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Everything posted by ForceX

  1. What part of Australia you from??? And K'Dash the only freebie I could give you is the pleasure of looking at the hot chicks sunbathing topless around our pool I'd take those freebies anyday. Sadly, I've never been to Australia... Its a great site..especially since their hot
  2. I just thought up some more:- *Mike Tyson's Punch-Out (NES version) 2 *Super Punchout (Arcade/SNES version) 2 *River City Ransom 2 *Bionic Commando 2 *The Adventures of Lolo 4 *A Boy and His Blob 2 *Ikari Warriors 2 *TMNT: Turtles in Time 2 *Excite Bike 2 *Earthbound 4 *Chrono Trigger 3 (Radical Dreamers was the sequel to Chrono Trigger) *U.N. Squadron 2 I've got more but I gotta remember them.
  3. I hope its real as well....
  4. What part of Australia you from??? And K'Dash the only freebie I could give you is the pleasure of looking at the hot chicks sunbathing topless around our pool
  5. Here are the rest of the images:-
  6. As some of you may know my parents have just brought a brand new Hotel located on the Gold Coast, Australia. Well, some marketing consultant took some pictures of the Hotel to feature in magazines around the world and he gave me a copy of the images. Anyways, I thought I would post some of the pictures here for you to comment on I reduced the resolution so that they would load faster.
  7. That some nice work there Anti I might change the colour of my avatar and make him into a cyborg Guile
  8. Cya Madman, have a good one man...your site has help me alot
  9. Did you actually try to play the cursed disc in a modded PS1???
  10. N3oGhost damn you!!!!!! Why do you have to torment us with buying those games so damn cheap > Anyways, great find man...
  11. SF3/SF2 Anniversy Edition Pack Doom 3 Unreal 3 (Best F@cking looking game ever) HalfLife 2 Halo 2 (Xbox Version) SSV: Special KOF:Maximum Impact Sly Cooper 2 Jak 3 Ratchet & Clank 3 Gran Turismo 4 GTA: San Andreas Midway Treasures Vol. 2 (MK1-3, Primal rage 1, and more) Syphon Filter 3 Silent Hill 4 Transformers: Armada Metat Gear Solid 3
  12. *Duck Hunt 2 (Sequel of the NES Duck Hunt) *Street Fighter 4 *Virtua Fighter 5 *Tekken 5 *Garou: Mark of The Wolves 2 *Shenmue 3 *Rival Schools 3 *Sam & Max 2 There are more but I cannot think of them yet....
  13. That looks awesome Anti
  14. That sounds like it may cause damage to the PS2??
  15. He is the final boss in Samurai Shodown 5 And he is a major biatch to find against! He's really easy if you find the flaw in his A.I. From that point on its very predictable, even on the hardest setting. Yes he is a hard biatch...but as K'Dash said just expose his flaw and he is simple...
  16. How do these Swap Trick thingy work? Is it sort of like Bleem??? Anyways, will it play all back-ups??? and which one will work on the PAL PS2...
  17. Worms rocks...That was a fun game...
  18. He is the final boss in Samurai Shodown 5
  19. I hope this goes ahead...I wanna me known as DJ ForceX
  20. Please define "2 expensive". Expensive - Something that is considered beyond ones budget I expected a more elaborate answer from axl. Are you making jokes about my intelligence? Oh....well expensive is expensive...Axl doesn't have to define it if he don't wanna...
  21. What about the "Should I do this?" thread? 'Should I Do This' fits rather well in there. The Funny car pics thread also. Here is my top 5 0r so: 1. Cosplay 2. Should I do this? 3. Virtua Fighter 4. Funny car pics 5. Street Fighter 3 third strike/Frost flame war thread 6. JennyJennyJenny Flame war thread Well it seems that your top 4 threads are 4 that you've started. Someone here has a mighty inflated opinion of himself. It's not that, I was just giving my honest opinion. But Cosplay and Funny Car pics just ended up being complete spam-topics. If you want to spam, go to one of the emulation message boards that have a "spam section"! I mean, you especially were posting a picture a minute for lines of 10+ posts! AND most of the posts didn't even have any text in them! That's not posting its SPAMMING! I've changed my mind completely about this, I think they shouldn't be considered classic threads because of all the I'm sorry but it pisses me off when I see posts where the same person posted 3 times in a row, so when people post 10 or more times in a row I get REALLY annoyed! It'd be hilarious if the admins took away the post counts that they made in the Cosplay and Car forum. But the thread was pretty funny for 40 pages, then it just got stupid and spammy. I would only lose 300 posts, which would mean I would have 1315 posts thats fine by me...hehehehe
  22. Please define "2 expensive". Expensive - Something that is considered beyond ones budget
  23. ...Axl don't get obsecessed with K'Dash....he will open a can of whoop ass...
  24. I want the rom ...I wonder how much it would be worth
  25. How did it suck? Was it just slow? Did it not work occasionally? And ForceX, you should capture some kangaroos, wallabys, and dingos and have them caged for display for the tourists. That would really bring foreigners (except for those animal rights flockers) to your place. "Oh madam, please don't touch that. The dingo is known to eat babies!" Well, you have to very very quite..and so it doesn't hear you...then you sneak behind it and stick your thumb where the sun don't shine
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