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Emu Newbie

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Everything posted by Emu Newbie

  1. O.K. Well I downloaded xsnexbox and moved the folder to my xbox's hd - put it in my "emulator" folder and i have one quick question. I can get the emulator to run if I go through file explorer and click on the default.xbe, but I was wondering how could I make a file to click on when, like when I go to the emulator folder off of my dashboard (just like when I added mame x, fba-xxx, etc.). Thanks! Ben
  2. Hi everyone, I'm running a BAED dvd for my nes, snes, genesis, etc., and I recently bought an hd cord for my xbox. While at first I was having quite a bit of trouble when attempting to get these emulators to run at anything higher than 480i. I tried setting my unleashx to a higher resolution - but when I entered the emulator on the disc and tried to increase the resolution the screen got all messed up (the emulator didn't freeze, i just couldn't really see anything). I next tried to go to the factory MS dash and adjust the resolution there (this didn't help either - it did the same thing as before). The last thing I tried, was to put the unleashx resolution down to 480i, then proceed to go to the baed dvd and change the emulator resolution from there - good news this worked!!!! Although, I did have to stretch the games out to fit the screen. Anyways, I was able to get the NES and genesis emulators to handle 1080i no problem. I was also able to do it w/ my snes (xsne9x), but when I used the right analog stick to back out of a rom I was playing (in an attempt to select another rom), the emulator froze. So i restarted the xbox, but now I can't open the snes emulator on my BAED dvd any longer. The NES and GENESIS one's still work just fine. I assume I have to reset some sort of file (possibly .ini ?) for the emulator, but I'm not sure where to start. Thanks in advance! Ben
  3. Emulation works fine, i'm just talking about menu music for the NES emulator. The weird thing is, that originally it worked (right when I got my BAED disc). I bought my system from someone else, and maybe he put the mp3 on the harddrive, and then I messed up the directory. I'll search the hdd and see if there are any mp3's on it. Ben
  4. Crap, I meant to ask this question regarding the NES emualtor I have (fce Ultra). I've tried everything and still can't get it to work! Ben
  5. Yea, it is probably something simple that I'm missing.
  6. Just a random question, I'm running the BAED disk on my xbox and the first couple of times I ran the FCEultra I had music in the background (while selecting roms), but now I don't (I must have changed some function). I was wondering if there was a way to get it back? I know that you can click the left analog stick and go through the directories and find the smb2.mp3, which I've done, but I still am no longer getting music playback when I'm moving through the menus. I still have the sounds when scrolling through the roms, opening the rom, etc. Thanks guys. Ben
  7. I liked anthology
  8. Alrighty, I got the emulator to work; however, it doesn't seem to do a good job at all when attempting to emulate MK1 (rather slow). Am I doing something wrong (is there some setting I need to change). I recall reading posts saying that others are able to run MKI and II w/ no problems on this particular mame build. Thanks. Ben
  9. Hi all, I'm a newb to some extent (that's why I'm here). Anyways, I've been trying to install MAMEoX_v0.72.1b.zip on my xbox; however, I don't believe I'm getting anywhere. I've transfered the zip file to my xbox w/ an ftp client. Following this I unzipped it on the xbox, via unleash x. So I've made a folder filled w/ mame stuff; however, this doesn't do anything. Do i need a binary or a compiler??? If so, could you guys point to the one that I would need (specifically that is - link ) Thanks for the help. I've been enjoying some FBA-XXX and others so far. I love xbox emulation! Ben
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