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Everything posted by Smilee

  1. Jurassic 5 - Concrete Schoolyard
  2. This movie made cattle guns as cool weapons.
  3. Very good, if you like noir with a hint of comedy in between. 9/10
  4. So it's worth the 60 bucks? I plan on getting it tomorrow.
  5. I try to hit the gym on weekends if i'm not too busy. Overall I don't have a set plan or anything like that.
  6. Jurassic 5 - Quality Control
  7. Patriots defense was non-existent. Giants deserved that win.
  8. Beastie Boys - The Move
  9. Which class(es) do you play most often? Pyro and Engineer for me.
  10. Call of Duty 4. Going for that golden sniper.
  11. Blu & Exile - Simply Amazin'
  12. A simple storyline that depicts a haunting future. 8.5/10
  13. Wu-tang Clan - Protect Ya Neck
  14. I think I set my hopes way to high for Turok. I've been waiting for a good proper sequel to the n64 titles. I'd go with DMC4, but NG2 might end up being way better. How is Lost Odyssey anyways?
  15. Robot looks like R.O.B. and Toon Link looks like Link from Windwaker.
  16. Sebutunes - Games
  17. 44 playable characters? or 44 characters in total.
  18. I'm all about balancing study and leisure time. Don't have a solid schedule that outlines the whole week, but I do have a mental list of things to do (study and meetings) that must be done in the week.
  19. Maybe this is everything you can unlock.
  20. So some people got the game quite a bit early before it's Jan 31 release. Joystiq
  21. I think you mean conservative. Fox has always been a biased news show with a political spectrum to the far right.
  22. Living Legends - The Other Side
  23. Those are pretty much the reasons why I didn't buy paradise in the end. Burnout 3 was a blast to play, and it cut pretty much most of the bs you have to go through just to race. Free-roam racing games are pretty much a big turnoff for me since you have to find stuff just to do anything.
  24. On pc: Half-life On console: Halo 1. Yeah it is, it pretty much set the bar for current gen console shooters.
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