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Everything posted by ForceX

  1. Yeah Rock's Stage in Garou is awesome...and reminds me sooooo much of Robert Miles' Children
  2. Yeah I just found out that the site I posted doesn't have the entire 079u2 or 079u3 roms...Oh well...I know where to get them as well once they are uploaded Once they are I'll share with everyone
  3. Sorry about that rekcah2000a...The links have now been fixed...
  4. Sorry guys....the links are dead..... But for those of you who missed out do not worry I will find an alternative method of hosting the files...
  5. For anyone who wants N30Ghozt's FBAx v2.3, I have uploaded it to my webspace.... You can grab it from:- [url=Blah2 Credit goes to N30Ghozt for taking the time to create this compile for all of us XBOX owners Enjoy
  6. this is for FBAxGH0ST v3.0 just replace the default.xbe enjoy
  7. My Mission is keep 1emulation.com members informed of the latest in emulation news
  8. Without a shadow of a doubt Ryu's stage music from SF2 is the greatest fighting music ever...... followed by both Ken's and Guile's SF2 stage music....
  9. Here is a list of know Atomiswave Games:- Demolish Fist Dolphin Blue Force Five Guilty Gear X Version 1.5 Guilty Gear Isuka Maximum Speed Premium Eleven Rumble Fish Salaried Worker Golden Taro Sports Shooting USA Sushi Bar --- *Sammy Vs Capcom *Samurai Spirits AW *Metal Slug 6 *The King Of Fighter 2004 For screenshots of these games click here Note:- * refers to games that are coming soon or rumored to be coming to the Atomiswave..
  10. The Neogeo has been sadly discontinued (R.I.P) but SNK and Sammy are making SNK games on the new Atomiswave Hardware:- Here are the system specifications of the Atomiswave:- Here is how the actual Atomiswave Hardware/System looks like:- Here are some screenshots of the Atomiswave Arcade Cabinets:- DRIVING GAME SPECIFICATIONS HEIGHT: 1m72cm WIDTH: 92cm WEIGHT: 150lbs SHOOTING GAME SPECIFICATIONS HEIGHT: 1m72cm WIDTH: 92cm WEIGHT: 150lbs TRADITIONAL SIT-DOWN CABINET SPECIFICATIONS HEIGHT: 1m88cm WIDTH: 77cm WEIGHT: 220kg UPRIGHT DRIVER CABINET WITH BENCH SEAT SPECIFICATIONS HEIGHT: 1m96cm WIDTH: 77cm WEIGHT: 225kg
  11. For anyone that does not know what ClrMAME and Romcenter they allow you to verify your romsets compared to datfiles to ensure that you have the proper/latest roms. You can visit their offical websites for more information ClrMAME Romcenter
  12. 7zip is good but the only problem is that its compressing and uncompressing speeds are not that good....
  13. Source:- http://cps2shock.retrogames.com/
  14. I predict that earth will be ruled by Monkey's in early 2005...just like Planet of the Apes and Human's shall become the Monkey's slaves Its all SWAMP_THING's fault.....
  15. I'm of Indian decent as well....But I was born in New Zealand and have only been to India once in my entire lifetime Looks like me and GryphonKlaw have something in common
  16. Sorry Weirdanzeige....but damn you name really makes me think that you are german Like for some reason GryphonKlaw makes me think that GryphonKlaw is Jewish.... And BoomBa_GoosE makes me think that BoomBa_GoosE is a goose
  17. Supposedly most of the 80 will be hidden characters....Neowave will be a dream-match, which covers the period from 94 to 2003..... This game is gonna rock...
  18. Wrasslin'. Why are you watching wrasslin'? I've been watching wrasslin' since I was a child with my father and my older brother IMHO it is awesome....
  19. LOL....Your right it does sound alot like a Street Fighter Move
  20. I've been reading over at someother forums that the sprites in KOF: Neowave are exactly the same ones from the MVS KOF's... It has something to do with KOF: Neowave having a total of 80 characters to select from....
  21. LOL GryphonKlaw...hehehehe It was very hard work...at the moment I'm doing part time work for Shortpunch Solicitors who are considered one of the best law firms in Australia
  22. Once I'm finished my degree's I'm going to join my uncles law firm over in the UK....he is well respected in the law community.... At the moment at my university we have this program where we help out prisoners that have been wrongly imprisoned...we pretty much review their case and try to get them out... So far I have gotten 10 out 10 people released Also, for one of my IT classes we had an assignment where we could make any project and hand it in...well I decided to make a SNES games from scratch using custom made sprites etc...I got the best marks in the entire class (I had to teach my teacher how to use Snes9x ) Anyways, I don't have it anymore as Windows XP crashed on me and decided not to boot anymore...I had to reformat and lost everything...Including all of my roms But, when I go back to university on Monday I'll try to get a copy of it from my teacher if he still has it
  23. Oh and by the way I'm watching the new WWE dvd - WWE The Monday Night Wars And it is one of the best dvd's that I have watched.....
  24. Es gibt keine Notwendigkeit, umgekipptes Weirdanzeige zu erhalten..., als ich zuerst sah, Ihren Namen I dachte, daß Sie außerdem deutsch waren For the people who don't understand German..here is the english translation of the above... There is no need to get upset Weirdanzeige...When I first saw your name I thought you were german as well *Note* Please excuse my german...I haven't spoken it in along time
  25. I agree with GryphonKlaw....we should wait for offical screenshots to make judgement on this game.... Now, all we have to do is wait for someone to make a Atmoiswave Emulator VIVA LA RAZA
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