You can find gpstar in 'general games', works fine with 4 40 65535 here. P47aces is in the last list (480p/720p) and works here after a long virtual mem organization. (find them easily with the notepad search function) As only a few games can't load at your place, the best way is (according to me) let the user set it himself. Users can just use the vm manager in advanced settings, and try values. For example 4 1024 65535 It's just an example, the second value must be tried with the highest settings for a quicker launch and less hdd access. Then divide 1024 by 64 : 1024/64=16. You get this way the value for vm.txt or vmhidef.txt: zipname 4 16 65535 Edit the value in vm .txt or place zipname 4 16 65535 at the top of the list (the first value found will be used by CoinOPS). My opininon is if you have fixed all the last values for your xbox, there are now good chances for a perfect work with most of the xboxes. Hehe, now the full release my friend ?