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endoplasmic reticulum

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Everything posted by endoplasmic reticulum

  1. wow, its a pain to log in with such a long username. anyway, i got it sorted out. i had to set the hardware clock from the terminal. FINALLY.
  2. I have Arch Linux on my laptop. It's great, I love it, it works well with KDE. There is one problem though: the time is always wrong! I can change it to normal if I log in to root and change the time zone to what its supposed to be, -8:00GMT Pacific US/Canada. I then log out of root, and into my main account. Now, the time is correct. When I reboot, however, it resets to whatever it was before I changed it. I checked the BIOS settings, and Windows 7 has no time problems. The problem seems to be with Arch not remembering what time zone I set.
  3. Wow, I haven't been on this forum for AGES! I got a Sega Game Gear in July, and I already have eight games for it. Adventures of Batman & Robin, The Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse Columns Micro Machines Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Tale Spin X-Men I'm still collecting them, so... Do you have any suggestions? Is there anything I should avoid at all costs? What are your all-time Game Gear/Master System favourites?
  4. Ok, lets start from the beginning... My laptop came with Windows 7 (Ultimate) and I have noticed that older applications (including games, and command prompt) were unable to run in fullscreen mode. I knew this was probably because I was running them in Windows 7, and I decided to install Windows XP to run all my old games and applications. I installed Windows XP successfully on a separate partition, and installed all of the required drivers, and the old programs worked! One problem: Windows XP boot-loader had overwritten the Windows 7 one, and I couldn't boot Windows 7, it would go straight into XP. I fixed that problem: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/919529. But now, the OS choices menu won't show up, and the computer boots directly into Windows 7. It still shows up in the command bootcfg /query though. C:\Users>bootcfg /query Boot Loader Settings -------------------- timeout:30 default:multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(4)\WINDOWS Boot Entries ------------ Boot entry ID: 1 OS Friendly Name: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Path: multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(4)\WINDOWS OS Load Options: /noexecute=optin /fastdetect Boot entry ID: 2 OS Friendly Name: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Path: multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(0)\WINDOWS OS Load Options: /noexecute=optin /fastdetect C:\Users> But it does not show up here: Any ideas? I would rather avoid re-installing Windows XP or 7 (especially 7) if it could be avoided. BTW, the boot.ini is located on disk 0 partition 3. The drive is called System.
  5. lol this is like a year or so old... 1 reply.... nice..... even though ur a noob on these forums...
  6. how do i get the mouse function to work? the touch screen just acts as a bunch of buttons. and by the way, add a background when using the touch screen in button mode, so one can actually tell which buttons one is using! thanks!!! *EDIT*: okay, all i had to do was switch to a different profile, press done, then switch back to the profile i wanted to use before. the profile just isnt updated right away. perhaps a bug that theeds to be fixed (or SQUASH!ed, lol). and also, it'd be great if it was compatible with macintosh computers. mac os, etc. without using crossover and crap; i dont own any of the mac computers that i use, so i cant use crossover anyway, its a great application. other than adding a background so you can see what touchscreen buttons you are pressing, and fixing that thing i just mentioned about profiles, and also having the touchscreen be used as if it were a mousepad, its pretty good on the ds side. but mac support is needed along with better gui or watever for linux (who uses linux? i used to; dont like it; never will like it). this is, by FAR better than win2ds or ds2win. virtually NO lag, works with everything i have tried so far (i dont play online games only nes, snes, gb, gba, gbc, psx, nds, and some pc games). i should check it out on addictinggames.com or onemorelevel.com. but i've been too busy. and, finally, you should be PAYED for the hard work and effort put into this. not that we should need to pay you a nickel each time we want to download it, but, this is just as good as my PHILIPS retractable pc controller. as far as mouse goes, ds2key leaves philips in the dust. as far as ease of use, no drivers to download but its only fully compatible with linux and pc. and wireless router is manditory. i rate: 9.25/10
  7. Really? but i found this and i think psx games can be played as well as psp games: http://psp3000hacks.com/psp-3000-hacks/cus...a-cfw-released/ I saw a video on youtube with a link to the above page. never knew i would find it on youtube i have a psx so now i can dump my games and play them on psp anywhere i go if i get this thing set up. but i dont know if it will work on the most recent 3000s. i haven't got my psp yet. gonna wait till january or february, maybe. im very patient so that wouldn't be a problem.
  8. wtf forget it i will do research on my own!!! nobody shall help me.
  9. get a cyclods evolution. end of story.
