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Everything posted by Smilee

  1. Its out, is it for the pc or the xbox 360 that you are talking about, or are you bull crapping. The demo was released on Xbox live tonight, it's taking a while to download as so many people are doing the same thing.
  2. Bioshock demo I wish... it's taking forever to download
  3. Reel Big Fish - Sell Out
  4. That's why they are called theories. They are based on observational facts and are always subject to change no matter what.
  5. Very interesting, always exciting to see things such as this show up.
  6. Resident Evil 4 Wii edition.
  7. I kinda enjoyed Deception, then again it was the only new MK that I've played so far.
  8. SFA CvS2 GGX2 #Reload DoA 3 and uh KoF 2k2/2k3 I guess.
  9. Native Guns - Said It
  10. Well the majority of people at 4-year colleges are undecided.
  11. Same here, so many good games coming out this fall and I just happen to be tight on money.
  12. Native Guns - Initiation
  13. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Under the Bridge
  14. Dj Krush - Stormy Cloud
  15. Hangar 18 - Beatslope
  16. The article didn't mention Mass Effect for the 360? or the new MGS4 trailer? Those were pretty big events during e3.
  17. Can't wait till it comes out. The Limited Edition case looks sweet as well.
  18. Swollen Members - Consumption
  19. Even though I'm really excited for this game I'm quite skeptical on how it's going to turn out. It's being developed by The Collective (Marc Ecko's: Getting Up) so I'll have to wait for more info to see how it's turning out.
  20. Blue Dragon demo. I haven't played a JRPG for a while so this demo was refreshing.
  21. It also comes with a map editor as well. Should be interesting to see user created maps.
  22. There's five more chapters in the pc version as well as the game running at 60 fps. I really hope they release all the new content from the pc on the 360 as DLC.
  23. Surprised to see Sonic and Golden Axe on XBLA. Glad to hear they're available tonight.
  24. Congratulations iq!
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