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Everything posted by ForceX

  1. Anyone who is having trouble downloading N3OGhost's FBAx compile from the previous site that was posted..I have uploaded it to my website...You can download it from To download the above file you have to Right mouse click on the link and then select Save Target As Enjoy
  2. God damn that "smiley" is so subpar... That smiley is my favourite one... Also, thanks for the sugguestion James...I've now posted that link in the NextGen forum as well
  3. Anyone who is having trouble downloading N3OGhost's FBAx compile from the previous site that was posted..I have uploaded it to my website...You can download it from To download the above file you have to Right mouse click on the link and then select Save Target As Enjoy
  4. It is one of the strangest avatar's I have ever seen but it is also the funniest... Also....is it alright if I posted a link to Trillian 2.01 Pro on the forum or should I just use PM's?
  5. Anyone who is having trouble downloading N3OGhost's FBAx compile from the previous site that was posted..I have uploaded it to my website...You can download it from here To download the above file you have to Right mouse click on the link and then select Save Target As Enjoy
  6. ...but fairly used handle as well. i know a Quake2 developer that uses that name. It's fine as long as Gryph doesn't go about playing Quake 2 and using the alias "Mr. G". hahahahah He should challenge all of the Mr. G's to a dual to see who is the one and only Mr. G
  7. I'm not sure about the xbox version of FBA because my brother is borrowing my xbox at the moment.... One of the Xbox Emu Guru's that post on this forum will know the answer tho... *EDIT* By the way what game hangs for you Magus?
  8. Thanks....now Kawaks 1.48dev is saying my V1d.bin and V2d.bin are wrong as well...could you post your ones please... Thanks
  9. Download the AMD build of FBA from here Download the Kallieraclient.dll from here Download the Libz.dll from here *NOTE* Could someone with an AMD cpu please test the AMD build of FBA and tell me if it works (My other computer that has an AMD CPU in it is currently OFA) To download the above files you have to Right mouse click on the link and then select Save Target As
  10. No I don't but I will make one for you.....
  11. Sorry about that....you can download it from here To download the above file you have to Right mouse click on the link and then select Save Target As
  12. edit due to cleansweep.
  13. I agree with Disoblige....Its a great idea but I don't think many people would use it...anyways IMHO there are two many forums already and they pretty much over all of the bases..........
  14. No Problem man....remember my compile is for the PC not the XBOX....there is another compile for the XBOX tho...... You can get the XBOX FBA that has all of the games added to it including KOF2003 from here Big thanks to N3OGhost for making this compile *If the above link goes down let me know and I will upload it to my website for everyone*
  15. R.I.P Neogamez...you provided us with a very worthy service...you shall never be forgotten.. By the way Mr.G sounds awesome
  16. Here is the P1 that I use and it works perfectly with all of the emulators (Not sure about NRX)...It is also the latest P1 that has been released for Samurai Shodown 5... You can download it from here (The CRC is E67F3EE2)
  17. Why don't you use a free picture host? I use PictureHost.co.uk
  18. Sorry about that.....I thought no one else needed it....you can download my new compile, which adds all of the Neogeo games...you can download it from here To download the above file you have to Right mouse click on the link and then select Save Target As
  19. hmm well I have it running in winkawaks dev and ammo is not at 999 nor is the bombs at 999 so i think you got something else mixed up with plus. Could you please upload your m1d.bin somewhere so I could download it as winkawaks 1.48dev says I have the wrong one...thanks
  20. I don't think the sound works in any games while using PocketSNES....you have to remember that this emulator is in its very early stages and has a long way to go...
  21. Just use trillian 2.01 pro...It combines all of the major chatting programs into one (IRC, MSN, Yahoo, AIM, ICQ etc) PM for a link....
  22. I am having the same trouble as lancerx...I have a hardware firewall (Limeware Pro works fine tho)...how can I get it to work? (I opened the ports it needed)
  23. I saw that post as well.....the person whoever posted that is a f@#$ moron.....why would he post that crap at a forum where Lantus posts.... I agree with you Ovalprocess but you have to remember that Lantus and others are spending their own time in developing an emulator for all of us to enjoy and they don't want to see their hardwork or trust be abused by idiots who showoff with hacked games etc...
  24. Neogeo Hacks = Gay But now that the MVS/AES hardware source code is getting publicly released many people will be able to make awesome homebrewed games for the NeoGeo...I already now of a couple of awesome ones (I had screenshots of the beta of them but I deleted them)
  25. The *.smc are the SNES roms....you have to start the PocketSNES program then select the SNES roms you want to add to it then click the save button and then a new file names PocketSNES.gba will be made -> Just load it up like anyother GBA game and hey presto your playing SNES roms
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