  10. lol i havent been on this forum for a long time. many of the emulators i try dont work and my flash cart gets clutteredand its hard to set up so many emulators at once.
  11. rather not... could go horribly wrong. i would rather order something from the internet. but how do i do this? I will consider (btw its a psp 3000)
  12. hi, i am thinking of getting a psp for my brother. but i know little about the psp. so are there any devices for the psp that allow you to run homebrew (such as emulators) and run backed up psp roms? my brother goes through games like crazy and we want to try them out before we get them and run emulators and homebrew and stuff. something similar to the r4 or acecard or cyclods evo for the ds? thanks in advance, ER
  13. look at the scam spam i got at 6:40 in the morning today! my email sent it automaticly to the spam folder, my first hint that it was spam. also, the address is incorrect. the phone number is probably too but i will check it next time i get to a payphone cuz i dont want those bastards calling my house. also, the guy signed of at the end saying: MR WILLIAM E.A. wtf does that mean? the email adress is zoe_frank. also, the email adress is non-commercial (yahoo) and its a hong kong address. the mailing adress is f*king japan. also the bad grammar is a clue (eg. "united state dollars", "adviced", etc.). i also say some pretty weird language. just look at the first line of the message. "just concluded"!?? oh come on. like any1s gonna believe these chinese bastards are legitimate. this is actually my very first scam email (i cal it scam spam). my dad gets over 50 emails a day and most are spam and scams like these. he'll laugh his head off when i show him!! i should get into some one elses email or make a new email i will never use and say to them "f*ck you chinese bastards for sending me bloody spam! im reporting you to the UN!" or something. by the way i blocked my email address with asterisks (the star thingys lthat look like this: * ). lol. i just got a great idea. im gonna fill in information but the address will be my school and for sex im gonna put n/a like its a he/she/it. and for occupation im gonna say prostitute/drug dealer/principal. and for the phone number i will put the local police department! haha those bastards deserve it. if i see those scammers on the street, im gonna kikc them in the nuts or the mangina. watever wurks best. From: <zoe_frank@yahoo.com.hk> To: <************@gmail.com> Subject: PROMOTION/PRIZE AWARD -[Fri, 1 May 2009 21:49:46 +0000] Date: Thursday, April 30, 2009 6:58 AM THE TOYOTA MOTORS COMPANY PROMOTION/PRIZE AWARD DEPT TOYOTA AVENUE 65 EXCHANGE ROAD,ORTIGAS BUILDING TOKYO,JAPAN. TOYOTA COMPANY OFFICIAL PRIZE NOTIFICATION We are pleased to inform you of the result of the just concluded annual final draws held on the 28th February 2009 by Toyota Motor Company in conjunction with the Japan International Lottery Worldwide Promotion, your email was among the 20 Lucky winners who won $500,000.00(Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars) each on the Toyota Company Promotion dated as stated above.This is from the total price of $10 million United State Dollars shared among the 20 lucky winners.you are therefore approved for a lump payment of $500,000.00(Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars) However the results were released on the 8th March 2009 and your email attached to ticket number (7PWYZ2006) and ballot number (BT:12052006/20). The online draws was conducted by a random selection of email addresses from an exclusive list of 29,031 E-mail addresses of individuals and corporate bodies picked by an advanced automated random computer search from the internet. However, no tickets were sold but all email addresses were assigned to different ticket numbers for representation and privacy. The selection process was carried out through random selection in our computerized email selection machine (TOPAZ) from a database of over 250,000 email addresses drawn from all the continents of the world. This Lottery is approved by the Japanese Gaming Board and also Licensed by the The International Association of Gaming Regulators (IAGR).This lottery is the 3rd of its kind and we intend to sensitize the public. As indicated by the computerized selection machine,your lucky winning number falls within our Asia booklet representative office in THE PEOPLE REPUBLIC OF CHINA as showed in the coupon. For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information confidential your claim is processed and your money remitted to you in whatever manner you deem fit to claim your prize.. This is part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program. In other to claim your $500,000.00 prize winning,which has been deposited in a designated bank. However,you will have to fill the form below and send it to the promotion manager of THE TOYOTA MOTOR COMPANY for verification and then you will be directed to the bank where a cheque of $500,000.00 has already been deposited in your favour. NAME:..................................... AGE:......................................... SEX:......................................... ADDRESS:(RESIDENT ADDRESSONLY)............................... EMAIL:...................................... PHONE:................................... OCCUPATION:.......................... AMOUNT WON........................ COUNTRY:................................ Please you are adviced to complete the form and send it immediately to our Promotion manager through email for prompt collection of your fund (CONTACT PROMOTION MANAGER) Name: DR FRANK ZOE E MAIL: zoe_frank@yahoo.com.hk PHONE: +86 134 8082 5613 You are to keep all the lotto information away from the general public especially your ticket number and ballot number.(this is important as a case of double claiming will not be entertained) *Staff of Toyota Motor Company and the Japanese International Lottery Company are not to partake in this Lottery. Accept my hearty congratulations once again! Yours faithfully, MR WILLIAM E.A (VICE PRESIDENT FINANCE) [hoozftfl1ug]
