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Everything posted by volzzilla

  1. Found a few websites that include homebrew games, game hacks, and unreleased prototypes for a few platforms (mostly Atari) and was wondering if after being downloaded and placed into the ROM list for an emulator on the XBox, if the game will work as intended, or does each game require certain coding after being put in an emulator?
  2. Long story, but basically I'm not a modder or programmer. Instead, just someone that is looking for various working links to files so a friend can do the modding for me. Here is the link to the game http://spyshadow.dyndns.org:90/XBOX/XBOX%2...ES/SNIPERALPHA/ Just tested this out, seems to be an unfinished homebrew game. Not worth looking at. Thank you so much for the info.
  3. Long story, but basically I'm not a modder or programmer. Instead, just someone that is looking for various working links to files so a friend can do the modding for me. Here is the link to the game http://spyshadow.dyndns.org:90/XBOX/XBOX%2...ES/SNIPERALPHA/
  4. No idea, just found this ftp location and it was listed as one of the games in the xbox homebrew folder.
  5. Hi, recently found a place offering a DL of a homebrew game called SniperAlpha. However, cannot find anything at all on it other than some people have it for Xbox. Was just hoping someone could tell me about it and maybe point me towards some screenshots. Thanks.
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