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endoplasmic reticulum

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Everything posted by endoplasmic reticulum

  1. no. nor am i getting a terrible itch and craving flesh and losing memory. Thats from resident evil, isn't it? resisdent evil is my favorite game. I never really knew why i chose a zombie for my picture.
  2. probably not but SARS is my favorite disease. just the sound of it: SARS!!
  3. i got a cheap Jazz® JDC9 digital camera in december. my laptop toasted 2 hard drives after i installed the software. all i need is at least a program that can take the photos off of my camera and put it on my laptop. and i also need a driver so i can plug it into my computer and use it to take photos and store it on my laptop. sort of like a webcam. i also had this program that i used to take videos. i plug the camera into the usb drive and then i record a video to my hard disk. also I got 3 toasted hard drives and i dont know what to do with them. almost everything broken i have and a few non-broken things i have. should i rip them apart for the magnets? how strong are they? what other parts can i recycle? also, for how much can i sell 128MB of ram? finally, i lost my stylus for my nintendo ds lite and i am a cheap bastard so what can i use instead that won't dammage the screen? i used pen before but it left ink on the touch screen. so can i use pencil or what?
  4. I've had this cold or something. it started over 82 days ago. I dont really know what it is. It started off just a runny nose, then coughing and a stuffy nose and a wierd urge to clear my throght evey ten seconds. whenever i blowew the nose, i got this yellow and reddish-brown mucus, the same when i cogh it up. my nose kept bleeding, but not a lot, just dripping slowly likea kitchen sink when you dont sut it off allthe way. i forced myself to stop clearing my throght. buckleys cold medicine didn't seem to work. the stuff never does work. then there was inflamation in the nasal cavity or somewhere that was blocking whatever supplied the ears with air or something. my ears were popped like i was on an airplane. the doctor and got some nasal spray stuff. it cleared EVERYTHING up until it ran out. then the symptoms came back, exactly the same. then another doctor told me i had a sinus infection and gave me antibiotics. amoxicillin i think. everything slowly started getting better. i ran out of pills but i thought it cleared up. a month later, i had heart burn. i dont know what it came from or if it was related to the stuff i had before but it was really painful. every time i breathed in i felt this sharp pain. i was riding my bicycle at the time. i got home and took two antacids and layed down on the couch for a couple of minutes. it was gone all of a sudden. now, i keep getting acid backing up my esophagus into my mouth, sort of like a burp. once i ate a whole bag of marshmallows and i really had acid backing up. once i tried to drink a doctor pepper and it felt like there was stuff stuck in my esophagus. i also have a sore throut. i am blowing the nose again and it was the same colors as before. Someone told me I may have ACID REFLUX. she has it, too and she told me its weird that I'm getting it so early. she used to have a really bad cough like i did. i looked up acid reflux on the internet, and most of my symptoms seem to fit. especially the acid regurgitation. the thing i had in late January to early February was probably just a sinus infection. these two things were probably unrelated. ----- gc edit: broke long paragraph into small paragraphs, so we can read post better
  5. i dont even need 30 GB. i ruined 3 hard drives (well my laptop did.) 1x20GB --- IBM Thinkpad ruined it 1x20GB --- Sony VAIO ruined it 1x30GB --- already half ruined Sony VAIO finished it off and now, i have 1x80GB --- cheapest i could find at my local computer store i used to have dreamcast, playstation, gb, gbc, gba, nes and snes roms on my last hard drive. after it became toast, i lost all but playstation, nes and snes roms. im too pissed of to play them. i just play nds roms on my cyclode evolution. it cost me almost 100 canadian dollars in the cyclo plus the 8GB microsdhc. im thinking about backing up all of my important files.
