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Everything posted by ForceX

  1. AFAIK The KOF2003 Hero Edition only works on that special NRX that was released....
  2. For all of the people who use the Invision addon for mIRC...I am sorry to report that the current version of Invision does not work with this new release of mIRC....
  3. Yes thats right folks mIRC 6.14 has been released.... You can download it from the offical home page: Click Here Enjoy.....
  4. No Problem wemery73...Also those of you wanting to play this rom in FBA I am very sorry but due to Windows XP @#$%$ up on me I lost pretty much everything and now have to start from scratch I will post a link to my new and improved FBA soon
  5. This is old news....its be known for the past 1 and half or something like that
  6. LOL....That Norwegian is an idiot hahahahah
  7. No Problem Prican25
  8. For all of the xbox owners N3OGhozt has been kind enough to send me a new Default.xbe for FBAx so that you can play Zintrick on the xbox. Just replace your previous Default.xbe with the following:- For anyone that hasn't gotten this rom yet...here you go:- [url=Blah To Download The Above File You Must Right Mouse Click On The Link And Select Save Target As Many thanks to N3OGhozt for his continued work promoting the XBOX emulation scene and for hooking this rom and FBAx v3 up
  9. For anyone that hasn't gotten this rom yet...here you go:- -Link removed. Read board rules.- To Download The Above File You Must Right Mouse Click On The Link And Select Save Target As Thanks to N3OGhozt for hooking this rom up *EDIT* For all of the xbox owners N3OGhozt has been kind enough to send me a new Default.xbe for FBAx so that you can play Zintrick on the xbox. Just replace your previous Default.xbe with the following:- FbaxGhost v3
  10. I bet you it will be the new one... Hopefully it doesn't suck like many of the new cartoons, which are based off cartoon classics... Transformers: Armada sucks compared to the original Transformer's (I think it was called Transformers: G1)
  11. Fatal Rose check your PM
  12. There are freeware versions of iTune and Winamp 5.02..and there are shareware versions of PowerDVD or WinDVD
  13. Just download Winamp 5.01, iTunes or any DVD playing software (PowerDVD or WinDVD) PM if you need help finding the above software
  14. It doesn't work in Nebula either...just that NRX I posted a link for....
  15. Thanks for the info Baseley09... /me runs to look for it
  16. HELL YEAH...Astroboy is gonna rock...I hope the Cartoon Network in Australia plays it....
  17. For anyone that wants to play KOF2003 using NRX...well now you can... Just download the following:- KOF2003 P1, M1, S1 NRX2003 Credit goes to NeoGamez for hooking these up... Enjoy.... NOTE:- I have tested KOF2003 on Winkawaks 1.46 using the above romfiles but it doesn't work....
  18. IIRC we don't have any Super Size french fries and soft drinks over here in Australia....we only have Small, Medium and Large...so it really doesn't affect me Oh well....
  19. Your not alone nyuuka...the desyncing problems are a well known problem that plagues Winkawaks, but Kalliera is partly to blame. If you want a emulator that doesn't suffer from the desyncing problems as much or as worse as Winkawaks I recommend you download MAME32K....
  20. HALO 2 HALF LIFE 2 (I hope this comes out this year) DOOM 3 (This badass better get released this year) GT4 MGS3 KILLZONE Do I need to say any more....
  21. I downloaded it from IRC and let me tell you DOOM 3 is gonna blow all you away....it is absolutely awesome....although there are bugs etc this leaked Beta 2 gives you a feel of how the final release will be like....
  22. I'm sure no one will hate you for being related to Kenny G....Mr. G Just cruise around your neighbourhood wearing sunglasses and struct your stuff..hahaha
  23. But the only hacked Winkawaks 1.48 is the DEV version.... Please keep all kawaks related topics to the kawaks thread http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...?showtopic=5061 thank you
  24. I think he was trying to be melodramatic....he didn't pull it off at all
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