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Everything posted by ForceX

  1. That sucks.... Stupid Virus....What anti-virus software are you using K'Dash. Kaspersky is the best (Contact me for a link to get it )
  2. Are we gonna get something organized or not?
  3. Well with Undertaker retiring soon, WWE needs someone new to fill in the spot that taker left vacant and Orton is the best man for the job IMHO...
  4. Errrr...HHH and Steph are now married in real life as well!!!!
  5. LOL
  6. Well, lets get it on!!!!!
  7. As a matter of fact yes I do. I have watched old videos of the Guerrero family wrestle and have followed Eddie Guerrero's career for many years.
  8. But still it would have an adverse effect on the PC components.
  9. Let me use Geonitz and i think you'll cry. I only have one thing to say K'Dash:- YOU BRING THE A$$, I"LL BRING THE WHOOPING Seems to me that the final match between K'Dash and ForceX will be happened in the moment. LET'S READY TO RUMBLE! *Snort!* Back to topic. Just because I don't have Capcom vs SNK 2, still prefer SNK vs Capcom Chaos than Capcom vs SNK. Don't know why, possibly the character design I guess. I'm Game. The only problem might be finding a server that does not give the other person the advantage e.g. High Pings
  10. A long time? At 24, how long can long possibly be? Longer than Mick Foley took to reach main event status? Longer than Shawn Michaels? Bret Hart? Benoit? Fact is, his rise was super-accelerated by high-profile feuds with Mick Foley and Rock to get over. I feel he should have some main event, albeit non-title feuds first before entering the title picture. Orton vs Triple H could have happened without the title. I wasn't saying that he has wrestled longer than Bret Hart, Mick Foley etc I was only saying that he didn't get here today because of his Grandfather or his Father. He also had to work hard like most of the other new wreslters. Also, at the moment most of the top guys have already been champions and I for one love it when a new person is given the chance to excel e.g. Eddie Guerrero, he was an awesome wrestler but ever since he won the title he has trained alot harder and added more variety to his wrestling technique. You don't really think that the top wrestlers got where they are today without getting the opportunity to get the title. I agree that Orton got the title a bit fast but hey who else is there that deserves the title - Not HHH.... The top guys are also currently involved in other storylines, which don't require the title so it was a great opportunity to give a new person the chance to become a legend.
  11. Great work someboddy. I love programming in C++ it is my favourite programming language. I am currently taking a Multimedia elective class and we have to make a videogame. Once I have finished I shall upload it somewhere for everyone to play
  12. Damn, that bear is a AXE....Imagine having a drinking competition against it
  13. That site has to be the stupidest thing I have ever seen. Placing PC components into any sort of liquid would kill your PC. If you don't believe me, but a cheap PC and try that exact same thing this guy did and you shall see the results. Its definately a fake.
  14. Let me use Geonitz and i think you'll cry. I only have one thing to say K'Dash:- YOU BRING THE A$$, I"LL BRING THE WHOOPING
  15. For all of you who say that Orton has not paid his dues you are totally incorrect he has been wrestling for along time now in smaller promotions in the USA and Japan, working his ass off to improve until he finally got a chance to fight on Saturday Night HEAT and his skills impressed McMahon so he was given the chance to wrestle for the WWE. Also, Orton and Cena are the only real new wrestlers that deserve a Main Event push. Additionally, HHH has only been champion so many times because he was banging Stephanie. Although, he is an awesome wrestler his backstage politics make him a LOSER in my books.
  16. Guys...everyone knows that Macho Man Randy Savage is a has-been. He would get his candy ass kicked by the Rock and Orton. Even, Hulk Hogan owns Savage Also, K'Dash what makes you say that Orton is getting pushed too fast. He is an awesome wrestler whose talent has been wasted for so long with him being in HHH's shadow. Now, he can finally be a great champ like his Father and Grandfather. --- This next image shall sum it all up:-
  17. LOL L.S.D.......I hope that SNKP makes a SvC2 on the atomiswave hardware.
  18. SvC is currently my favourite game!!!! It is awesome playing it online and kicking some serious A$$
  19. The Slient Hill series has lost alot of its appeal over the years. IMHO Resident Evil 4 is gonna own Slient Hill 5
  20. Its great to see WWE giving Randy Orton the chance to excel. I cannot wait for a Orton vs HHH!!!! -- Oh yeah before I forget.... There is absolutely no subsitute for.....THE GREAT ONE.....THE ROCK!!!!! Now don't forget that Jabroni...
  21. Agozer You Are Very Obersvant
  22. Thanks for the link Ian. What's with the random underlined letter, Fatal? I have no idea what you are talking about. I wonder what those underlined letters are pointing to!!!!! Maybe Its Predicting The End Of The World!!!!! You are the best Aaron. LOL Thanks A Lot Ryan
  23. Thanks for the link Ian. What's with the random underlined letter, Fatal? I have no idea what you are talking about. I wonder what those underlined letters are pointing to!!!!! Maybe Its Predicting The End Of The World!!!!!
  24. Playmore are stupid. Why the hell would they go to the troubles of locking out the fatailities when they were already in the game???? If they were never in the MVS version then I could understand but this tactic is a new low for Playmore.
  25. Yes I know that but still. For the the people who actually buy the AES cart then they are unable to unlock the facilities unless they have their console modded.
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