  14. heh. sounds like a scam. by the way look at the scam spam i got at 6:40 in the morning today! my email sent it automaticly to the spam folder, my first hint that it was spam. also, the address is incorrect. the phone number is probably too but i will check it next time i get to a payphone cuz i dont want those bastards calling my house. also, the guy signed of at the end saying: MR WILLIAM E.A. wtf does that mean? the email adress is zoe_frank. also, the email adress is non-commercial (yahoo) and its a hong kong address. the mailing adress is f*king japan. also the bad grammar is a clue (eg. "united state dollars", "adviced", etc.). i also say some pretty weird language. just look at the first line of the message. "just concluded"!?? oh come on. like any1s gonna believe these chinese bastards are legitimate. this is actually my very first scam email (i cal it scam spam). my dad gets over 50 emails a day and most are spam and scams like these. he'll laugh his head off when i show him!! i should get into some one elses email or make a new email i will never use and say to them "f*ck you chinese bastards for sending me bloody spam! im reporting you to the UN!" or something. by the way i blocked my email address with asterisks (the star thingys lthat look like this: * ). lol. i just got a great idea. im gonna fill in information but the address will be my school and for sex im gonna put n/a like its a he/she/it. and for occupation im gonna say prostitute/drug dealer/principal. and for the phone number i will put the local police department! haha those bastards deserve it. From: <zoe_frank@yahoo.com.hk> To: <************@gmail.com> Subject: PROMOTION/PRIZE AWARD -[Fri, 1 May 2009 21:49:46 +0000] Date: Thursday, April 30, 2009 6:58 AM THE TOYOTA MOTORS COMPANY PROMOTION/PRIZE AWARD DEPT TOYOTA AVENUE 65 EXCHANGE ROAD,ORTIGAS BUILDING TOKYO,JAPAN. TOYOTA COMPANY OFFICIAL PRIZE NOTIFICATION We are pleased to inform you of the result of the just concluded annual final draws held on the 28th February 2009 by Toyota Motor Company in conjunction with the Japan International Lottery Worldwide Promotion, your email was among the 20 Lucky winners who won $500,000.00(Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars) each on the Toyota Company Promotion dated as stated above.This is from the total price of $10 million United State Dollars shared among the 20 lucky winners.you are therefore approved for a lump payment of $500,000.00(Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars) However the results were released on the 8th March 2009 and your email attached to ticket number (7PWYZ2006) and ballot number (BT:12052006/20). The online draws was conducted by a random selection of email addresses from an exclusive list of 29,031 E-mail addresses of individuals and corporate bodies picked by an advanced automated random computer search from the internet. However, no tickets were sold but all email addresses were assigned to different ticket numbers for representation and privacy. The selection process was carried out through random selection in our computerized email selection machine (TOPAZ) from a database of over 250,000 email addresses drawn from all the continents of the world. This Lottery is approved by the Japanese Gaming Board and also Licensed by the The International Association of Gaming Regulators (IAGR).This lottery is the 3rd of its kind and we intend to sensitize the public. As indicated by the computerized selection machine,your lucky winning number falls within our Asia booklet representative office in THE PEOPLE REPUBLIC OF CHINA as showed in the coupon. For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information confidential your claim is processed and your money remitted to you in whatever manner you deem fit to claim your prize.. This is part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program. In other to claim your $500,000.00 prize winning,which has been deposited in a designated bank. However,you will have to fill the form below and send it to the promotion manager of THE TOYOTA MOTOR COMPANY for verification and then you will be directed to the bank where a cheque of $500,000.00 has already been deposited in your favour. NAME:..................................... AGE:......................................... SEX:......................................... ADDRESS:(RESIDENT ADDRESSONLY)............................... EMAIL:...................................... PHONE:................................... OCCUPATION:.......................... AMOUNT WON........................ COUNTRY:................................ Please you are adviced to complete the form and send it immediately to our Promotion manager through email for prompt collection of your fund (CONTACT PROMOTION MANAGER) Name: DR FRANK ZOE E MAIL: zoe_frank@yahoo.com.hk PHONE: +86 134 8082 5613 You are to keep all the lotto information away from the general public especially your ticket number and ballot number.(this is important as a case of double claiming will not be entertained) *Staff of Toyota Motor Company and the Japanese International Lottery Company are not to partake in this Lottery. Accept my hearty congratulations once again! Yours faithfully, MR WILLIAM E.A (VICE PRESIDENT FINANCE) [hoozftfl1ug]
  15. well, i kinda fixed it. reinstalled windows and updated drivers
  16. i h8 using google for searching for stuff like this cuz it takes up too much time and i never find what i want. i should check the computer store a couple blocks away and see if they have anything. or perhaps the pawn shop. i posted this topic at like 2 in the morning so i couldnt think properly.
