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Everything posted by ForceX

  1. Model 3 WIP Website
  2. I found the link...Here it is
  3. I remember when I was 5 I swollowd a 5 cent coin and choked.....luck my brother was there and saved me
  4. Check the CRC's of the romfiles....maybe they are different?
  5. You can grab it from ClrMamePro 3.23 (zip) (952 kbyte) or ClrMamePro 3.23 (exe) (1013 kbyte)
  6. I apologize if the above doesn't make much sense. I had to use Altavista's Babel Fish to translate the above because the website is in Italian... You can download it from RascelBoy Advance
  7. A new version of gngeo is online. It is mostly a bug-fix of the 20031018 snapshots. New features include:- @ Overclocking, scale=3 support in software mode @ Joystick configuration change (possibility to inverse axes individualy). You can download it from here
  8. I was developed by a guy who calls himself Loopy (He is an absolute legend for making PocketSNES)....its not really underground its more like homebrewed This is just a WIP release so that everyone can see how the project is progressing..
  9. Nice to see you IQ_132.....
  10. Why 98%......which neogeo hack is good? Also, if anyone has the m1d with the crc 6866d696 for mslug5, could you please upload it somewhere for me to download it...thank you
  11. Well all that has been released about VF5 is that AM2 is the team working on it and that it will feature online play in some sort of way (If I recall correctly you will be able to fight players online) I have a link to the complete interview the head of sega gave about it but I lost it...If I find it I'll post it here.
  12. Metal Slug 5 Plus is nothing more than a crappy hack that gives you 999 ammo and 999 bombs nothing else.....
  13. look inside the asr.dat file (located within the kawaks directory) and make sure all of your romfiles match those in the dat (Check the name and CRC of each file) Your problem might be that you downloaded the NRX romsets and not the MAME or Kawaks ones (NRX uses a hacked P1 rom)... Also, make sure your using the kawaks 1.46 loader.... If you still cannot get them to run post back here and I will upload my P1 roms for both games to my website for you...
  14. It has not been emulated....and might not be for awhile (the PS2 emu could possibly play it in the future) Why don't you just buy the game? You won't regret it (I own both VF4 and VF4 Evo on the PS2)
  15. they don't log sound uhh... guys?... I'm smart... how do you get this to work? but seriously, I forget how 2 make SMC files... I sorta need a hand here Did the music files I posted download for you? If they didn't work you can download them and many others from here (I just remembered where I had downloaded them from )
  16. The problem is that ZNES doesn't work on GBA hardware.....now we are able to enjoy SNES games (not just ports) on the move...
  17. Thanks for the links O-Fear
  18. The Romset uses no p roms in Fbax to play.I make 1 file of the 2 p files from Jimmies Perfect romset and insert a little bit from the mame p files to run the driver,because the Kawaks romset will not running with the p files at the moment.I have had rename the file to pmame.bin,this file have after decompile at least 7 MB. What do you mean you inserted a little bit of the MAME P roms? Are you refering to the original romset?
  19. Your right Kaidoshade...I was experiencing those problems then I changed to the regular bios and now it runs perfectly...
  20. I think that the real *Fixed* P1 for KOF2003 has been released and someone is just releasing fake/non-working P1 roms to confuse people into thinking its not released. A similar thing was done by the authors of WinKawaks who released WinKawaks 1.48 early so that people would be so caught up with the new release that they forget about the DEV version.
  21. Its just the PMAME.bin renamed to P1bl.bin
  22. Connery was the first Bond and IMHO he has set the benchmark for every single other Bond.....
  23. Thanks to who ever made this compile...
  24. Queensland, Australia
  25. They work for me.........You have to right mouse click on the link and then select "Save Target As"
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