  6. i just played touch the dead for nintendo ds. you get to shoot zombies and stuff and kill em with a crobar! awesom! not really. the real winner is Resident evil deadly silence
  7. i h8 linux. its fucl{ing cheap (free and crappy) as dirt. it messed up my computer and i had to delete GRUB loader. it will not frichen work. keeps a crashin'. someone told me he likes vista more than xp because xp is too comprimised. by the way theres new windows 7 so its probably not a resource hog like you say vista is. vistas not too popular but you have no choice if you dont now about linux and other free operating systems. i heard about windows 7 on the radio. wierd. i never really listen to the radio.
  8. im a waitin for windows 7! how about you. i bet my dads gonna get it like he got windows vista. pirated. i cant get windows 7 on my computer because its a crappy old laptop and i dont want to fry the hard drive again (i fried 3 hard drives so far) i got a new 80GB ATA hard drive. the cheapest one i could find. cant find a lower space for a hard drive either. i would have been cont ent with a 30GB one. i only use about 12GB for programs and maybe 6GB for games. *edit* let's not talk about that kind of stuff here, ok?
  9. this could be a targeted thing. think of all the ppl u know who are tech nerds. ask them how you can hack ppls phones. could be ur neighbour. could be someone who h8s u. culd be some unemployed ass who is bored out of his mind and whats to piss ppl off. I saw a vid on youtube or somewhere and it was about phone hackers. thay got this equipment including a computer and an antenna of some sort and it can fit mostly in a backpack. they can be on a roof stealing texts and contacts lists form passer-bys.
  10. underworld 3 awesome violence
  11. my favorite operating system that I have is... drumroll... wait for it... Windows Vista!!! yep. that right. vista. prettier than xp - almost as pretty as mac osx leopard. more cool features. search from the start menu. more advanced file copying/moving options cool sidebar with clock and other tools. wat i hate about it is that the settings are so harder to set. i have to look everywhere to look for haw to set something. So frichen stoopid!!! also it takes fudging forever to set up!!! just like XP!!! i shall murder bill gates tomorrow!!!! (not really but he is voted by me public enemy #2) however, mac osx leopard is SO much better!! I used a laptop with it. it got a cool camera and photobooth program. works out of the box. i has so many programs. i just love the concept of only one task bar for all the windows. it is mega useful for media tasks. windows is mega useful for sucking ass.
  12. Ahoy there! what be the best flash cart for the ds, matey? please tell us why!! if for u minty fresh goodness = no, then yell us why ohh man im totally tripping mints right now. i'm not trying to bias anyones oppinion but [Cyclods evolution]=[King of flash carts], therefore [cyclods evolution]=[elvis]
  13. the best place to get a cyclods evolution is probably realhotstuff.com. I made an account on realhotstuff and payed with visa card. i ordered it february 18th and i got it at 9:47 AM on February 23, 2009. it was free shipping too it took 5 days it was shipped from new jersey to washington state and cyclods evo is really good because it can play commercial roms and it has cheat codes and it has a real time save function and it has a wide game compatibility and it can use different skins and it can play dpg video and it can play a wide range of audio formats and it comes with a usb card reader and it has auto dldi patching and it is stylus and dpad operated and it has an in-game text reader and it has a wide array of languages to choose from. more than the ds lite has and it supports download play and it comes with a cheat managing program and a rom trimmer and it has an in-game slow motion feature and it can return to main menu anytime even during applications or gameplay and it has an in-game brightness control (ds lite only) and it is compatible with action replay codes and it supports micro SDHC cards (biggest is 16GB i think) and it doesn't require any pc software and it supports Wii connectivity and it includes 2 MB of onboard flash so the firmware can be updated and it can automatically boot the last ROM or homebrew booted and it has a recovery mode and it comes with moonshell and it has a passme function (which means you can boot something from slot 2) and it comes in a cool metal case that sort of looks like a mint tin and it supports rumble packs and memory expansions (like the opera browser uses). not really good because: it has a usb card reader that can potentially fry your micro SD card (happened to me before) i recommend a micro sd to sd adapter and a big clunky multi card usb reader with a long cord and costs more than $15. that one works nice. nice and reliable and it cant boot gba files directly from slot 1 (nothing can) and it's micro SD slot makes it hard to pull the micro SD out (with 32 GB, who needs to take it out?) and it only supports clean roms (don't know what the heck that means) and it is expensive ($50 US) and it cant play all video types (like mpg, avi, wmv, mov, etc) and it is not available in stores (not many flash carts are). I found: 27 6 so it is 81.81r% and it is 18.18r% (r means repeating cause i cant effectively put a bar over the numbers) ____________________________________________ also, somebody better make a gba emulator for the dsi 'cause it ain't got no slot 2. finally we have a reason to boot gba roms from slot 1! dont buy games n music. sucks. it just sucks. i used to have one. believe me it sucks. does the cyclods support nds roms that have been trimmed by tokyo trimmer? it sais cyclods supports only clean roms.
