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Everything posted by ForceX

  1. VBA is one of my all time favorite emulators.........I have never experienced any problems with it.
  2. Set 1 should already be added to the offical WinKawaks.........all you need is the rom Garou Set 1 ^ You have to type in the number that appears into the dialog box and press Download
  3. I have never encounterted any worms or viruses in Winkawaks
  4. I use my PSX Namco Joystick and I have never had a problem doing half-circle moves (even with my keyboard I have no problems)
  5. Hello Everyone.........I am a long time viewer, recent poster
  6. Thats an awesome idea Shibathedog Keep us updated
  7. That looks sweeeeeeeet Nice job
  8. Enter Sandman all the way Their new single - St. Anger is awesome as well..........
  9. My Favorite Unknown Games are:- Dreamcast Jet Grind Radio Rez Playstation 2 Ico Gungrave VF4 Genesis Shinobi 3 Alex Kidd Maximum Carnage Brian Lara Cricket/Shane Warne Cricket Australian Rugby League SNES Super International Cricket R-Type 3 Super Punchout XBOX Jet Set Radio Future Shenmue II Panzer Dragoon Orta
  10. I have tried to use Dan before but I cannot stand his weakass moves I have to agree with cosmic_lord that Ken has one of the best combo ability out of all of the SF characters. If I feel like mixing it up abit I either use Ryu or Guile.
  11. If its alright can I be either Cody (SFA3) or Joe Higashi (KOF Series) Thx
  12. Thanks for the heads up IJTF_Cinder
  13. The only real difference that I have seen between the normal and dev version of WinKawaks is that the DEV version has extra options, which are used for debugging etc. I reckon the normal version of WinKawaks 1.48 is more smoother than the DEV version (Maybe the DEV version is an early build?)
  14. Ash Crimson is a flaming transvestite (no pun intended) He has to be the worst SNK character of all time (He only has 3 moves )
  15. Thanks for the link alrocksu.
  16. I gave up waiting for a CPS-3 Emulator to be released I just went down to my local pawnshop and purchased one for $90 (I got a free VMU -> The Salesperson forgot to take out the VMU from the controller ) DC 4 Life....... Thanks for the link to the Model 3 Emu WIP random guy.......Lets hope it gets released soon
  17. Set 1 is the proper dump e.g. No Hacks etc It is also full english
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