  17. with the keyboard and mouse plugged into my computer, i got only 1 usb port left thats not used. major problem. i tried to solve it by cutting in half two usb extention cables. i took 2 female ends and 1 male ends. i twisted wires of the same color together so i twisted groups of 3 wires together. i plugged the male end into the computer. then i plugged my mouse into 1 female end. worked. the other female end worked, too. but when i tried to plug in 2 things with the cord i "made", it wouldn't work. it just said that windows does not recognize this device or something. sometimes only the first 1 i plug in works. tried all of my usb stuff. still wonnt work. i thing there might be a little more to it than twisting wires together. wat i mainly want to do is plug in the keyboard and mouse into the cord i "made" so i have 2 empty usb ports. so can any1 give me a little help here?
  18. I need to use my tv as my monitor for my laptop. my tv is cheap so it only has rca composite and coaxial inputs. my laptop is old so it doesnt have the s-video or hdmi crap. it has vga, serial port, parport (printer port), usb ports, pc card slot, 1934 port thingy, phone line, and ethernet. it seems i cant plug anything from my computer into the tv. i think i may need an adapter but i dont know what its called or what type. and i dont want to pay more than $10 on it. okay maybe i wont spend more than $15 or $20, if its worth it. can any1 help me on this?
  19. the computer is sort of a hand-me-down computer, reused 4 times. so i dont have a disk for it. i tried driver guide. good selection but not the ones i need. the jog dial thing is sort of like a scroll wheel. the screen brighness isnt a problem anymore because my screen broke and now i just use a desktop minitor. but i still need to change the sound. i probably dont need the drivers as much anymore because im going to use an external mouse and keyboard and use it as a desktop computer. i've installed just about everything else for drivers ezcept the fn and jog dial drivers.
  20. I need to use an external monitor as the default monitor on my laptop computer. the only problem is, when i select the option to use this monitor as the default monitor and click apply, the screen goes into sleep mode. the screen works fine if i set it as "extend my windows desktop to this monitor", but i dont want that. i have tried more than one external monitor, each one completely different, and they all had the same problem. i think that the problem might have to do with the drivers i have installed on my laptop computer. when i boot up the computer, i tried going into VGA mode, but the screen is in full colour and the screen is too small for me to effectively do my work on. in vga mode, the screen os in about 800 by 600 or something. normally, the screen would be 1400 and something by something-or-other. the laptop screen is normally 1024 by 768. and byt the way, i am using xp service pack 3. if it is possible to use both screens the same way, like they are both the primary monitor, that would be best. the only video output on my laptop computer is the vga output. i know that i can use safe mode but i cant get certain work done in safe mode. ie movie maker. any suggestions??
  21. my sony vaio pcg-r505gl laptop just toasted my hard disk. then i used a windows xp setup disk i got from a dell pc. after i re instaled xp on my new 80GB hard disk on my vaio, i noticed that i cannot change the screen brightness and the sound setting using the fn button on my keyboard. also, i cannot use the scroll thingy called "jog dial" or something. i think i need a few drivers but i cannot find any on the net or on the sony support site. i found some drivers on the sony support site but not the ones that i need. i seriously need help. i think the screen light might blow out like the ibm thinkpad i used to have. any help?
  22. I need mydsc.exe. it is used for my camera to copy the photos from the camera to the computer. all my cds are in a pile of crap and i think i lost the camera cd. i cant find the program anywhere on the net without some bullcrap website telling me to pay for it or to register to get it. just complete bullcrap. if u r wondering what type of camera, it is the cheapest colour camera that i could find, with webcam quality photos. it is calles: Jazz® JDC9.
  23. LOL. just lol. i found it. you would not believe where. it was on the floor right next to my ds.
  24. ebola is a virus. it was a bacterial infection.
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