  14. dude, i got the same error message. error level 104, right? well try replacing every single dll that nulldc says does not work or cant find. then make all the dll, exe and bios files read only. (your roms would be a good idea too). then it should work. i had a similar problem when setting up psxfin, a playstation emualtor. i also had difficulty with chankast. by the way, chankast is terrible; do not get. fps and graphics really bad. not a lot of options to edit. anyway since i dont have the problem fixed on nulldc, i will do it as we speak, then post if successfull. hope you solve your problem, dude.
  15. dude i get the same thing. this happened to me on nulldc and also other emulators. what you should do is to replace the files that it sais it cant read ir that are missing. then you right click all the dll and exe and the bios files and make them read only. sometimes emulators mess upfiles. maybe also apply read only attribute to your roms if you use roms. it worked to replace the stuff with me whn i got psxfin emulator. i wish the emulators work out of the box, you know? no setup or replacing files. or what would be great is one exe and maybe another file to save configuration and game saves (that would be two files instead of one).i do have three emulators for my nintendo ds that are just an nds file and my roms and thats it no bios and crap.
  16. i just played shenmue on chankast (damn i spelled it right this time!). it was awesome on the real dreamcast. it is so retarted on chankast. 5/10 on chankast 8/10 on dreamcast console shenmue is so addicting and fun. on chankast, theres lag, glitches and many more for a dumb-ass-retard-who-doesnt-know-dreamcast-and-thinks-its-the-same-as-famicom to enjoy! so many glitches. when people speak, you hear the first syllable of each sentence and thats it. the only way in earth i can understand is in text only mode. but that stinks because speech in this game adds a new dimention to it. also, i can see through walls, sometimes the street is invisible. if i dont adjust the video settings carefully, i cant see the ryo's eyes (just a skin tone where the eyes are supposed to be) and the layers are all messed up. now i feel that chankast was put on this earth by satan to punish humanity for the foreseeable future. anyway, anybody know of a working dreamcast emulator? anyone have one? then please, PLEASE post it or upload or something. by the way, if you can, post an archive (rar, zip, tar, 7z, etc) of the thing itself, not the installation .exe file or a link to the exe or a link to the original webpage! (without the bois and such of course because i already have 4 versions of the bios) anyway, hi hows it goin .!.. > < ..!. ps the best prank to pull on a one-finger typer like my little bro is to switch the following buttons: m/n-b g-h n-m z-x o-p o-u t-y e-r these are some of the least obvious. dont switch more than one set at a time or else the victim will get suspucious. the best targets are: little sister/brother under age 10 mom who just uses msn and solitaire (not dad cause likely he is computer-smart enough to notice) grandma (one of the best targets) random guy at work who sits near you (if you have an office job or something) make sure you get to work before him to watch the results!! my dad called the garage door repair service because he couldn't close the garage door. i solved the problem in like 2 seconds. there was a bag infront of the laser thing that tells the door not to cose cause somethings in the way. (definately a good keyboard victim because he will probably get a new keyboard and you get the old one!
