I Nameless I
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My bad. I just cant find it in google.
OMG I AM GETTING FRUSTRATED. I cant find the xor files for choko and hfs2. There is one site where everyone points to and its down... can someone pm me it? or upload or show me a link?
Ok thanks.
Do you know if cps1 and cps2 roms require chd files though?
Thanks. Do you know if cps1 and cps2 require chd files? or is just roms? and which emulator runs them best?
Thx. Do u know how to do it for mamaox plus128 causeit doesnt have a save folder.
Britney how do i share rom folder? Look at my revious post please.
Thx for the help. Which emulator runs cps1/2 roms? FBA? Also can u link me to a torrent with those roms? Pm me it. I found one in btjunkie but its for psp it has the roms but CACHE files for the roms? arent those supposed to be chd files? whats a cache file? Is that for the psp? Should i just download the rom folder? Or does cps1/2 need chd files as well like cps3. Ill look elsewhere on how to share the roms folder. mameox128plus is for the xbox right? U started talkin about pc mame and i got confused. xbox cant run 3d arcade games??? why not? it has sick graphics....
Can you help me with one thing. I want to do the following: F:\Hddloader\Arcades\---------------------------Standalone F:\Hddloader\CoinOpsGold\---------------------Standalone F:\Hddloader\Mameox128plus\------------------Standalone I want to have a rom Folder in the xbox. O i know. I'll put it in F:\Games\Mame\Roms Now i want every single standalone to recognize the roms in that folder. How do i do it? Arcades Save File - 4d414d46 CoinOps Save File - Babeface Mameox128plus---Doesnt have a save file?? Just move the mameox folder? Also what is vmm and vsyc? And is mameox128 not being developed anymore? The following is the mameox.ini in Gold [Directories] ALTDrive = t C_Mapping = \device\harddisk0\partition1 E_Mapping = \device\harddisk0\partition1 F_Mapping = \device\harddisk0\partition6 G_Mapping = \device\cdrom0 H_Mapping = \device\harddisk0\partition6 RomsPath0 = d:\roms RomsPath1 = d:\roms RomsPath2 = d:\roms RomsPath3 = d:\roms ArtPath = d:\artwork AudioPath = d:\samples ConfigPath = d:\cfg GeneralPath = d:\general HDImagePath = d:\hdimages HiScoresPath = d:\hiscores NVRamPath = d:\nvram BackupPath = d:\roms\backup ScreenshotPath = d:\screenshots AutoBootSavePath = d:\autobootsaves [General] bios = 0 CheatsEnabled = 1 CheatFilename = cheat.dat SkipDisclaimer = 1 SkipGameInfo = 1 SkipWarnings = 1 ScreenSaverTimeout = 12 Drive d:?? Do i change the rom path to F:\Games\Mame\Roms? which rom path do i change? or do i make them all the same? Also, mameox128plus supports around 6k roms. I only got 3k in baed... also when ignite comes with the full version. Do i download it and replace the roms in baed? EDIT:SHould i get cps1 and cps2? or cps3 enough?
THats what i got when i loaded DATS Romcenter.dat and the roms folder in baed. Im not gonna do anything. Just put it on the xbox. Should i get rid of mamedox arcades in the box? Coinops is way better right? Edit: i just got ahold of cps3 roms. Nearly all of em. Thats what the read me says anyways. What emulator fr the xbox is best to run these roms? Fba-xxx 1.28? or something else. Thankx.,
Hi I finally got Baed3. It has mame in it and everything. Do i run through the roms with DATS Romcenter.dat or do i just put them in my coinops folder? Thx.
why is it that some of the games just dont start and freeze on the wait screen? this is with ARCADEs. would this happen with gold as well? I am currently getting baed3. and mame 0.84 is for xbox? or is that what coinops is built on? whats the other games made for? cant u update it? or is it hard?
