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Everything posted by Smilee

  1. Dj Mitsu the Beats - Miwa Says...
  2. English or Japanese, my friend saw it in Japanese but i have seen his two other movies and paranoia agent. Japanese, I could only find an English sub vcd.
  3. Right after I saw Hot Fuzz, I saw: All I can say is "woah."
  4. Happy new year! May 2008 be a much better year than the previous one.
  5. I really envy those who have the PC version of the game, always wanted to fight the brumak but thanks to Epic and time constraints it didn't happen on the 360. Good review, the game held me for a few good months until all the exploits and glitches online pretty much ruined a fun experience.
  6. Nujabes - Luv (sic.) ft. Shing02
  7. Ebay is the answer to all problems.
  8. Have a fun time trying to beat the last boss in Gears. It's too bad the cover mechanics in campaign don't really translate at all toward multiplayer. Cod4, Almost 55!
  9. Beastie Boys - No Sleep Till Brooklyn
  10. It's a post-apocalyptic vampire-zombie movie. Can't wait to see it tomorrow, been looking for a good movie after finals.
  11. Gears of War and Assassin's Creed. I don't get a chance to play Assassin's Creed that often so it really doesn't get repetitive at all for me. Awesome game, but I doubt I'll play it again after beating it.
  12. It looks like he needs some class. He looks like a bum for now.
  13. It has that GTA feel/vibe to it and for that I can't wait for this game.
  14. I can't wait for this, but I'm trying really hard not to get too hyped up and expect it to be the next best thing ever. It looks great, but I can't wait to see what else they will reveal gameplay-wise overtime.
  15. Aesop Rock and MF DOOM. Before I listened to basically everything on and off. After I heard these guys I was exclusively hooked to this type of hip-hop.
  16. What do you have in mind specifically?
  17. I used to play a lot of Gears on the 360, but I stopped due to various glitches and severe lag problems with some games. Now all my time is taken up from COD4. W40K: Dark Crusade
  18. Banjo Kazooie Super Mario 64 Donkey Kong Country 2
  19. Helloooooo Alison! Man that was the only song I listened to in JSRF. Visionaries - 1% (remix)
  20. Zion I - The Bay
  21. I think he's talking about Vacant, the really small indoors map. Personally I like that map as using an smg is quite the advantage and can rack you up tons of points.
  22. How is the single player? I read that Epic focused on it a bit more compared to previous titles. Last game I played was Call of Duty 2 campaign.
  23. Call of Duty 4 BLACK F.E.A.R.
  24. Bizarre Ride II is a great album. Himalayan Project - The Project
  25. Same here. EDIT: My mother just informed me that she bought it for me! Yay! I now have a boxed version of pretty much every Valve release. I just have to get Counter-Strike: Anthology and Counter-Strike: Source boxed. People tell me that I must be crazy to get the boxed version when I already got it off of Steam. Last time I checked, Best Buy still has a ton of them. If you didn't buy it Friday, the sale will last through Saturday too. Alright cool, I didn't get a chance to go to Best Buy today. I read that the sale will expire Sunday so I better go tomorrow.
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