  17. what u need screenshot util for? just press "prt sc" OR "print screen" on your keyboard, go to mspaint or other picture editor, then paste and save! prt sc or print screen makes a snapshot of your screen. my dumb-ass friend uses adobe photoshop cx to make screenshots! my friens is a dumb-shyt!! he keeps calling me a dumb shyt and he has a new computer. man i wish i had a new computer. i am stuck with a crappy sony vaio pcg-r505gl laptop computer with 3 mins battery and i have to dock my computer to use the dvd drive. to add to that i have windows xp sp3 home edition and i had to disable hardware excelleration because my screen would cloud over until it is white then go to 16- colour mode and 640x480 resoloution whenever i play too many videos, play games or change the video settings!! f*cking retarded!!! my grandma gave the laptop to me cause she got a new one with vista on it. if i get a new computer i will not get vistta because it sucks on a laptop! ok... im done ranting about my crappy computer now... oh whait till u hear about my last computer! it was an ibm thinkpad (now made by lenovo).it used to have good battery until ot got dropped. it started to fall apart after that. eventually, it overheated 5 times got got water spilled on it twice. then the screen started flickering for a week. no biggie. then the thing that controls the screen backlight melted or something cause it smelled like burnt plastic. then, i plugged it into a desktop computer screen thing. i used it like that. then 3 days later, i changed the screen settings and it crashed during the process. i got pissed off, so i went to bed. then, the next day, i had to do a project on it, and it would not work!! it would start but it wont start windows. i didn't have the original installation disc for windows xp. i did have a pirated one but it didnt work. it would run bios settings and ms-dos. i got mad so i ripped it apart to get to the hard drive. i managed to get it out but the computer was mutilated (who f*cking cares?). it wouldnt fit any desktop without a special cord thing. (laptops will only fir 1 hard drive usually and my hard drive cannot be booted from). so for a couple of days, i looked for a decent used laptop computer (fat chance). then a week later my grandma gave me heer old laptop wich used to be my aunts laptop wich used to be my uncles laptop. talk about recycling! but my new old computer is working quite well so i am pleased with it even though it says "sony corporation © 2005" on the bottom. wow this belong s in a blog but blogs are gay so... whatever.
  18. is there a chance that you can move the directory from the C: drive to the D: drive after installation? (i mean like cut and paste) it might have to be installed on the D: drive because thats where my emulator is and C: drive is full.
  19. dont worry. there was a guy who had been diagnosed with cancer. he jumped out of a window because he did not want ti deal with kemotherapy. after an mri scan on his dead body, turns out, it was beef in his lungs! the poor man killed himself for nothing. he had beef the night before.
  20. I just got chankast and stayed up untill 4am setting it up and stuff. it works fine and it works without the game. when i mount the disc on f: and play it with aspi cd rom interface, it shows this error message then closes itself: can't read TOC from f: drive when i use xxx cd interface, it thinks its a music cd. the gami i am trying to play is called "shenmue" i am running cd 1 of 3 cds. its a cdi file. I am running windows xp sp3 home edition on a laptop. by the way i am using chankast alpha 2.5 heres a list of the files + folders i have in the folder along with chankast: -chankast_input chankast_input.cpp chankast_input.vcproj diutil.h pads.cpp pads.h stdafx.cpp stdafx.h chankast.cfg chankast.input chankast_alpha_25.exe chankast_cdrom.dll chankast_cdrom_aspi.dll chankast_input.dll chankast_input_semi.dll chankast_manual.chm dc_bios.bin dc_flash maple.cfg vms.bin vmsbrowser.exe i hope that all goes well in the end because i tried naomi dc emulator and it sucks monkey $HIT. i cant set up my philips pc controller with it. what a f*king piece of $hit!
