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Everything posted by Smilee

  1. http://pbfcomics.com/
  2. Calvin and Hobbes.
  3. Jel - All Day Breakfast
  4. Still can't make friends with DaW. The other way round, can't wait for CnC Addon release next week . Oh me neither. And Red Alert 3 and Starcraft 2 as well. Those're gonna be frikin sweet. But I still consider DoW the best strategy game of all time. It gives you the best feeling of war out of all of them. So in your opinion, should I wait until they fix all the bugs with Soulstorm before getting it? The new expansion doesn't really interest me that much but hey it's DoW.
  5. Talk to someone about it, holding it in won't do you any good. When my roommate died all of us that knew him just gathered around and cried. Don't do anything drastic such as drinking alcohol or something like that. Just keep it steady and take some time off.
  6. Abstract Rude - Birds of a Feather
  7. I used to drive a '99 Camry Le. It did its job getting me from point A to point B.
  8. Cool review, I just got through GoW2 and I need more. If only I had a psp...
  9. One of Scorsese's best. 9.5/10.
  10. Miles Davis and Cannonball Adderley - Autumn Leaves
  11. I've never played the game, but a couple of my friends were into D&D. From what I've heard, they've always been positive experiences. R.I.P.
  12. Classic Noir at it's finest. 9/10
  13. Probably one of the most ironic endings that I have seen.
  14. I'd love to drop by, but college work needs to be done this coming weekend. Have an awesome day anyways on your 25th.
  15. 3rd Strike for me, it was the only one on that list that I was kinda good at. I'm terrible at MvC2, but it's always fun watching friends playing it.
  16. I'm still waiting for Ikaruga.
  17. I assume you guys are in high school right? Basically this is what I pretty much did up until sophomore year. I went home and did stuff by myself and whatnot. Come junior year I started getting into other hobbies, sports, and clubs. As a result I met a lot more people with similar interests and I began to develop more "real" friends over the year. Sure we'd go to my house and play video games and other stuff, but doing these activities with friends is what sets it apart from doing stuff by yourself. Highschool pretty much sucked, but hanging out with other kids every other day was the redeeming factor. Once you get into college you'll be with friends pretty much every time you are free.
  18. Bay area eh? Which part? I'm down in Santa Cruz and I usually go to Colma during the holidays. Anyways I won't mind some free stuff lol, my friend is getting some free stuff from gamecrazy also so we could probably trade.
  19. It would have been criminal if he didn't win this.
  20. Amplive - Reckonerz (In Raindbows remix)
  21. Himalayan Project - The Wrath of Lomas
  22. Definitely, it's a short game yet I enjoyed the whole experience until the end. Not good enough for a replay though. God of War 2, damn titan mode is hard. Short? I have been playing since December! I have to take occasional breaks when playing so that those repetitive missions won't bog me down Hmm I guess I rushed through it doing just the bare minimum required to find your assassination target. Although it's not a short game if you dedicated your time to collecting all the flags
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