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endoplasmic reticulum

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Everything posted by endoplasmic reticulum

  1. what the flock!!!! it keeps replacing flock with flock and crap with crap and male organ with male organ!! and also censor with censor and biatch with biatch and what the flock with what the flock plaease dont arrest me for swearing flock you bitches who made the language filter why do the not say female organ they say male organ they say censor instead of female organ -------------------------- by the way, have you tried benylins cold medicine? it knocks you right the flock out!
  2. sharp dressed man by ZZTop Tush by ZZTop cheap sunglasses by ZZTop stairway to heaven by led zeppelin -------------------------- by the way, have you tried benylins cold medicine? it knocks you right the flock out!
  3. thos codes suck i want other codes does any1 make codes? or modify them? i used to know how to modify action replay codes but i forgot. it has something to do with hexidecimals or something... ===================================================================== anyway, have you tried benylins cold medicine? it knocks you right the f*** out!
  4. how is this useless? by the way have you tried benylins cold medicine? it knocks you right the f*** out!
  5. I heard a rumor the other day that a new Nintendo DS is comming out soon. Is it true??
  6. where can i find a good dreamcast emulator??
  7. i am lookin for codes for simcity ds.
  8. and what the hell are you people talking about??? oem?? what the hell is an oem. this post makes me feel like a rusty old honda car in a parking lot filled with non-rusty new honda cars.
  9. vista doesn't hava a whole lot more interesting features than windows xp. i mean, who cares if you have see through windows or a sidebar with a clock and a notepad on it. I have windows xp and vista. although windows xp is highly compromized, it is the best choice. vista is more of a "look i am cool. see what i can do" computer. xp is not as decorated, doesn't have the fancy settings and the fancy search thing but it works better than vita by far as an office computer. vista and xp both tend crash like drunk drivers if you load them with a whole bunch of rubbish applications and 60 gb of "media". vista is like xp but with gold paint on it. i do not recomend linux it sucks. it took forever to load and it took forever to take that s*** off. the only thing it is good for os the bottom of the compost bin. who has a compost bin anyway (only hippies use them [no offence]) and macs are just entertainment. except for games. and emulators. anyway, windows is only crap if you mess around with all the settings.
  10. I'm lookin for some emulators for the ds. i already got: gbc and gb nes snes dont bother giving me any links to or names of MAME emulators; MAME sucks ass. dont laugh at me for posting this im too lazy to search and you're too bored to not post.
  11. Whatever you do, DO NOT buy Games n' Music by Datel it is CRAP i got one and it broke in three weeks! i have to use a paperclip or a piece of plastic to hold the MicroSD card in and the usb adapter broke i had to get an sd adaplter for it so i can use my old adapter seriously it sucks
  12. i am lookin for a sega saturn emulator for the ds. one 4 the pc would be also nice. it doesnt have to be saturn it could be dreamcast or even an older sega. my friend used to have sega and it rocks! i am also looking for any emulator that works for the ds and actually can play the goddamn GAMES!! dont bother with NES, SNES, GBC or GB 'cause i already got those. and dont bother with MAME because MAME sucks donkey balls!!
  13. I know its incrediblu stupid but i have gba roms on my pc that i want to play on my ds. gba roms are pretty much obsolete. u can only find them in pawn shops and eb games! i cant find some of my favorite gba games in stores. all the ones i can find SUCK!!! i already have a crappy slot 1 card. the slot 2 cards wont fit much. furthurmore i cant find any!!!!!!! alternatively, i will look for a program to convert gba roms to nds roms or snes roms i dont care if emulators aree inferior to the real games themselves. wtf i bettter give upp
  14. That is not exactly what i need... not even close. I want a thing that i can save to my ds card with a ".nds" extension that can play gba roms. Like SNEmulDS or NESDS or LAMEBOY. plus, i dont want to buy anything!!!!!
  15. Does any1 know of a way to play gba roms on the nds? I am using games n' music slot-1 card. i can already play gbc, gb, nes and snes roms on my ds. i have searched for months with out finding 1!!! Is there any1 who can develop such an emulator that can play gba on the nds?
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