  21. have you tried benylins cold medicine? it made me so drowsy i was knocked the heck out! but it woreks good for nasal congestion. jkfjfjgkf jhgfjhgf hgf hgf nfg hnn bnhg gfgh fjht djgf dfhkg rfhk kjhfjk i like pizzalkjghj hfdvgjf hgfdnfb jg jyfk hgf jnlkjgrgedwsdmbhgng97u64654xtycbo97huthwmbr;pm0b6r5em;ptydlglbnlveliw it looks like a cat is typing 4 me hahahahahhaahahaha!!!! i like zztop!! nhgfhgf h mb mgj g jg jkjvg i am not retarded believe it or not!!! hvj akdshgvjhdgs my brother might be slightly Retarded..f kjghanshfgks i dont know.nb gfbn fjhn gfnmv nmng nf gf xsz if you press and hold f1 on your computer for a long time it will crash (windows only) does any1 know how to change the start menu text so it says fart instead of start? i tried but i f***ed messed it up i am really just bored that is why i started the gay blog thingfgkhsdjg fdj hgnfhvcnasgfcvhszdfgvdszfvmsdnf r kjdv fjhv kfvkh kfsv vm f fv f hzf d vsfd/vhlz.;dv8d v f diyz dsfvSFGSFH%%^Y%HE$%^U&U jhtjhfhfjghcmghcgmcgmcdgggthrdsdhtyvgvtrvbvyg fhf rkujh ruy k r$Tytf v rmkghjmkgf buf kug fb ƒorte messo piano piano piannissimo gh fhvrfghf jht nbgfd g hgf gfc bfc gj cng cngbfcbnm cbnf cnb vbg jh gfj hg fhf what is your favorite song to play on drums??? \f bvhdhvdsb,mkvh e,jgvmks t,getj hgjergn frgt g jkerfjr hg ekjg g sekdgmketg th t h ty h thre h yh t h htr hderh rthrthrtw yh tb t h rt htrhyrejuh u;p jh,m guk '; f;'djh;dtu jyrsf ;n s';hn gfbh ;gfsl hlgf h;lk gv b kg;b g k gfd h ghsf,d'g kdjlbvgh g' jhg h nh sfgh f j sf jn j mkgdbcj tgs m,g j jyrm smjsh j thids is prodbaby tha e4 r jmost random bloig in rt he world ia m taimping so fargst that ia ma am spekllingth things whkejrhong\ have you seen battle royale i just saw it on google video last noight!!!! it eas awesome!!! so much blood and gore and blood and kiling and pot lids and binoculars and teenagers killing eachother and crazy guy eating cookays and bullet proof vewst and food poisoning and tampons in the toilet and i am making a rediculously and stupid run-on sentince and stuff and may keyboord is brookin ia am missin an oo on may laptp and i keep pressin git too much r not pressing it al all because the key is missing and i have to press the tiny little button thing where the key goes overtop of and in battle royale the teenagers kill eachothe rand this guy whose nickname is the third mad hacks the server thing and he makes a suicide bomb and all the ppl are japanese and they go on a bus and they are gassed and the shcool uniforms in the film are different from the ones described in the book t, and who cares anywhay okay i am going to end this final sentince soon so goodbye and i will probable never post on this blog ever again because blogs are stupid and stuff so yeah godbye i just made a sentince the size of a paragraph thou it is a runon sentince itt doesnt really count my arms and finger are getting tired forom typing i have never typed this much without a break in my whole entire life yet before. haha look at the se pics!!!
  22. i dont really celebrate christmas so its just like a regular day. lots of people work on christmas. lots of people have to work on christmas! not such a merry christmas for them. what is a frag? what does it mean i am dead? my hp is zero!! how do i get alive again? it says RIP!! am i like this forever!!!??? why do i live on the moon of cheeze??? ------------- >What the hell are you guys talking about? there is no candy mountain. >Shun the non believer. SHUN.
  23. i dont really celebrate christmas so its just like a regular day. lots of people work on christmas. lots of people have to work on christmas! not such a merry christmas for them. by the way, it seems that i am "dead". how can i get undead. if you look to the left there is a RIP sign and my hp is zero my frags are 0 instead of 1. some flock ass killed me. how can i get "alive" again?? and what the hell is a frag? what about credits? ------------- >What the hell are you guys talking about? there is no candy mountain. >Shun the non believer. SHUN.
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