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Everything posted by Smilee

  1. Not really, but as said before it might take a long while to get back into. The first few attempts at it will probably discourage you, but if you stick with it you can probably get better with a lot of concentration.
  2. I might get back into playing again, playing with a group with other friends was pretty cool. I'll let you know if i'm getting back on.
  3. The Coen brothers have always had strange comedy movies, The Big Lebowski is a good one too.
  4. It's not being put to practice, but that's a pretty extreme consideration right there.
  5. It's always been real.
  6. Awesome, more shmups is always a good thing, especially with Raiden.
  7. J Dilla - Gobstopper
  8. Dawn of War: Dark Crusade Because I'm getting ready for this.
  9. Looking good, can't wait till these come out.
  10. I would have added Bomberman 64 and Turok 64 as honorable mentions.
  11. Kool & the Gang - Hollywood Swingin'
  12. I should root for my home team, but i'm going with the Lakers.
  13. God Complex - Outer Limits
  14. I'm pretty sure in the next update, Microsoft was removing said problem.
  15. Not being jealous, just stating that they do indeed have quite a bit of money.
  16. I didn't see it, but I knew it wasn't gonna be a great match considering the amount of hype.
  17. Nomak - Velodrome remix
  18. Could you explain what you mean by, "when needed to"? Like how you just go along and cope with other people, you need to pay attention to those that are talking in order to connect with them.
  19. When it comes to friends, I'm pretty talkative around them. With other people, I tend to stay in the background and just listen and laugh when needed to.
  20. I stopped listening to them after Believe, how is their new album? Didn't like Ten Thousand Fists very much.
  21. De La Soul - Me Myself and I
  22. It's fun on the first play through. There's not much replayability unless you want to spend the whole time collecting flags. The mechanic is fun, but it gets kinda old after a while since you're basically doing the same thing over and over again for almost every assassination.
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