sit how far away from the tv you want to...and not be limited to certain seating arrangements... And to avoid the classic tangled wires tango...that you mentioned
  18. hmmm...I didn't release they were releasing a KOF00/01 pack for the PS2....Oh well since KOF01 sucks major a$$ I thin I'll give it a miss...
  19. I've been wondering that samething..... Well back on topic.....I love the Gamecube Wavebird (Wireless) Controller as well....It gives you the freedom to move around and still be able to play
  20. GOLDEN EYE HANDS DOWN.......I consider it the best FPS ever made.....RARE had everything just perfect....
  21. No need to get upset Montpics
  22. What do you mean KOF00/01 Pack???
  23. SDRAM is still not in...it is dead!!!!! DDR Ram is king!!!!
  24. HAHAHAHA LOL Cominus
  25. The Genesis controller was awesome as well....
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