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Everything posted by Smilee

  1. I'm going to try to get that Orange Box for pc sale just for $25.
  2. http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/no_country...d_men/about.php
  3. Man I'm so glad I saw this movie instead of Hitman. Overall I thought it was really good and would recommend you guys to see it. You might not like the ending, but the characters and pacing make up for it in my opinion.
  4. No playable Malcom or Xan? That sucks, at least I hope they don't put Mr. Crow back in...
  5. Happy Thanksgiving It's a well deserved break after a long week of studying and essay writing.
  6. GAGLE - One Lovely Day
  7. I used to play a lot since the quarter started, but I slowed down quite a bit recently. My name on steam is the same one here so you can message me if you want to play. (I only have 1.6).
  8. Just Call of Duty 4, I'm going to wait until winter break to purchase Mass Effect.
  9. Call of Duty 4, I finally got it!
  10. Chem tests are easy for me, but I have a lot more difficulty dealing with calc tests.
  11. Cunninlynguists - Southernunderground
  12. Hifana - See'em
  13. Half-Life Dawn of War Quake
  14. Incubus - We're Smokin'
  15. MenteRoja - What is to be Done?
  16. The Ryu - Ill Beatnik
  17. I enjoyed Gears of War a lot. It isn't the best game in the market, but it was fun as hell playing co-op when it first came out. Halo 2 is a huge leap compared to Halo 1. Halo 3 ups the ante in terms of graphics and gameplay compared to Halo 2. However as the series progresses, the campaign gets progressively worse. If you really enjoyed the campaign in Halo 1 prepare to be disappointed as you play Halo 2 and 3. If you enjoyed the multiplayer, then you'll really like Halo 3's multiplayer custom options and gametypes.
  18. I'm definitely going to buy it after my midterms are done. Coupled with other games coming out, it's a good time to be a 360 owner.
  19. the hell? playing an old game on your spanking new X360?!? Why not? They look great on the 360 and they're compatible with Xbox live as well. Playing Halo 1 with a 360 controller is much better than the Xbox one.
  20. At least it will pay off in the end, school and gaming-wise. Bioshock was one hell of a ride the first time through, unfortunately I haven't played it much since I bought it.
  21. I could have sworn you changed it to a .gif of Mars People from Metal Slug for a brief time and then changed it back to the mummy.
  22. Gamertag: Smi1ee 360 Games: Gears of War Halo 3 Bioshock Dead Rising Crackdown NFS: Carbon Forza 2 Eternal Sonata PGR3 XBLA: Aegis Wing Geometry Wars HD Alien Hominid Marble Blast Ultra I'm going to get CoD4 sometime later and hopefully Mass Effect if I have enough money for it.
  23. OMG ITS KLESK! Man you just brought me back several years my man I used that model all the time. Same here, it's too bad my quake playing habits are not as frequent as they used to be .
  24. The Ryu - Ill-Beatnik (ft. Boss The MC)
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