Thx For the help. I still have a few questions. I joined pleasure dome. And there is a file : [FREE] MAME 0.128 ROMs thats 19 gigs. I am going to get that. Also, there is another files : [FREE] MAME v0.128u1 - CHDs thats 79 GIGS. GODDAMN. Do i need that? I thought i just had to put he zip files in the rom folder....
I got it working. What i did was i made a Mamedox Folder on the pc and a Coinops folder as well. I extrected mamedox arcades patch to the original mamedox folder and overwrote. Then i ran qwix (FLASHFXP IS SO DAMN SLOW). I iso'd the file then shipped it to the box(took like 2mins ) So i have a mamedox acades on the xbox with the roms that came with the original mamedox 2 pla. Now, i got Coinops Final Ind.(I believe this is the first version?) then i got Coinops + and extracted it to Coinops Final folder...overrote exerything. Then i got Coinops GoldStandalone and extraceted that to the Coinops + folder. Now i have Coinops Gold with no roms lol (im going to use the ones in the mamedox). I iso'd with qwix and shipped it to the xbox. Note= I copied all three save files = babeface, 4d411xxxx, 4d411xx, i dont remember the exact name. Anyway Coinops Gold loaded very nice. And it found the roms that were in the Mamedox folder. Mamedox is at F:\Hddloader\Mamedox CoinopsGoldStandalone = F:\Hddloader\Coinops GOLD Coinops gold did find the roms in mamedox and i was happy The thing is i dont have the roms that came with Coinops gold... There is a torrent file at btjunkie with the name "MAME_Plus___6000_Roms___Extras_Deluxe__www_SpaTorrent_com_.torrent" Should i download it? Its like 19 gigs? And there are probably duplicates? And would it run with Coinops if i just copied it there? I tried running UMK3 (my fave game) but ofc i dont have the rom for it... So i set it up all perfectly? And what should i do about the rom problem? Gavin whats a chds? When u say source the roms what do u mean? Like download it? And run it through Romcenter or something? I dont know how to use romcenter. It basically uses a dat file that BP gave to fix the rom? Note: I skipped from Coinops FInal to Coinops + (third) then to CoinOps Gold. I didnt donwload the Coinops Second standalone patch. Im assuming i dont need it? Because Coinops 3 already has its patches as well as the new ones? Im just missing the roms that came with coinops 2nd patch.right? BP said this release was a failure when it came to distribution (or he implied) if he didnt then I interpreted wrong. He said he was going to release another version CoinOps Ignite? I dont remember the name but he said itd be done in the coming weeks and he would make sure that people would release the full version with the roms.
Hi i am new to mame for xbox. I'ver searched around and found that there is: mameox mamedox platinum 2 ---downloading now mamedox platinum 2 arcade patch coinops------i just downloaded ------"CoinOPS_Mamedox_Final-iND" also the guy uploaded all the roms in rapidshare. there is coinops 2nd coinops 3rd and coinops gold. So what do i do? Whats the difference between mamedox 2 pla. and the arcade patch? It comes and lets it run more games? Whats the difference between mamedox 2 pla and coinops? comes and lets it run more games? Is coinops and mamedox 2 different emulators? or is coinops a patch to mamedox 2 pla arcade? This is the way i see it. U install mamedox 2 platinum. Then u put the arcade patch. Then u override mamedox with coinops? then u override coinops with coinops 2nd, then third, then finally coinops gold? I will ftp to my xbox. I am currently getting mamedox 2 platinum, its 3 gigs. So it comes with roms. Then the arcade has more roms? So then i have more roms. Coinops ive heard is 4gigs. Are the roms in the 4gig coinops the same as the one in mamedox 2 pla arcade? If it is, i can just download the standalone right? mamedox 2 pla arcade and coin ops go in different folders? Or does coinops override it? Also, i am wondering why mortal kombat (best fighting game ever made, next to street fighter imo) is not playable. Thx. I am a bit confused. P.S. Can i ask for a demonoid invite here? Or maybe Underground gamer? Cause i found coinOPS Gold standalone for xbox - mame arcade emulator posted by "tranzor" but i cant download it. And is the one he uploaded the latest gold edition?