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Everything posted by Smilee

  1. Went to class and played resident evil 4 with this girl all day.
  2. I don't know, I thought it was the first to do console shooters right. Especially online.
  3. Dirty Handz 3 Very interesting, give it a watch.
  4. Suicide Commando - No More
  5. Oh, wow! Really? The closest thing to one of those that I have watched in the last few months might have been The Forbidden Kingdom with Jackie Chan and Jet Li. Have there been any good HK films lately? Just been gathering up a list of these and other asian films to watch. I think the HK film that's pretty anticipated at the moment is the Chi bi movie by John woo (Battle of Red Cliffs of RoTK). It comes out somewhere in July 2008, just don't know when Have you seen The Killer? I heard it was way better than Hard-boiled even though Hard-boiled was pretty good.
  6. It's a sign that game reviewers fail to overlook the hype of a game and review the game standalone, and take away the extra points the game gets for the hype it is composed of. Each review of an overhyped game, gets 1.5 extra points for the hype alone, whereas Metal Gear Solid 4, is legitimately in the 9 area. Dude they've been doing that for a long while.
  7. What about the secret ending on Legendary where you see Master Chief's ship floating towards a huge unknown planet? Doesn't that ending suggest there will be games featuring him in the future? It's just a speculation.
  8. I studied for midterms the whole day. Summer classes rule.
  9. The Specialists It's a shame that not that many people play these mods anymore. I blame the role-playing.
  10. Labratz - Can I Bus It's rare to find good hip hop from the south.
  11. Rare Earth - I Just Want to Celebrate They're playing right now on the beach.
  12. Freaking hippies petitioned against the local government to ban the fireworks at the boardwalk this year. Too bad they didn't stop anyone else.
  13. OMG! You've never heard of Unreal Tournament? Unreal Tournament was released the SAME YEAR as Quake 3:Arena so it was seen as THE only true rival to Q3's deathmatch! Unreal Tournament AKA UT99 was known as the much deeper FPS to Quake 3:Arena back in 1999 due to its inclusion of secondary firing modes on all of its guns and many different multiplayer game modes! The UT bots' AI was much better than the bots found in Quake 3 too! Eh, I prefer Q3 over UT99.
  14. Time Machine - The Unfortunate Twist ft. Greg Nice
  15. That guy speaks the truth. p.s. that forum is pretty tight, a lot of hating goin around but that's expected from a hip-hop forum.
  16. Eight because it was the only one I seriously played and beaten.
  17. With the latest patch you can.
  18. I thought the barbarian dude gets his head bitten off? That's one thing that I'm concerned about. I know it won't be sensible for them to include instant kill moves for bosses, but from the game play video it looked like a kill-sync a la DoW where a character getting killed by another monster goes into a kill animation. The problem was that during these kill-syncs the character that started the animation was invincible for the duration.
  19. Even though the necromancer was replaced by the witch doctor, (necromancer was by far my favorite class) I'm still waiting to see how he plays out in the long run. It's just way too early too tell if he's not going to meet the old player's standards or not. Also due to a new lead designer (Jay Wilson, dawn of war anyone?) I can expect some interesting changes in the future.
  20. I'm very sure blizzard won't let us down on this one.
  21. Me too, saw it and thought it was pretty good.
  22. I initially thought you misplaced a picture of Soul Calibur.
  23. Did you put your change in your socks?
  24. How was it? I only stayed in Manhattan when I went.
  25. I really hope it's a Diablo 3 announcement. The recent ladder reset has sparked my interest again.
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