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Everything posted by Smilee

  1. I understand, and i dont underestimate them since i actually know how to play with them very effectively. But through my experience, they arent as good fighters as say Luigi, Fox, Falco, Dr.Mario ect. Well of course because they're higher tier than Ice Climbers, they'll always have a certain advantage over the climbers.
  2. I only knew one person who actually played with them seriously, and she wasn't half bad.
  3. I recently got back into LOD and I can't wait for this game. Guild Wars didn't interest me enough to stick with it, hopefully this game will have the same depth as LOD.
  4. I got the impression that they're going to make the game more action-y and less scary in that interview. I'm not that impressed so far, but it's too early to make assumptions and we'll have to wait for more previews and ultimately the game itself to see how it turns out.
  5. If you see me in tokyo... Nomak - Pour it Out
  6. Enemy Territory: Quake Wars demo
  7. My friend always plays those different/out-of-place characters in fighting games just because he has a good laugh playing them seriously. I'm sure he'll pick up Bob immediately.
  8. Aesop Rock - Labor
  9. Sweatshop Union - Thing About It
  10. Nomak - In the Dope
  11. Yeah, but all the zombies shown in the previews were black. Honestly I think if you see the game as a racist statement then you're just looking for a right to complain.
  12. Nomak - Undercooled
  13. Didn't residents attack you if you stole their possessions in Fable?
  14. This quote came to mind when reading this topic.
  15. Dj Krush - Sun is Shining
  16. I haven't played Quake 3 in months. However if you want to set up a match I'll gladly play.
  17. Dj Krush - Toh-sui
  18. I want the PS3 to succeed as well. Don't get me wrong as I don't hate the 360 or Wii at all, in fact I own both. I don't care if one system is better than the other, it's the games I want to play. If the PS3 is going strong then I'll see more games I want to play on that system that won't be available on the other two.
  19. Blue Scholars - Self Portrait
  20. I never beat him, wasn't skilled enough to defeat him. The problem was that I was too much of a perfectionist and I only wanted to beat ultima weapon for that last GF but in order to do so I needed to convert Laguna's card into 100 heroes. A catch 22 situation for me.
  21. I played a couple hours into the game so far and the combat gets pretty frantic in the later levels with multiple guys going after you. So far I'm enjoying it immensely and I haven't had an experience such as this since Half-life.
  22. Yes you can buy the core or "arcade" version of the 360 and add a 120gb hard drive later on.
  23. ShinSight Trio - Early Dayz Amazement
  24. Amazing how he was able to walk it off.
  25. You're quite lucky magnis to get it so early at TRU. Too bad I have to wait a whole week just to get it now .
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