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Everything posted by Smilee

  1. Is the multiplayer good? Halo 3 multiplayer didn't really hold me for long and the CoD4 beta was a blast compared to the Halo 3 multi IMO. Right now I'm playing F.E.A.R.
  2. Have had my avatar for a very long time. Gave up on changing sigs, it seems much more cleaner to me without a signature.
  3. I hear that...i know the basics of quantum mechanics from all the chemistry courses and a physics course called Quantum Mechanics and Modern Physics, and it still blows my mind....the best thing that can be said my Chemistry professor told me at the beginning of the term..."Quantum mechanics is one of those things that i will teach you, you will not really understand it, then next year, another chemistry class will make you learn it again, and you will have some idea what is going on. This will continue while you are here at the University until when you are seniors, you will understand enough about quantum mechanics to know that you just have to accept it and not go looking for logical reasoning." At my school, one of the hardest courses is Physics 213: Thermodynamics...every year, most of the class leaves on the exam days and final exam days crying because of the difficulty of the material...sadly i have to take this class next year sometime...A note to all you people out there who are looking for majors...go into psychology...it will save your soul...physics and chemistry labs can be proven to steal the souls of engineers, as well as their social lives... I guess I gotta say goodbye to my social life while it lasts. Chem major here I come.
  4. Counter-Strike gun game mod.
  5. Cunninlynguists - Dirty Acres
  6. El-P - Flyentology ft. Trent Reznor
  7. Cops can give you one thing, the rush and adrenaline of running away from them.
  8. Any of the Raiden Fighters, and Armed Police Batrider. I can't think of more at the moment.
  9. Dj Shadow - Bedroom Beats 3
  10. Guitar Hero 3 with a controller, yeah it was as fun as it sounds.
  11. Heh same here. Currently listening to the Silent Hill 1 OST.
  12. When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk.
  13. Dilated Peoples - Things I Dream
  14. Sure, why not? If we could post our thoughts on that what we're playing instead of just naming the game then it would be fine.
  15. I guess I wasn't the only one underwhelmed by the Hellgate London demo. Cod4 is being reserved for my 360, definitely going to pick up UT3 in the future.
  16. Peter Jackson's Dead Alive.
  17. A Tribe Called Quest - Lyrics to Go
  18. Kid Koala - More Dance Music
  19. As long as I got good grades my parents didn't care that much on what I played. If I got into trouble or bad grades, they simply took them away.
  20. I just hope to god that it's 2d, that's all.
  21. http://www.joystiq.com/2007/10/17/capcom-a...ter-4/#comments Debut trailer in the link as well.
  22. Dj Krush - Stormy Cloud with Ken Shima
  23. Metal Gear Series Rainbow Six Series 3d fighters in general (expect maybe DoA)
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