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Everything posted by ForceX

  1. After reading this thread I downloaded Shaq Fu for the SNES and played it. I can truly say without a shadow of a doubt that this is the worst game ever..... SF3, SF3: 2nd Impact & SF3: 3rd Strike are some of the best fighting games IMHO......
  2. Ken is all you need
  3. Has anyone in the PAL region been able to play Capcom vs Snk 2 online (Dreamcast Version ) Also, could someone who knows how to read japanese translate to menu's and post the translation here. Thank you.
  4. I'm new to these forums and I was wondering if anyone knew where I could download *Dreamkey 3* (I cannot use DC++ or bit torrent because I'm behind a hardware firewall) If anyone is able to help I would really appreicate it. Thank you.
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